FB Alpha v0.2.97.02 - 模擬器

James avatar
By James
at 2009-02-01T16:47

Table of Contents


Here's the what's new;

* Added a driver for games on Galaxian hardware, 177 new sets [Barry]
* Added support for insane sample Galaxian sound sample hardware and the
various AY8910 interfaces in the Galaxian driver [Barry]
* Moved PPI8255 module to the burn folder so it can be accessed by all
drivers [Barry]
* Added support for a third PPI8255 [Barry]
* Added driver for Aquarium [iq_132]
* Added driver for Dark Seal [iq_132]
* Added driver for games on Deniam hardware [iq_132]
* Added driver for games on Midas hardware [iq_132]
* Changed the left and right sound channels in the CPS-3 driver [Barry]
* Fixed the speed-up hacks for Jojo's Venture [Barry]
* Improved analog controls in the Sega drivers when used with analog
devices [Captain CPS-X]
* Added some clones to the Toaplan2 driver [Barry]
* Added some new Phoenix sets to the CPS-2 driver (provided by bonky0013)
* Some renames of roms in Neo-Geo decrypted sets as reported by pmc2
* Fixed the aspect ratio in the Arkanoid driver [Captain CPS-X]
* Added support to the Game Information dialog for Select, Versus, How
To, Scores, Bosses and Game over previews [Barry]
* Added configurable path support for the above new previews [Barry]
* Fixed issue with selection dialog when clicking filters too fast
[Captain CPS-X]
* Added buttons to the selection dialog for tasks in the
context-sensitive menu [Captain CPS-X]
* Moved the options in the selection dialog to their own tab [Captain
* Tidied the selection dialog [Captain CPS-X]
* