掉道具更新 - Steam

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-21T23:34

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Today we're shipping some significant changes to the item drop system.

Previously, we rolled randomly at intervals to see if you got an item drop.
Now we roll to determine when your next item drop will occur. So you're
guaranteed to find items at fairly regular intervals. The bulk of drop
complaints we've received in the past have been from players having unlucky
streaks, where they didn't find any items for weeks. That won't be possible

We've significantly increased the rate at which item drops occur, compared to
the previous average interval.
There's now a maximum amount of playtime per week in which you get item
drops. Playing beyond that amount won't find any more items. The amount
varies, but if you play an hour or so a day you're good. Some of your unused
time will rollover to the following week, so if you're an intermittent player
you'll also be fine.

What are the net effects of these changes? Here's the quick summary:

If you're an idler, you're going to find fewer items than you were prior to
this change. Sorry. On the bright side, there's less reason to idle, because
it won't earn more than players who are playing regularly.
Everyone else will find items more frequently, and with greater regularity.
We're still thinking about how to allow you to influence your drops. When we
see discussions on the forums, people often ask why we don't tie it to some
in-game performance (like your scoreboard position, or number of kills, etc).
Many players understand that if we did this, idle servers would simply change
into servers running plugins that generate those in-game events frequently
(as we saw in the Soldier & Demoman WAR!).

There's another side of it that we care about just as much, which is the
message it would send to all the players who don't want to idle. Any in-game
performance metric we chose would result in there being specific maps,
classes, tactics, and so on that resulted in more drops. We really don't want
that to happen. When it's simply playtime, you're free to play the game
however you like. If you love Payload, you can play Payload maps without
worrying about whether you're earning less drops than the guys playing Arena
maps. Community mapmakers don't have to worry about whether their maps earn
item drops fast enough. Similarly, server operators can configure their
servers however they like, without worrying about reducing the rate at which
their players are earning drops. In short, while it's far from perfect, not
tying to in-game performance is a lot less poisonous to your minute-to-minute
game experience.





Tags: Steam

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-04-26T06:24

Steam 新版用戶端介面預計下星期一釋出正式版

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-04-21T17:44
Beta 幾個月的新版界面終於要釋出正式版囉 測試版的最近一次更新也把一些中文翻譯補齊了 期待中~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steam Client UI Update t ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-21T15:40
可以用控制台指令直接開啟vpk的地圖嗎? 還是說需要其他設定呢? 我想用區網的方式連線 - ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-04-21T12:40
是這樣的 我前幾天把電腦拆下來 拿去裝在另一台很大的螢幕上 然後玩了一下解析度 (實際調到多少我忘記了...) 然後我再裝回原來螢幕上時 CS就無法顯示呈現下面這種狀態 http://tinyurl.com/y6uozsk 我有去爬文說在內容裡用指令設定 但是好像沒有用 不知道有沒有大大 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-04-20T20:00
在 Weand#39;ve Got Hostiles 章節中第一次看到的 一位研究員對著玻璃後的保全大呼小叫之後就往前跑掉,結果踩到這雷就被炸死了 架設在牆壁上,會發出藍色的雷射光,一通過就會爆炸 請問有人知道這個武器的正式名稱嗎..? 玩家同學A: 那是照相機 玩家同學B: 那是雷射炸彈 玩家 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-04-20T19:24
※ 引述《aarons (SC2打不贏電腦= =)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《chatnoir (對不起)》之銘言: : XD...再次放棄推文XD : == : ex_interp 是一組有關於顯示方面的內插參數。 : 他將會補足,玩家端所獲得資訊的不足,藉由顯示卡內插。 : 假設A玩家他的跑位path是一個 ...