宮本茂訪談再一則 - 任天堂

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-07-30T22:28

Table of Contents

※ 引述《AgentWu (梵蘭特邊境)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《NintendoFans (任天道)》之銘言:
: : An interview with Nintendo’s super game designer Shigeru Miyamoto
: : http://blogs.mercurynews.com/aei/2007/07/
: : an_interview_with_nintendos_super_game_designer_shigeru_miyamoto.html
: Q: Wii 現在這麼熱賣, 有沒有扳回一城的感覺??
: A: 也不是扳回一城的感覺,但是我真的深刻感覺到因為 Wii 讓大家又開始接觸
: 遊戲了。
: Q: 你大部分時間都在忙些什麼??
: A: 我們有數款遊戲都接近完工狀態,基本上我都是在接近完工的時候作統合的
: 工作居多,最近我在忙銀河馬力歐還有 Wii Fit。
: Q: Wii Fit 的遊戲相當容易上手而且看起來所需要的人力與時間也不需太多,
: 我知道可能有點複雜,不過你可以解釋一下為什麼開發一個簡單的遊戲需要
: 這麼認真嗎??
: A: 最難的部分在於開發團隊本身是有壓力的,他們在預想完成品或是如何做出
: 完成品的環節上需要花很大的心力,而紓解這種壓力跟幫他們完成作品也就
: 變成是我的工作了。我必須讓他們對於從沒人作過的事情感到興奮,即使遊
: 戲本身很簡單,但是她整個系統其實是相當複雜的,其中有許多的元素你必
: 須取得一個平衡:考慮軟體的完成時程、平衡板的製作...等。而對我來
: 說,在這些元素間施展身手比坐下來寫程式有趣多了。
: Q: Wii平衡板裡面有許多技術嗎??
: A: 很顯然這使用了跟 Wii 相同的無線技術,它的確有重量感應。他們極其精
: 確,與其他人不同的是:他不僅可以測量出重量,而且可以算出重心所在,
: 甚至是重心移動的軌跡。
: 時間有限, 慢慢翻譯, 科科, 想接手的相當歡迎 :)
Q: How did the Wii Zapper. I think I recall George Harrison was that you were
going to see how well people could shoot with the Wii remote and the Nunchuk.
If they needed help, you would introduce something that helped them shoot.
That was the Zapper. Did you wait to see if people who needed help shooting
needed it?
A: When we first created the Wii Remote, we had an idea for some kind of Wii
Zapper. And last year at E3 we showed in a display case a prototype for a
Wii Zapper. That had a control stick built into it. What we found is that
the reason we wanted to have a Zapper is when you hold a Wii Remote,
it can be difficult for some people to keep a steady hand.
And holding your arm out like that can get your arm somewhat tired.
With a Zapper device, you can have your arm more stable and in a relaxed
position. We came to a conclusion that rather than have an analog stick
on the Zapper itself, we could attach the Nunchuk to the Zapper and allow
for more diverse play styles.

Q:關於Wii Zapper?
A:當我們第一次創造Wii Remote時我們就有一些關於Wii Zapper的想法。
在去年E3我們展示了一些有個操作桿在上的Wii Zapper原型。
我們想改良Zapper因我們發現了一些使用者握Wii Remote會使手臂疲勞而很難一直握住。

Q: Does it worry you that the Zapper can attract much bloodier games?
A: I think we have seen how violence has been used in games so far without a
Wii Zapper to encourage that.I think that will happen either way.
The concept behind the Wii is to provide the most intuitive interface we
can for the consumer. The most intuitive interface for the shooting game is
to have something like the Wii Zapper.

介面給我們的顧客。對於射擊遊戲最具直覺介面就是Wii Zapper。

Q: It is interesting that your accessories here are all very simple and
inexpensive. The contrast between your wheel and Microsoft’s
wheel at $149 are very stark. Is that a deliberate strategy?
A: It is definitely deliberate. There are a few different philosophies behind
it. Nintendo always wants to provide the most intuitive device and one that
is easy for anyone to pick up and play whether they are a hardcore gamer,
a young child or an adult. The devices need to be inviting.
The other thing is that we focused all of the technology in the Wii Remote
when we designed it. We wanted to create it in a way where
it would have expansion possibilities but even in the expansions, all of the
technology would still be contained in the Wii Remote.
The Zapper and the Wii Wheel – while I wouldn’t call them cheap – we’
re able to produce them in an inexpensive manner. They have a straightforward
interface, they look inviting to people. Because there is no real technology
in them, we can slip the Wii Remote in and they are ready to
go in a way that is affordable for the mass market. Because of that, we’ll
be able to provide new and unique peripherals that match new and specific
play styles in different games.

Q:你們的週邊便宜又簡單。Wii Wheel(方向盤)和MS($149)的比更明顯。這是深思熟慮的
當我們設計Wii remote時專注於各種科技,我們希望創造remote能有擴充性,
Zapper和Wii Wheel--我不會稱這些便宜--我們只是用一些便宜的方法來創造他們。

Q: Is it at all surprising that it looks like accessories are the things
making games more accessible to people? I would include the Wii controller
in that. Guitar Hero.
A: It makes sense because the peripherals show the consumer immediately what
they are supposed to do. You can play the guitar right away. And with Mario
Kart, you could use the Wii Remote alone and steer with it. But the Wii Wheel
to go with that, it’s more intuitive and makes you feel as if you have a
better grip on the game anyway. Up until now, the video game has required
you to put your two hands on one controller. Every experience has been the
same. Now with the Wii Remote, you can go from that to steering, or moving
your hands and aiming. Or with your hands separated with the Wii Remote and
the Nunchuk. Separating your hands makes your entire experience feel fresh.

