修改BD光碟機區碼 - 改機

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-04-23T09:15

Table of Contents



How to Change the Region of Your PS3 Blu-ray Drive

Ever since the first PS3 JailBreak was out i was hoping for a region
patcher so I can watch all the blu ray discs i own no matter if region
a/b/c and nobody ever knew how... after lots of research and checking
around i present to you 3 patch*.txt files for lv2 patcher!

Download: PS3 Blu-ray Region Patches and LV2 Patcher

just copy the files into: /dev_hdd0/game/LV2000000/USRDIR

and the next time you start lv2 patcher you will have 3 new patches to
choose from (region a/b/c)

once you patch you don't have to restart your ps3, it works right
away! if you restart your ps3 the bd region is set to standard again.

tested & working for me on pal cechcxx machine with 3.55cfw (rebug &
kmeaw) using kmeaw's lv2 patcher v9!

this only works for blu ray and nothing else, for dvd the old
xregistry trick applies... i didn't code anything, just collected and
tested, sources for this can be found here:
目前只能變更藍光光碟機的區碼, DVD的話要利用修改xRegistry 檔案的技巧,


thanks a million times to everyone involved, this now makes the ps3
the best bd player for that prize range!





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Tags: 改機

All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-04-25T13:40
這個用處似乎不大 BD分區才3個區域而已
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-04-29T12:08
對阿 我們會看的光碟基本上都同一區阿XD
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-05-01T16:48
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-05-01T23:33
Blu-ray 台 美 日 同一區


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-04-22T23:58
聽學長的敘述大概是變磚頭了 機型:1007 地點不要太離開市中心應該都可以 時間大約為禮拜六中午一點過後 報酬為麥當當任一份超值套餐 麻煩了 - ...

5.50Prome-4 最近按鍵常無效

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-04-22T17:33
在menu畫面下 會突然全部的按鍵都沒反應 只有音效跟亮度可以動 進入XMB畫面時所有按鍵階正常 我是1007 5.50Prome-4 想說會不會是韌體不穩定 應該要重刷5.50prome好 還是可以直升新版6.02 謝謝各位前輩指較 - ...

Mathieu Explains 3.60 Exploit

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-04-22T10:37
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at 2011-04-22T00:35
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By Freda
at 2011-04-21T17:40
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