美版boss 島活動 - 天堂

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-07-17T00:41

Table of Contents




* A Mysterious Old Man can be found in Giran. He will teleport you to
Bunny Isle if you answer his questions correctly. He will also teleport you
to Boss Island 1 if you have created a Carrot Key.

奇岩有個老頭跟他講話可以去boss島 類似隱谷
* Bored Looking Boy will appear on Bunny Isle and can teleport you to
Boss Island 1.
* Mysterious Crafter will appear on Bunny Isle and will create a Carrot
Key if you gather ingredients for him.
* Mysterious Crafter can also craft Fancy Island Belts. These belts will
only last for the duration of the event.
* Overwhelmed Looking Boy will appear on Boss Island 1 and will teleport
you to Boss Island 2 if the first one is too crowded for you.


* 10 different types of bosses can be found on Boss Island 1 and 2. Both
islands contain the same bosses. Some of these bosses have returned for round
two of the Boss Island event but they have brought several new boss friends
with them.
都會出同樣的10種王 有曼波兔 不死鳥 ...等 test的人講的

* A large number of jindo puppies and tigers will appear on the islands.
* The bosses have brought many different treasures with them to Boss
Island including many blessed items.

隱斗 究光 飯德刀 日本劍 死刀 暗刀 暗爪 暗弓 尤米 幽刀 金翅膀 銀翅膀 其他未知

一般伺服器日期 8月7~8月17 現在test伺服器正在進行中

Tags: 天堂

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-07-19T08:25
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-07-23T01:11
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-07-24T21:17
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-07-25T09:41
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-07-25T17:37
祝鎖破 祝抗盔 祝鋼靴 祝尤米 祝力套 等等
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-07-28T09:36
樓上借我刀= =
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-07-28T17:15
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-07-31T12:24
今年我得到的資料是絕對屏障 少數銀光斗 暗黑裝
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-08-02T05:16

歡慶9周年 免費衝衝衝

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-07-16T22:44
原文恕刪... 搭個順風車問一下, 上一波的衝天雷、玄冰、蚩尤活動, 各個伺服器的武卷、防卷、祝武卷、祝防卷, 最後大約都漲到了多少錢?? 上一次夜神伺服器,我的映像是, 白防卷:5萬左右 不是有商人賣48000嗎?但是5萬擺商店也是一下就賣完, 白武卷:10.5萬左右 同白防卷,擺商店10 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-07-16T22:21
送6個真鐵手甲 為什麼我會有這個呢? 因為我本來要去換皮爾斯禮物抽幽暗武器 卻忘了是4等石頭 一路精練到5等 只有6顆 按下去的瞬間 皮爾斯 給你 真鐵手甲 皮爾斯 給你 真鐵手甲 皮爾斯 給你 真鐵手甲 皮爾斯 給你 真鐵手甲 皮爾斯 給你 真鐵手甲 皮爾斯 給你 真鐵手甲 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-07-16T22:17
問題描述: 小弟終於慢慢爬到三十等了XD 要先謝謝各位火神幫助我很多的大大...真的太感動了(淚目) 今天好不容易打完妖魔魔法書(15等時沒有考,30等不能試煉才去補XD) 想說終於可以拿精T了andgt;//andlt; 可是我找不到精靈公主。 一開始以為是精靈皇后那邊,結果爬文發現不是 但是 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-07-16T22:03
我是以目前分享在板上的幾篇文章 共211組序號來作分析 為了Key起來方便 所以我把每一樣東西都用風暴伺服器的價錢 以萬為單位用數字紀錄下來 (例如武卷*8 我記成80) 所以這也導致一些東西無法分辨 (譬如除了恨之鱗以外的三種鱗片都混在一起了) 總之我統計出來數據是: 價值10萬*7 價值15萬*3 ...

歡慶9周年 免費衝衝衝

James avatar
By James
at 2009-07-16T18:51
http://tw.lineage.gamania.com/events/090715_9y_001/9y_main.htm 蚩尤 玄冰 天雷 快收武防阿 - ...