Q:是否那些週邊使遊戲更吸引人們?我可以把Wii操作 用在Guitar Hero(吉他英雄)
在Mario Kart上你可以只使用Wii remote來操作,但是Wii Wheel可以讓你玩的更直覺好
現在有了Wii remote,你可以像方向盤一樣的操作或是移動你的手來描準。

Q: Did you look at and enjoy the Electronic Arts Wii games?
A: I haven’t sent that yet.


Q: What was interesting to me is that they had about four or so original Wii
games. They were original and creative. I expected more of that from Nintendo.
You instead have a lot of games based on existing characters or previously
known games. I was looking for more next-generation Wii games. Or a second
wave of original Wii games. My question along with that is why aren’t you
interesting more brand new characters?
A: I guess I don’t necessarily see my job as creating new characters as it
is creating new experiences. Recently, Wii Fit is creating the concept and
the idea and the feeling behind the game. That has been one of my new
creations. For characters, we came up with the concept of the Miis and
that allows people to come up with their own characters. Maybe next year
sometime, we may have new characters in the same way we came up with Pikmin
when we introduced the GameCube.

A:我猜我把我的工作視為創造新的體驗而不是新角色。最近Wii fit創造背後有一些新

Q: It’s seems a different approach from what other game publishers say. They
usually look at the start of a new generation of consoles to introduce some
new intellectual property.
A: In Japan, we haven’t seen a lot of that type of strategy. To a certain
extent in America, you are seeing a lot of the same franchises made more
gorgeous or more complex. They continue to sell those. In Japan,
we don’t see that strategy although it is a healthy strategy to take.

Q: Do you have a strategy to target particular part of the market, like
people over 50, with particular kinds of games?
A: I don’t think Nintendo really thinks in terms of specific targets or
markets. When we create a game, we try to create entertainment that is
appealing to everybody. Here there is a lot of talk about the casual
and the hardcore market. We don’t look at casual versus the hardcore.
There are a lot of hardcore gamers who play a lot of casual games.
And within the casual games, we can win some of them over and get
them to play the games that are more hardcore.
We are trying to break down the psychological barriers even between those two
groups. Looking at younger audience games, there are child-like games that
older adults will want to play. And it is possible that children will play
games with more adult themes. We don’t try to target one market over
another. We try to create games that have universal appeal.

有很多重度玩家也玩輕度遊戲(casual games),而我們也讓輕度玩家玩重度遊戲

Q: I have a question that I asked Iwata-san as well. Why doesn’t Nintendo go
after the gamers on the cell phones or connected PCs. The casual gamers are
already there playing on those devices and those are large markets.
The non-gamers are already there on those devices.
Why do it the hard way and try to get them to come to the console when you
could go to where they are.
A: Our real strategy is we are an entertainment company. When you create
entertainment on a device that is dedicated to entertainment, you can
create much more entertaining experiences. It’s hard to create
entertainment on a device that is created for some other functionality like a
cell phone. Rather than create a cell phone, we can create games on a device
that are dedicated to entertainment. I think that will continue to be our
strategy. For example,the Wii Fit Balance Board is the type of experience
you could never have on a PC.

遊戲。舉例來說,Wii Fit Balance Board是在PC上沒有的體驗。

Q: So people are going to get naked weighing themselves in front of their
game consoles now?
A: Laughs.

A:笑 :)



All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-08-04T19:29
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-08-06T04:43
最後一個問題應該是 "所以現在人們會開始脫光衣服在
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2007-08-06T15:33
遊樂器前量體重了嗎??" XD
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-08-10T16:34

E3 2007期間IGN對宮本茂採訪錄!

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2007-07-30T22:25
************************************************************ www.nwbbs.com會員 艾利伍德 翻譯整理 轉載請注明以上資訊 ********************************************************** ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-07-30T20:32
想請問各位版大 火影忍者究竟要怎麼存檔啊 故事模式我破第三次了 沒一次存檔成功 一整個快要抓狂 有玩過的人應該知道鳴人PK曉二人組的累與痛吧 拜託會使用的大大告訴我到底該如何在破關後存檔 我不想把這片一直冷凍起來啊 拜託請盡量詳細一點 小人資質駑鈍 真的怕又存檔失敗 那真的是會欲哭無淚了 請各 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-07-30T20:19
Wii 的部份 料理鼠王         5  6 6 6 哈利波特 鳳凰會密令   4  6 5 5 Forever Blue        10 8 9 8 NDS 的部份 昆蟲大戰         7  7 7 7 滑動冒險 磁石小子    7  7 7 8 料理鼠王         5  6 6 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-07-30T20:18
請問..在拿到聖劍以後..還有沒有辦法進聖域呢? 我在拿到劍以後存檔離開... 再進去以後就已經在聖域的外面了... 而且找不到路進去... 有人可以幫個忙嗎?! - ...

[NDS] TOI 畫面、人設

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-07-30T20:07
http://namco-ch.net/talesofinnocence/character/index.php -- ▆▄▄▄▄▄ ▆ ▂▃▃▁▁ˍ ˍ▁▁▁▃▃▂ ▕▋Ⅰ ▁ ▊ Gatchaman ▏ ▅▔▁ ...