Yabause ReRecording SVN r2494 - 模擬器

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-02-24T22:21

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Yabause ReRecording SVN r2494 is released.Yabause is a Sega Saturn
Emulator(SS Emulator) for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Yabause support booting
games using Saturn cds or iso files.Yabause ReRecording is the rerecording
branch of Yabause which adds rerecording and other tools for making assisted

Yabause ReRecording SVN Changelog
Better way to give generator to the c68k subproject.
CWX & PasNox: could you test it and report improvements/regressions
over the previous method?
Btw, that won't fix the build tool problem with mingw...
Another fix to the external project call... this time it
works for PasNox, CyberWarriorX: could you test it? :)
-Couple of tweaks I did for mingw support a couple weeks back. Might as well
commit it.
Added multi / single build selection features:
* list of ports to build is defined in a cmake cached variable
* another option tells wether to stop building when a valid
configuration is found (default) or build all ports
* when doing multibuild, executables are named yabause-
* when doing single build, executable is yabause
* those features are provided through two macros: yab_port_start
and yab_port_success
Also replaced desktop files by desktop.in files that are parsed
by cmake to generate the correct .desktop files.
As usual, I may have broke things, please report :)
rewritten vdp2 renderer, special function codes, regular and special color
calc modes, gradation calc, layer priority fixes, special priority,
preliminary line color screen + rotation bg insert, shadow modes, rotation bg
parameter a and b coefficient switching, needs to be converted to pthreads



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Wii64 & Cube64 Beta 1.1

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-02-24T14:18
http://code.google.com/p/mupen64gc/ Wii64 andamp; Cube64 Beta 1.1 are released. Wii64 andamp; Cube64 are Mupen64 for the Gamecube/Wii. Port of the popular ...

最近破的PCE GAME-忍(Shinobi)

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-02-24T10:05
本作的街機原始版本最早是SEGA在1987推出的, PCE家用版是在1989年 街機當時就有玩過, 不過因為是採即死制, 所以照慣例...玩的不怎麼樣, 除了幾個常打的高手, AC版當時的印象也是沒什麼人玩...猜想可能賣的也 不太好, 如果不知道本作的人, 它的續作可就如雷貫耳了, 就是出在MD的 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-02-24T01:14
剛剛想到之前玩過這個遊戲 就去google一下 好懷念啊http://www.okemu.com/uploadfiles/2008-07-11/20080711_110246_922.jpg 可是好像出3D的了? http://news.cgyes.com/uploads/userup/0907/030 ...

Glitch64 SVN r88

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-02-24T00:08
http://www.emucr.com/2010/02/glitch64-svn-r88.html Glitch64 SVN r88 is released.GlideHQ is a realtime texture enhancer library with hi-resolution texture ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-02-23T21:55
※ [本文轉錄自 Android 看板] 作者: entersoal (準備衝刺) 看板: Android 標題: [軟體] Gameboid 時間: Tue Feb 23 21:54:24 2010 其實我一直不知道這篇該po在Emulator板還是Android板 想一想還是兩個都PO吧 ...