GiiBiiAdvance v0.1.0 - 模擬器

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-09-05T23:16

Table of Contents

This is what I’ve been working on since last summer, and I think it is a
quite good program right now. It is just another GBA emulator, just like
VisualBoyAdvance, and it emulates the same: GB, GBC, SGB and GBA.

I’ve used the GB, GBC and SGB emulation code from GiiBii, so GiiBiiAdvance
has the same compatibility (a bit more, i’ve changed a bit of SGB emulation
code). GBA emulation is, on the other hand, not really high. I mean, lots of
roms work, but some of them just show a black screen, or hang when you try to
start the game from the menu… Everything of GBA is emulated (except the
serial port), but there are bugs I can’t find, I’ll work on it until I get
a better compatibility. Of course, it emulates all save chips, but some saves
aren’t compatible with other emulators. It will try to guess the save type
if it can’t detect it from the rom. It lets you take screenshots, and
GBprinter output is saved as a png image. GBcamera is not emulated yet,
though, so if you want to play with that rom, use GiiBii.

There is also a quite good debugger, with a dissasembler, memory viewer, I/O
ports viewer, tile viewer, map viewer, palette viewer and sprite viewer. They
are different in GBx and GBA mode. If you are playing a SGB game, there is
also a SGB things viewer.

So… that’s it. I hope this program is useful for somebody. About the splash
screen… You can close it by clicking it, or just waiting 4 seconds. It is
disabled in the source code.

Oh, the last thing. If you want real SGB emulation, try bsnes. It’s an
impressive SNES emulator, and lets you load and use a GameBoy rom with Super
GameBoy rom.


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MD 光明與黑暗續戰篇~諸神的遺產~

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-09-05T22:46
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1EPE2g4U ] 作者: ayichen (下載戰士) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [實況] MD 光明與黑暗續戰篇~諸神的遺產~ 時間: Mon Sep 5 22:45:59 2011 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-09-05T20:43
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