(X360 Pad for DC) X360 Pad Plugin - 模擬器

By Una
at 2009-02-02T11:49
at 2009-02-02T11:49
Table of Contents
Work on Makaron is progressing, albeit somewhat slowly these
days. Most noteworthy bug squashed lately: Skies of Arcadia
and getting stuck in narrow places - should not happen (so
often?) anymore. Finally got around to fix FLASH erasing
commands as well, this should make BIOS boot games even if
you fail to set the clock properly. For those less fortunate
who find Dreamcast BIOS menu just too confusing.
Today I bring you another input plugin - this one is meant
only for X360 controllers and uses/requires XInput. Unlike
DirectInput (broken by design by Microsoft), XInput allows
both triggers to be independent and have full range readout.
No support for hot-plugging - basically you need all
controllers (that you wish to use) have their respective IDs
assigned before you launch Makaron. There is no setup or
configuration of any kind. All you need to do is put
X360PAD.dll in “Wtyczki” folder and edit Maple.ini to use
it instead of MakaronPAD.dll.
Controls are mapped to follow original Dreamcast layout. BACK,
LB, RB, right analog stick and buttons under the sticks are
simply ignored. Triggers and analogs have suggested deadzones
- tell me if it’s too much (especially triggers).
Since I have no control over how Windows will assign the IDs,
I made it like this: the first port in Maple.ini to be
assigned the X360 plugin will use first available controller.
And so on - in theory, not tested with wireless or multiple
No force feedback yet. If you’ve used FF before with another
controller you might want to switch back to double-VMU
configuration for now.
By the way, one of the features I’d like to have next is the
ability to map unused controller buttons to specific emulator
functions - like pause on BACK and stuff like that. If you
have any other ideas, tell me.
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
Work on Makaron is progressing, albeit somewhat slowly these
days. Most noteworthy bug squashed lately: Skies of Arcadia
and getting stuck in narrow places - should not happen (so
often?) anymore. Finally got around to fix FLASH erasing
commands as well, this should make BIOS boot games even if
you fail to set the clock properly. For those less fortunate
who find Dreamcast BIOS menu just too confusing.
Today I bring you another input plugin - this one is meant
only for X360 controllers and uses/requires XInput. Unlike
DirectInput (broken by design by Microsoft), XInput allows
both triggers to be independent and have full range readout.
No support for hot-plugging - basically you need all
controllers (that you wish to use) have their respective IDs
assigned before you launch Makaron. There is no setup or
configuration of any kind. All you need to do is put
X360PAD.dll in “Wtyczki” folder and edit Maple.ini to use
it instead of MakaronPAD.dll.
Controls are mapped to follow original Dreamcast layout. BACK,
LB, RB, right analog stick and buttons under the sticks are
simply ignored. Triggers and analogs have suggested deadzones
- tell me if it’s too much (especially triggers).
Since I have no control over how Windows will assign the IDs,
I made it like this: the first port in Maple.ini to be
assigned the X360 plugin will use first available controller.
And so on - in theory, not tested with wireless or multiple
No force feedback yet. If you’ve used FF before with another
controller you might want to switch back to double-VMU
configuration for now.
By the way, one of the features I’d like to have next is the
ability to map unused controller buttons to specific emulator
functions - like pause on BACK and stuff like that. If you
have any other ideas, tell me.
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
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