國家隊系列 之 超譯:增產報國(基本) #NT - 線上

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-01-27T14:18

Table of Contents

The basics
First some general comments about the training.


- Training intensity must be set to 100% all the time. Every percent below
hinders your player’s development.


- Solid coach is the minimum required for efficient training. An excellent
coach can bring more training to the players with about half training
session for every 10 weeks of training (8 sessions of training per 10
seasons) and overall better forms for your players, but it can be a burden
to your treasury.


- 10 assistant coaches are a must for efficient training. If you cannot
provide that many, use as many as possible, but not less than 5 – this
gives you 95% efficiency of the training, meaning you lose only 8 sessions
of training for every 10 seasons.


- If you are dedicated 100% to training your players you will have 10
physiotherapists and 10 doctors. But this is not productive for your
team’s treasury as you might want to have some spokespersons to keep
your sponsors happy and some sport psychologists to keep your team's
confidence high. However, you should keep as many physios as possible
to prevent injuries, while playing with the doctors' numbers as needed.


- Stamina share has always been into discussion as Achilles' heel. The
most efficient training for the players is 5% share until he gets close
to 26 years, then raising the stamina share to get his stamina to excellent
in about one season. But the training can work well with other stamina shares.


10% stamina gives a player enough energy to give a good contribution until
he’s 27 while he’s being trained.
Going to 15% share keeps the stamina of the players at a solid level up to
30 years and he loses about one training session every 10 weeks (so around
9 training sessions are lost during the intermediate period).
Of course, if the player makes it to the U20/NT, you should collaborate
with the NT team and adjust the stamina share accordingly. Please see the
following link to help you choose the right stamina share for your team –
( http://iht.smdesign.es/node/201 )




- Training type must be the most efficient for your chosen skill to be
trained. For example you should not train wing attacks instead of crossing
for the winger skill, nor defensive positions instead of defense for the
defending skill.


- Please note that skill drops will occur due to skill being too high if
you get above ET, so it is generally recommended to stop your secondary
or intermediary skill training by ET or before (titanic, SN) in order to
not lose skill with the passing of time.


- The main idea is to have your player ready to play on his final position
as soon as possible.


- Keep in mind that SC, DEF and SP skill for any field player helps with
indirect free kicks, so don’t judge a passable DEF skill on your forward
as "unnecessary".


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Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2014-01-27T12:25
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Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2014-01-27T10:24
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By Vanessa
at 2014-01-27T09:24
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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2014-01-27T09:22
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By Kama
at 2014-01-27T08:42
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