掉道具更新 - Steam

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-04-23T14:38

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※ 引述《EXZ57 (It's me?)》之銘言:
: http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3727&p=1

: Today we're shipping some significant changes to the item drop system.

: Previously, we rolled randomly at intervals to see if you got an item drop.
: Now we roll to determine when your next item drop will occur. So you're
: guaranteed to find items at fairly regular intervals. The bulk of drop
: complaints we've received in the past have been from players having unlucky
: streaks, where they didn't find any items for weeks. That won't be possible
: now.

: We've significantly increased the rate at which item drops occur, compared to
: the previous average interval.

: There's now a maximum amount of playtime per week in which you get item
: drops. Playing beyond that amount won't find any more items. The amount
: varies, but if you play an hour or so a day you're good. Some of your unused
: time will rollover to the following week, so if you're an intermittent player
: you'll also be fine.

: What are the net effects of these changes? Here's the quick summary:

: If you're an idler, you're going to find fewer items than you were prior to
: this change. Sorry. On the bright side, there's less reason to idle, because
: it won't earn more than players who are playing regularly.

: Everyone else will find items more frequently, and with greater regularity.

: We're still thinking about how to allow you to influence your drops. When we
: see discussions on the forums, people often ask why we don't tie it to some
: in-game performance (like your scoreboard position, or number of kills, etc).
: Many players understand that if we did this, idle servers would simply change
: into servers running plugins that generate those in-game events frequently
: (as we saw in the Soldier & Demoman WAR!).
服器就會去裝一些插件讓那些條件發生(就如同Soldier & Demoman WAR!那時看到的一樣)

: There's another side of it that we care about just as much, which is the
: message it would send to all the players who don't want to idle. Any in-game
: performance metric we chose would result in there being specific maps,
: classes, tactics, and so on that resulted in more drops. We really don't want
: that to happen. When it's simply playtime, you're free to play the game
: however you like. If you love Payload, you can play Payload maps without
: worrying about whether you're earning less drops than the guys playing Arena
: maps. Community mapmakers don't have to worry about whether their maps earn
: item drops fast enough. Similarly, server operators can configure their
: servers however they like, without worrying about reducing the rate at which
: their players are earning drops. In short, while it's far from perfect, not
: tying to in-game performance is a lot less poisonous to your minute-to-minute
: game experience.


總而言之 就是Valve在尋找一個絕對公平的掉寶方式

希望不管玩家的技術、地圖、職業、模式如何 都可以有一樣公平的掉寶機率



我的 網路電子名片 簡短易記網址: http://howar31.tk/

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-04-27T06:14
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-04-28T10:49
對阿 soldier的新火箭砲 我玩了好幾個月撿不到= =
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-04-28T15:36

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 50% OFF

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-04-23T09:51
這週steam在特價這款經典遊戲 只要15美元(折合台幣不到500元) 比去光華買還便宜 而且說真的我覺得1代比2代好玩多了 雖然不少人玩過了 不過想要綁在steam上又還沒買的可以考慮 - ...

Left 4 Dead 2 The Passing 4/22釋出

John avatar
By John
at 2010-04-23T08:07
※ 引述《howar31 (影紫‧歐人)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Johnny55 (謝謝你 兄弟T_T)》之銘言: 剛剛更新完了 進入遊戲之後多了Mutation模式 以及地圖 The passing 第一印象 The passing 主要都發生在街道中 中間有一場婚禮!! 新娘是固定的Witch (很 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-04-23T02:06
請問各位版友 台中目前還有哪邊可以買的到CSS 價位大約多少 麻請告知 感謝! - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-04-22T15:58
因為想找朋友一起玩,但朋友怕電腦不夠力(我印象中CPU好像是INTEL某顆低階雙核心 顯示卡好像是ATI1950),所以想先下試玩版來玩玩看再決定要不要買, 不過我在STEAM找不到,請問哪裡還有啊,感謝。 - ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-21T23:34
http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3727andamp;p=1 Today weand#39;re shipping some significant changes to the item drop system. Previously, we roll ...