zBoy v0.50 - 模擬器

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-09-05T23:21

Table of Contents


zBoy v0.50 is released. zBoy is a multiplatform GameBoy emulator.

zBoy v0.50 Changelog:
- zBoy has been entirely rewritten in C language, using SDL for input, video
and timing routines,
- Added support for 8x graphic scaling (which ends up with a game resolution
of 1280x1152),
- Added support for screensaver inhibition under Windows (--NOSCREENSAVER),
- Palette customization has been hardcoded into zBoy (no support for external
palette files anymore, but you can choose an alternative palette from a
predefined set of palettes),
- Fixed the time adjustment routine (it doesn′t speeds up over 100% of
normal game speed after being late for some time),
- Replaced the EPX graphic filter by Scale2x (slightly faster), and renamed
EPX3 by Scale3x (which is the technically correct name),
- Made the Scale2x scaling the default one,
- Dropped DOS support,
- Dropped fullscreen support,
- Fixed the ADC opcode emulation (wasn′t setting the C flag when carry from
bit 7) this made all the Megaman serie playable,
- Fixed the SBC opcode emulation (wasn′t setting the C and H flags
- Implemented the gameboy type checking via the FF00h joypad register,
- Added the possibility to disable the graphic "Window" used in many games
(by default under the F3 key),
- Fixed a bug in IRQ generated by the coincidence register
was generating several IRQs in one scanline (now it generates only one IRQ
for a matching scanline)
- this made the intro of Prince of Persia working.


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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
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Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-09-05T22:46
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1EPE2g4U ] 作者: ayichen (下載戰士) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [實況] MD 光明與黑暗續戰篇~諸神的遺產~ 時間: Mon Sep 5 22:45:59 2011 http://zh-tw.justin.tv/ayiche ...


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By Delia
at 2011-09-05T20:43
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