美版boss 島活動 - 天堂

By Odelette
at 2009-07-17T03:46
at 2009-07-17T03:46
Table of Contents
小弟是拿弓 有三隻地獄
小弟弓是+8天使 刀是+8南瓜長劍
煩請各位大大指點一下嫩妖(only 52,應該會在活動開始前53@@)
※ 引述《shylock (狸阿貓)》之銘言:
: ◎情報出處:官網討論版
: ◎原文網址:http://boards.lineage.com/showthread.php?t=11276
: ◎情報內容:
: * A Mysterious Old Man can be found in Giran. He will teleport you to
: Bunny Isle if you answer his questions correctly. He will also teleport you
: to Boss Island 1 if you have created a Carrot Key.
: 奇岩有個老頭跟他講話可以去boss島 類似隱谷
: * Bored Looking Boy will appear on Bunny Isle and can teleport you to
: Boss Island 1.
: * Mysterious Crafter will appear on Bunny Isle and will create a Carrot
: Key if you gather ingredients for him.
: * Mysterious Crafter can also craft Fancy Island Belts. These belts will
: only last for the duration of the event.
: * Overwhelmed Looking Boy will appear on Boss Island 1 and will teleport
: you to Boss Island 2 if the first one is too crowded for you.
: 中間這不重要吧
: * 10 different types of bosses can be found on Boss Island 1 and 2. Both
: islands contain the same bosses. Some of these bosses have returned for round
: two of the Boss Island event but they have brought several new boss friends
: with them.
: 有2個島
: 都會出同樣的10種王 有曼波兔 不死鳥 ...等 test的人講的
: * A large number of jindo puppies and tigers will appear on the islands.
: * The bosses have brought many different treasures with them to Boss
: Island including many blessed items.
: 會噴祝福的裝備
: 以下是test得人講的
: 隱斗 究光 飯德刀 日本劍 死刀 暗刀 暗爪 暗弓 尤米 幽刀 金翅膀 銀翅膀 其他未知
: 一般伺服器日期 8月7~8月17 現在test伺服器正在進行中
小弟是拿弓 有三隻地獄
小弟弓是+8天使 刀是+8南瓜長劍
煩請各位大大指點一下嫩妖(only 52,應該會在活動開始前53@@)
※ 引述《shylock (狸阿貓)》之銘言:
: ◎情報出處:官網討論版
: ◎原文網址:http://boards.lineage.com/showthread.php?t=11276
: ◎情報內容:
: * A Mysterious Old Man can be found in Giran. He will teleport you to
: Bunny Isle if you answer his questions correctly. He will also teleport you
: to Boss Island 1 if you have created a Carrot Key.
: 奇岩有個老頭跟他講話可以去boss島 類似隱谷
: * Bored Looking Boy will appear on Bunny Isle and can teleport you to
: Boss Island 1.
: * Mysterious Crafter will appear on Bunny Isle and will create a Carrot
: Key if you gather ingredients for him.
: * Mysterious Crafter can also craft Fancy Island Belts. These belts will
: only last for the duration of the event.
: * Overwhelmed Looking Boy will appear on Boss Island 1 and will teleport
: you to Boss Island 2 if the first one is too crowded for you.
: 中間這不重要吧
: * 10 different types of bosses can be found on Boss Island 1 and 2. Both
: islands contain the same bosses. Some of these bosses have returned for round
: two of the Boss Island event but they have brought several new boss friends
: with them.
: 有2個島
: 都會出同樣的10種王 有曼波兔 不死鳥 ...等 test的人講的
: * A large number of jindo puppies and tigers will appear on the islands.
: * The bosses have brought many different treasures with them to Boss
: Island including many blessed items.
: 會噴祝福的裝備
: 以下是test得人講的
: 隱斗 究光 飯德刀 日本劍 死刀 暗刀 暗爪 暗弓 尤米 幽刀 金翅膀 銀翅膀 其他未知
: 一般伺服器日期 8月7~8月17 現在test伺服器正在進行中
All Comments

By Catherine
at 2009-07-17T10:10
at 2009-07-17T10:10

By Audriana
at 2009-07-21T10:33
at 2009-07-21T10:33

By Oliver
at 2009-07-23T11:52
at 2009-07-23T11:52

By Kama
at 2009-07-26T18:04
at 2009-07-26T18:04

By Elvira
at 2009-07-30T08:08
at 2009-07-30T08:08
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