PCSX2 Playground rev 672 & Plugins - 模擬器

By Ingrid
at 2009-02-01T18:02
at 2009-02-01T18:02
Table of Contents
PCSX2 Playground rev 672
PG rev 665 ZeroSPU2 0.4.6
rev 896 GSDX 1.14
http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow
Legend: '//blah-blah-blah//' or '/blah-blah-blah/' is re4rainbow's comment.
Just FYI.
Quoted from: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list
rev 628 - 672 - see http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list
*KH2 fix (gray screen & slowness - as gamefix option);
*ZeroSPU2 update;
*Memcards fix (SEE http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-3283.html FIRST IF U DON'T
***I'll copy and paste info from these revisions in next update (a week from
now - sry, I have to deal with a shitstorm first). U can always grab PG betas
from pcsx2pg forum***
rev 627: Quick fix for the broken frame/vuskip by Nneeve. Doesn't restore it
completely, but it'll do for now :)
rev 626: Today is a great day for ps2 emulation, Tri-Ace games now work with
Playground! :D That means that Star Ocean 3, Valkyrie Profile 2, and Radiata
Stories all get in-game and might even be playable from start-to-finish (more
testing needs to
be done to find out if they're fully playable).
For those that don't know, Tri-Ace games use an encryption algorithm that
requires bit-accurate results to boot successfully; so they're some of the
pickiest games to emulate.
Credit goes to Nneeve who coded special add/sub routines for VU opcodes that
make the PS2's VUs more accurate.
Since these routines are SLOW, Rama and I decided to make this a gamefix.
Rama also isolated the code so it only runs the slow-routines in the
functions that need them to boot the Tri-Ace games (without this, the games
would run 40% slower :p).
The gamefix is called "VU Add / Sub Hack", so turn it on and have fun
playing/testing tri-ace games on pcsx2-playground! :p
Note: After Krakatos does some more testing, he'll add a public beta for this
revision on our forums (sometime within 24hours probably).
rev 625: Fix an include in the OpenGL version of ZeroGS.
rev 624: These variables shouldn't be static.
rev 623: Playing a bit of catchup.
rev 622: Changed default EE FPU roundmode to "chop" and made the 2
instructions that needed "nearest" rounding change the mode at runtime. Note
that the default mode is now the only one that is correct. Games will break
with any other mode.
The choice is still there though for any games that don't work with "chop".
Please report these so I can fix them as well.
rev 621: Renamed all Psx* files to Iop*. Someday we'll rename all the psx*
functions and vars to iop*, but that's a much larger project.
rev 620: Cleaned up and streamlined the namespaces quite a bit, split some
code into separate modules, and cleaned up the Common.h header file by
removing all the unnecessary not-so-common pieces parts.
rev 619: fixed an error in a recUpdateFlags() optimization that i've had for
along timeand for some reason never noticed :(
thats to Person on #pcsx2 for pointing it out.
PG rev 665 ZeroSPU2 0.4.6
rev 896 GSDX 1.14
http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow
Legend: '//blah-blah-blah//' or '/blah-blah-blah/' is re4rainbow's comment.
Just FYI.
Quoted from: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list
rev 628 - 672 - see http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list
*KH2 fix (gray screen & slowness - as gamefix option);
*ZeroSPU2 update;
*Memcards fix (SEE http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-3283.html FIRST IF U DON'T
***I'll copy and paste info from these revisions in next update (a week from
now - sry, I have to deal with a shitstorm first). U can always grab PG betas
from pcsx2pg forum***
rev 627: Quick fix for the broken frame/vuskip by Nneeve. Doesn't restore it
completely, but it'll do for now :)
rev 626: Today is a great day for ps2 emulation, Tri-Ace games now work with
Playground! :D That means that Star Ocean 3, Valkyrie Profile 2, and Radiata
Stories all get in-game and might even be playable from start-to-finish (more
testing needs to
be done to find out if they're fully playable).
For those that don't know, Tri-Ace games use an encryption algorithm that
requires bit-accurate results to boot successfully; so they're some of the
pickiest games to emulate.
Credit goes to Nneeve who coded special add/sub routines for VU opcodes that
make the PS2's VUs more accurate.
Since these routines are SLOW, Rama and I decided to make this a gamefix.
Rama also isolated the code so it only runs the slow-routines in the
functions that need them to boot the Tri-Ace games (without this, the games
would run 40% slower :p).
The gamefix is called "VU Add / Sub Hack", so turn it on and have fun
playing/testing tri-ace games on pcsx2-playground! :p
Note: After Krakatos does some more testing, he'll add a public beta for this
revision on our forums (sometime within 24hours probably).
rev 625: Fix an include in the OpenGL version of ZeroGS.
rev 624: These variables shouldn't be static.
rev 623: Playing a bit of catchup.
rev 622: Changed default EE FPU roundmode to "chop" and made the 2
instructions that needed "nearest" rounding change the mode at runtime. Note
that the default mode is now the only one that is correct. Games will break
with any other mode.
The choice is still there though for any games that don't work with "chop".
Please report these so I can fix them as well.
rev 621: Renamed all Psx* files to Iop*. Someday we'll rename all the psx*
functions and vars to iop*, but that's a much larger project.
rev 620: Cleaned up and streamlined the namespaces quite a bit, split some
code into separate modules, and cleaned up the Common.h header file by
removing all the unnecessary not-so-common pieces parts.
rev 619: fixed an error in a recUpdateFlags() optimization that i've had for
along timeand for some reason never noticed :(
thats to Person on #pcsx2 for pointing it out.
All Comments
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