Xbox360 Kinect 動態感應器技術性能諸元 - XBOX

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-07-05T19:06

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Report: Here Are Kinect's Technical Specs:


有英國的零售商在網站上刊登了 Kinect 動態感應器的技術、性能諸元資料,
該資料顯示 Kinect 最多可以追蹤六位玩家,但同時間一次只能追蹤兩位玩家的動作


A British retailer has posted a set of technical specifications for Microsoft's
upcoming motion-control peripheral, Kinect. Interestingly, it says only two
"active" players can be tracked at any one time.

While the camera can track "up to six people", it can only handle two
"active players" at a time, relegating the rest to support roles at best, and
idle spectators at worst. Asking for six players at once may have been a pipe
dream, but with the Wii supporting four players, a limit of two
"active players" will be a let-down to owners upgrading and expecting the whole
family to be able to play at once.

The specs in full are below:

Sensor (感應偵測器部份)
Colour and depth-sensing lenses
Voice microphone array
Tilt motor for sensor adjustment
Fully compatible with existing Xbox 360 consoles

Field of View (感應偵測器的感應範圍)
Horizontal field of view: 57 degrees
Vertical field of view: 43 degrees
Physical tilt range: ± 27 degrees
Depth sensor range: 1.2m - 3.5m

Data Streams (資料串流規格)
320x240 16-bit depth @ 30 frames/sec
640x480 32-bit colour@ 30 frames/sec
16-bit audio @ 16 kHz

Skeletal Tracking System (人體骨架偵測感應系統)
Tracks up to 6 people, including 2 active players
Tracks 20 joints per active player
Ability to map active players to LIVE Avatars

Audio System (聲音偵測感應系統)
LIVE party chat and in-game voice chat (requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership)
Echo cancellation system enhances voice input
Speech recognition in multiple

The specs carry with them a disclaimer, reading "This information is based on
specifications supplied by manufacturers and should be used for guidance only",
but if you were ever going to take a set of specs on face value, you'd take
the ones provided by the, you know. Manufacturers of the device.

Kinect []



Tags: XBOX

All Comments

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-07-09T14:17
有請專業人士分析 囧
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-07-12T12:36
2個揮手的 0_0\~/選我選我
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-07-15T05:15
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-07-16T05:52
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-07-21T03:42


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-07-05T18:05
因為一直買不太到Dead Space 所以我想直接到xbox live marketplace下載完整版 然後如果我玩完了刪掉它 如果想再下載 還需要點數嗎?? 感謝 - ...

總結一下國外及對岸論壇對 crackdown 2 的情報.

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-07-05T17:03
1.遊戲只開發了一年 = = 2.遊戲大小為3.X GB,去掉多國語言後約 2.5 GB 把語音,動畫去掉不超過 2GB 3.完全沒有故事劇情可言.不斷重複又重複的拿據點. 絕對沒有其他玩法.(跟Demo一樣) 4.地圖跟一代完全一樣 ! ~and#34;~ 5.遊戲後期敵人都是拿火箭炮 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-07-05T14:48
如題 從台北到台中唸書 人生地不熟 希望各位板有可以推薦一下哪有好的店家 先前是XBOX的玩家 360出的時候剛好高三 無奈... 現在在等8月買薄機 7越好熱好難熬阿andgt;andlt; - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-07-05T14:05
非假日應該會比較難徵吧, 先發文看能不能召集到預先報名的同好吧。 隊長保衛戰洗經驗流程: 1隊五人,一為隊長(可掛網),一為攻擊手,一為醫護兵,其他掛網 2隊五人,一為隊長(可掛網),一為攻擊手,一為醫護兵,其他掛網 雙方的攻擊手去對方的出生點,用鏈鋸槍射倒對方隊長,打趴不殺, 雙方的醫護兵留在自家隊長旁 ...

xbox360手把for PC

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-07-05T12:05
各位好 我想要請問各位 因為小弟最近迷上了波斯王子 發現如果用xbox360的手把玩好像會有震動 而且動作遊戲真的還是用手把玩比較爽XD 所以打算入手一隻xbox360手把for PC 爬文看到有人說650-700就有一支有線的手把了 可是我在網拍上面看到怎麼最便也是950+80運費atat 不知道在台北哪邊 ...