KaKaRoTo announces jailbreak for 3.73 - 改機

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-01-21T09:25

Table of Contents



This modification does not allow the installation / usage of unsigned
content / PS3 homebrew etc. This is purely a convenience hack and is
aimed for use by those who have hardware flashers which allow dual

After technodon's work creating a modified kiosk dev_flash which lets
you install retail signed package files. The restrictions of having to
use kiosk firmware inspired me to find a way to add "Install Package
Files" for retail firmware.

This is hack does the following things:

adds "★ Install Package Files" and "★ /app_home/PS3_GAME/"
to "GAME" on the XMB (allowing the user to install retail package
files anytime they want)

adds other debug functions which are small but still there
does not give access to "★ Debug Setting" (reasons for this are
explained below)

Installation instructions:

This installation procedure is the similar to technodon's original
dev_flash hdd swap procedure

For this you will need two hard drives a e3 flasher or similar device
to downgrade your PS3 (assuming that you're on firmware 4.00 and you
have an e3 flasher)

1.downgrade to 3.55 using the downgrade tools from e3 (Of course
when downgrading to 3.55 make sure you use a different hdd than the
hdd which you were using 4.00)

2.once booted back into the xmb turn off the console, swap hard drives
turn on the system, press the PS button and you will be asked to
reinstall the firmware

3.place the pup file from the e3 downgrade tools in the normal
PS3/UPDATE usb folder and follow the on-screen instructions to
reinstall the firmware

4.then install dev_blind.pkg & Blackb0x FTP from install packages
run dev_blind then BlackB0x and FTP into the console

5.goto /dev_blind delete everything and replace them with the
customised dev_flash

6.press the ps button and the console should reboot and and ask to
reinstall the firmware again, switch off the console and swap the
hard drive back

7.turn on the console press the ps button twice, the console should
boot back into 3.55 Rogero. Goto system update and install 4.00 OFW
once installed turn the console off again and swap hard drives
back and you should boot into a modified 4.00 retail firmware.

My package (Click to download) includes:

My modded dev_flash

P.S. BTW the "nas_plugin.sprx" in this dev_flash has not been
altered to achieve "Install Package Files". Also for those who will
analyze my modded dev_flash, you will find that I have used debug
.sprx files from the a debug 4.00 pup.

P.P.S. I originally intended to get "★ Debug Settings" to work with
this. But usage of "debug settings" required the ps3 to use a debug
vsh.self, and that crashes the ps3 when trying to load applications (I
did some other things as well to prevent the PS3 from giving me a RSOD
when I swapped the vsh.self files, I'm not detailing it in public
because I don't want Sony to patch it).




____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _____ ____
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_)(_ ) ( \ / )__) ) ( )( )(_)( ) /
(____)(_)\_) \/ (____)(_)\_) (__) (_____)(_)\_)

Tags: 改機

All Comments

求救!!肥P 1007型開機綠燈 黑屏

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-01-21T01:19
各位大大好,最近PSP借給弟弟玩,回來時就莫名其妙無法開機了, 跪求大大們協助andgt;andlt; 爬文後,發現變磚的機率很大(囧) PSP為1007型的肥P,有請店家改過機,可以玩魔物獵人3跟機戰Z2的版本。 目前做過的測試有: (1)按開機-andgt;綠燈亮,黑屏,綠燈亮20秒後熄滅。 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2012-01-20T22:40
之前請朋友幫忙改過機 硬改+軟改 版本是4.1J 有安裝過HBC、Neo gamma、SoftChip等軟體 上一個能正常執行的遊戲是新超馬跟銀碼2 用Neo gamma讀薩爾達的話會綠屏Err #002 請問這種情況是表示我該更新ios嗎? 還是軟體太舊了? 爬了半天文章幾乎是從4.3J開 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-01-20T15:26
手邊的一台WII應該是4.3J原生機,已經有用過latterboom安裝HBC, 也照著某篇文章(忘記哪一篇了)安裝CIOS, 但是還不能執行CFG,而家人急著要玩遊戲, 就放入了WII fit+更新了, 之後想再重新安裝CIOS就沒辦法安裝了, 想直接請高手幫忙軟改, 只要可以用CFG+硬碟玩遊戲就可以了, ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-01-20T14:56
※ 引述《bmfer (BM)》之銘言: : 小弟是門外漢,也是支持原版的。 : 手上原版片一狗票。 : 所以想來請教大大們。是否能用簡單的說明來讓我們了解目前ps3改機的狀態下。 : 能做到什麼功能? : 比如金手指? 有,但是是永久啟動,還沒辦法隨時開關,而且不是每個遊戲都有。 : 比如遊戲備份到硬碟 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-01-20T14:20
小弟是門外漢,也是支持原版的。 手上原版片一狗票。 所以想來請教大大們。是否能用簡單的說明來讓我們了解目前ps3改機的狀態下。 能做到什麼功能? 比如金手指? 比如遊戲備份到硬碟中?直接使用硬碟遊玩?使用硬碟遊玩可增快讀取速度嗎? 那請問缺點又是什麼? 比如不能上網對戰?不能玩過新的遊戲?不能使用網路商 ...