冰與火之歌二版 官方規則補充FAQ V1.4 - 桌遊
By Victoria
at 2012-05-21T12:23
at 2012-05-21T12:23
Table of Contents
: 問:當葛雷喬伊的家族卡"Victarion Greyjoy"對上拜拉席恩家族卡"Sallador Saan"時
: 葛雷喬伊的船的戰力是否會歸零?
: A: Yes and No, depending on which card is resolved first. The text of the
: cards are resolved in Iron Throne turn order. (3)
: 答:這必須視哪張家族卡先被執行而定。卡片能力的執行順序由鐵王座順位決定。
: 問:如果在執行家族卡時雙方能力有衝突怎麼辦?
: A: If an issue comes up about the timing of a house card's resolution, Any “
: Ignore” or “Cancel” text abilities are first resolved in the player order
: of the Iron Throne track. Then other conflicting text abilities are then
: resolved in the player order of the Iron Throne track. After the outcome of
: combat is determined, any “win/lose this combat…” text abilities are
: resolved in the player order of the Iron Throne track. Lastly, "after combat"
: effects are resolved. Keep in mind the first card is implemented completely
: before that of the second card. (3)
: 答: 當有衝突出現時,任何"忽視"或"取消"能力會優先處理,
: 其次是處理其他一般的家族能力,接著是處理戰鬥勝利或失敗後啟動的能力,
: 最後才處理戰鬥後啟動的能力。
: 而任何同階段中爭議都以鐵王座順位決定處理的先後順序。
: 注意,必須先完全處理完一張家族卡才能處理下一張。
目前好像沒遇過需要用鐵王座順位來決定處理的狀況 有人可以舉例說明嗎
: 問:當攻城車敗退時,能否被指定來滿足因戰敗而應被消滅的單位數?
: A: Yes. Siege Engines are units (like all others) and resolve combat
: normally with the only exception being that they may not retreat. (6)
: 答:可以。攻城車被視為單位,就跟其他的單位一樣處理。差別僅在於攻城車不能撤退。
這部分簡中說明書也沒有提到(所以我玩的時候是先移除攻城車 再結算死亡數)
: 葛雷喬伊的船的戰力是否會歸零?
: A: Yes and No, depending on which card is resolved first. The text of the
: cards are resolved in Iron Throne turn order. (3)
: 答:這必須視哪張家族卡先被執行而定。卡片能力的執行順序由鐵王座順位決定。
: 問:如果在執行家族卡時雙方能力有衝突怎麼辦?
: A: If an issue comes up about the timing of a house card's resolution, Any “
: Ignore” or “Cancel” text abilities are first resolved in the player order
: of the Iron Throne track. Then other conflicting text abilities are then
: resolved in the player order of the Iron Throne track. After the outcome of
: combat is determined, any “win/lose this combat…” text abilities are
: resolved in the player order of the Iron Throne track. Lastly, "after combat"
: effects are resolved. Keep in mind the first card is implemented completely
: before that of the second card. (3)
: 答: 當有衝突出現時,任何"忽視"或"取消"能力會優先處理,
: 其次是處理其他一般的家族能力,接著是處理戰鬥勝利或失敗後啟動的能力,
: 最後才處理戰鬥後啟動的能力。
: 而任何同階段中爭議都以鐵王座順位決定處理的先後順序。
: 注意,必須先完全處理完一張家族卡才能處理下一張。
目前好像沒遇過需要用鐵王座順位來決定處理的狀況 有人可以舉例說明嗎
: 問:當攻城車敗退時,能否被指定來滿足因戰敗而應被消滅的單位數?
: A: Yes. Siege Engines are units (like all others) and resolve combat
: normally with the only exception being that they may not retreat. (6)
: 答:可以。攻城車被視為單位,就跟其他的單位一樣處理。差別僅在於攻城車不能撤退。
這部分簡中說明書也沒有提到(所以我玩的時候是先移除攻城車 再結算死亡數)
All Comments
By Oscar
at 2012-05-24T05:18
at 2012-05-24T05:18
By Olga
at 2012-05-25T02:57
at 2012-05-25T02:57
By Aaliyah
at 2012-05-26T05:42
at 2012-05-26T05:42
By Anonymous
at 2012-05-30T20:19
at 2012-05-30T20:19
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-06-04T05:24
at 2012-06-04T05:24
By Selena
at 2012-06-05T19:05
at 2012-06-05T19:05
By Noah
at 2012-06-10T01:52
at 2012-06-10T01:52
By Michael
at 2012-06-14T11:27
at 2012-06-14T11:27
By Agnes
at 2012-06-19T10:53
at 2012-06-19T10:53
By Kristin
at 2012-06-20T21:58
at 2012-06-20T21:58
By Necoo
at 2012-06-22T00:59
at 2012-06-22T00:59
By Regina
at 2012-06-26T13:02
at 2012-06-26T13:02
By Frederic
at 2012-06-28T20:21
at 2012-06-28T20:21
By Hamiltion
at 2012-07-03T15:41
at 2012-07-03T15:41
By Agnes
at 2012-07-05T19:40
at 2012-07-05T19:40
By Hedy
at 2012-07-05T20:40
at 2012-07-05T20:40
By Tracy
at 2012-07-09T21:26
at 2012-07-09T21:26
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