翻譯 關於一些HEN的誤解 - 改機

By Kristin
at 2009-04-19T01:05
at 2009-04-19T01:05
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Eior (小伊)》之銘言:
: It seems that some people are still a little confused about the HEN, so let
: me post a few things that I hope will clear up your thoughts:
: 看來似乎還是有些人對於HEN有些誤解,所以就讓我寫些東西,
: 希望可以澄清這些人的想法
: First things first, this will be a HEN, NOT an E-loader. They are two very
: different things. E-loader runs in user-mode while a HEN has access to the
: kernel.
: 第一件事就是,這只是HEN而不是E-loader,他們兩者是完全不同的東西,E-loader
: 只在HEN存取核心時才能在使用者模式中執行
: Also - THERE WILL BE NO ISO LOADER Davee has already said a few times there
: will be no CSO/ISO loader because he does not support piracy. What does this
: mean? You will not be able to play ISOs, CSOs, or UMD Game backups. But thats
: not all we use our CFW for... is it? :) Like I said, he posted that thought a
: few days ago, so its always possible he could change his mind, but that's how
: it stands for now.
: 所以,"不會有iso的讀取軟體"。
: Davee已經說過他不會做這些東西,因為他不想幫助盜版。
: 這是什麼意思?
: 就是你不能用這去玩ISO、CSO或是UMD的備份片,
: 但這不全是我們為了使用自製韌體的原因,不是嗎?:)
: 就像我所說得,他在幾天前貼了那篇文章,所以他也很有可能改變他的想法,
: 但至少目前來說還是如此。
: The ISO/CSO loader modules were created by Team m33. So he would either have
: to get their permission to use them, or reverse engineer them. So don't think
: it will be easy for another hacker to add in support.
: It seems that some people are still a little confused about the HEN, so let
: me post a few things that I hope will clear up your thoughts:
: 看來似乎還是有些人對於HEN有些誤解,所以就讓我寫些東西,
: 希望可以澄清這些人的想法
: First things first, this will be a HEN, NOT an E-loader. They are two very
: different things. E-loader runs in user-mode while a HEN has access to the
: kernel.
: 第一件事就是,這只是HEN而不是E-loader,他們兩者是完全不同的東西,E-loader
: 只在HEN存取核心時才能在使用者模式中執行
: Also - THERE WILL BE NO ISO LOADER Davee has already said a few times there
: will be no CSO/ISO loader because he does not support piracy. What does this
: mean? You will not be able to play ISOs, CSOs, or UMD Game backups. But thats
: not all we use our CFW for... is it? :) Like I said, he posted that thought a
: few days ago, so its always possible he could change his mind, but that's how
: it stands for now.
: 所以,"不會有iso的讀取軟體"。
: Davee已經說過他不會做這些東西,因為他不想幫助盜版。
: 這是什麼意思?
: 就是你不能用這去玩ISO、CSO或是UMD的備份片,
: 但這不全是我們為了使用自製韌體的原因,不是嗎?:)
: 就像我所說得,他在幾天前貼了那篇文章,所以他也很有可能改變他的想法,
: 但至少目前來說還是如此。
: The ISO/CSO loader modules were created by Team m33. So he would either have
: to get their permission to use them, or reverse engineer them. So don't think
: it will be easy for another hacker to add in support.
All Comments

By Kama
at 2009-04-21T16:49
at 2009-04-21T16:49

By Susan
at 2009-04-23T08:14
at 2009-04-23T08:14

By Annie
at 2009-04-26T07:27
at 2009-04-26T07:27
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