法米通民調 - 任天堂

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-08-08T23:54

Table of Contents


Q1. Which news left you with the biggest impression?
1. Wii Fit
2. Slimline PSP
3. Realtime demo of Metal Gear Solid 4
4. Software lineup of PS3
5. Software lineup of Xbox360

Q2. Which hardware are you anticipating the most?
1. Wii
2. PS3
3. PSP
4. Xbox360
5. PS2

Q3. Which game are you anticipating the most?
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Wii Fit
3. Super Mario Galaxy
4. Dynasty Warriors 6
5. Little Big Planet

Q4. Which person left you with the biggest impression?
1. Hideo Kojima (Konami)
2. Kaz Hirai (Sony)
3. Shigeru Miyamoto (Nintendo)
4. Satoru Iwata (Nintendo)
5. Peter Moore (EA)

Q5. Which company left you with the biggest impression?
1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Konami
4. Square Enix and Ubisoft

Q6. What is your impression of Wii Fit?
1. Interesting concept
2. Potential to expand beyond the game itself
3. It isn’t a game
4. Expect to expand user base
5. Not interested



All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2007-08-11T06:01
這些英文很簡單, 直接看吧 :)
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-08-14T19:44
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-08-18T14:00
應該是對日本的民調吧 360在日本很慘的

[Wii] Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-08-08T23:09
Chocoboand#39;s Mysterious Dungeon http://img13.imagevenue.com/view.php?image=62094_Choco-01_122_1041lo.jpg http://img157.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=6210 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-08-08T22:21
Pirates Rebrand GameCube Games as Wii Titles http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/08/pirates-rebrand.html 快速翻譯: 位於菲律賓的盜版商把GC遊戲換個封面 當成Wii的遊戲來販賣,雖說盜版是不正派的行為 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-08-08T20:45
[芒果亂報]EA訪談第一頁 黑白講 的 虎南 E3之後,芒果新聞堵到了一a幫的副首領黑白講, 結果被嗆聲關於一a幫派的重組、 無聊的遊戲、老任的股票、藍光降價及樂團的機會等等 43...(一開始就屁了很多關於幫派改組後的事情,想看請找版主要) 芒果:你們老大說你們做的無聊遊戲被玩家視破是來撈錢的, 你 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-08-08T20:17
在看完落落長的原文後,丁丁記者終於瘋了,直接發芒果版消息... 同樣的,智商大於0的天才們不要看.... 芒果:MLB授權搶輸人,你的看法? 黑白講:我們肖想很久了,不過搶輸人也沒辦法,不過我們搶贏了很多其他的.... 芒果:聽說你們未來不只想從遊戲還想從其他的娛樂撈錢,你們的規劃? 黑白講: 未來5 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2007-08-08T18:37
原文自己看....XD 正常版: BIZ:談到新的機會,Riccitiello提到EA對發續集有興趣, 像Eidos將要發行古墓奇兵10週年的續集,EA也會做同樣的事嗎? FG:我們做法有些不同。我們讓讀集故事更好、 加入MMO(多人線上遊戲)、擴充包、線上下載有趣的東西等。 BIZ:談談網路下載遊戲的看 ...