新的DS模擬器:melonDS - 模擬器

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2017-04-03T10:22

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Have fun!
melonDS Features
* almost-complete 2D graphics* 3D graphics (software renderer) with texturing, alphablending, lighting* input: keyboard and joystick, touchscreen* backup memory* booting from the BIOS* resizable video output window, preserving aspect ratio of individual screens
How to usemelonDS requires BIOS/firmware dumps from a DS. You can dump them with the following dumper.The files must be placed in the same directory as the melonDS executable, as follows:* bios7.bin -- ARM7 BIOS, 16KB* bios9.bin -- ARM9 BIOS, 4KB* firmware.bin -- firmware, 256KB or 512KB
Note: the DS-mode firmware in the 3DS isn't bootable. It only contains the bare minimum required to run DS games. Be sure to enable direct game boot when using a firmware dump from a 3DS.
SettingsEmulation: settings related to emulation. For now it lets you enable direct game boot (directly runs the game instead of going through the firmware).Input: allows you to configure keyboard and joystick input. You can change a mapping by clicking the corresponding entry, then pressing a keyboard key or joystick button. For now, joystick input uses the first joystick available if multiple joysticks are plugged.


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