XMB File Manager - 改機

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-01-22T16:36

Table of Contents


PS3HaX member DeViL303 has released an XMB Filemanager, which allows
you to browse the entire PS3 filesystem, straight from the XMB.

I have made a little XMB mod for Rebug 3.55.2 that I call XMB File
Manager (XMBFM). It is a modded version of Rebug's package manager
that allows the entire ps3 filesystem to be browsed and also any files
types can be seen and deleted. I'm hoping to add things like copy
function etc but would like to get feedback and help if anyones game?

This wont work on standard CFW for now, only on Rebug, but i will
release a standard version in next few days if anyone thinks I should
bother. Please like this post as it will encourage me

This is a beta version for anyone who might be interested in helping
me test it or improve on it.

Install instructions: It requires you to switch 2 files from
dev_flash. heres a quick tut:
- I use multiman, go to settings near the bottom of menu.
- select the mount dev_flash to dev_blind option. click enable
- next go to multiman file manager
- copy over the 2 files to thier different locations
- category_game.xml goes in dev_blind/vsh/resource/explore/xmb/
- explore_plugin_full.rco goes in dev_blind/vsh/resource/
- next disable dev_blind option in multiman
- then exit multiman to see your new XMB File Manager

This is perfectly safe and I have even tested deleting most of
dev_flash before and its easy reinstall FW through recovery menu so
dont worry, just make sure you are on Rebug 3.55.2, It migtht cause a
error on normal 3.55CFW

Have fun and let me know if you have an ideas on how I could expand it
by adding things like copy function etc. Im not the best at this so
any help is much appreciated?

Big Thanks to Cyberskunk and Evilsperm (Team Rebug) for the package
manager which this is based on. And also for Rebug CFW.. its my

Please before anyone flames that this is crap I did only start
properly making it last night so give me a little time and maybe it
will become cool. (I discovered the "exploit" that allows this back
in 2010 but didn't get around to doing anything with it until now)

If anyone wants to explain an easy way of making this into a pkg file
I would be delighted to hear or get some help, Im sure its not very
difficult but I havnt time to figure out everything and would like
this to become even more of a collaboration if anyones interested?

DeViL303 @ ps3hax.net



差不多可以來整理硬碟的東西,準備升級有複製檔案、刪檔功能的4.00CFW 了。


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Tags: 改機

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-01-23T06:40
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-01-27T10:35
對,因為UM 2.0還沒破解
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-01-29T02:18
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2012-02-01T00:55
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-02-03T15:38
卡在中間就沒辦法了,3.55是最後一版帶UM 1.0的韌體
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-02-04T07:33
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2012-02-08T01:25
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-02-10T08:37
[Update 3] XMB File Manager v0.02 Works On 4.0 OFW
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-02-11T05:19
當然可以玩3.73的遊戲,死路一條是說在UM 2.0還沒搞定前後

1007的4.01 m33升6.60 pro(已閱讀置底文)

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-01-21T19:51
小弟有一台1007大p, 是4.01 m33 想升級最新的6.60 pro 看過置底文, 但是裡面是拿5.00 m33當作範例, 所以我應該: 1. 先升5.00 m33再根據置底文升級 (本來想這麼做, 但是link太久遠都掛了) 4.01 m33 --andgt; 5.00 m33 --andg ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-01-21T19:09
大家好~~ 我上網搜尋bannerbomb 我目前是使用這個網頁的方法 http://blog.xuite.net/tbwii/WiiHack/27422860 裡面用到 5. 啟動Wad Manager 1.5 還沒執行這一項的時候 就會先有畫面要我選擇載入IOS各系列 我看別的網站選選擇IO ...

KaKaRoTo announces jailbreak for 3.73

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-01-21T09:25
http://www.ps3hax.net/2012/01/installing-pkgs-on-retail-4-0-ofw/ 類似的主題所以我不開新標題。 This modification does not allow the installation / usage of unsigned con ...

求救!!肥P 1007型開機綠燈 黑屏

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-01-21T01:19
各位大大好,最近PSP借給弟弟玩,回來時就莫名其妙無法開機了, 跪求大大們協助andgt;andlt; 爬文後,發現變磚的機率很大(囧) PSP為1007型的肥P,有請店家改過機,可以玩魔物獵人3跟機戰Z2的版本。 目前做過的測試有: (1)按開機-andgt;綠燈亮,黑屏,綠燈亮20秒後熄滅。 ...

若新買3007 PSP會有無法支援遊戲的情況嗎

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-01-21T01:15
以前想買時好像軟改會無法玩全部遊戲!(拍賣店家說的) 請問現在的還會有這種情況嗎? 買台psp好過年~~ -- 主管主管!又有人下螢幕 主管主管!網友說不出貨要告 主管~有個叫明翰的訂了三億 DELL 訂單 DELL DELL 我們詐欺 DELL ...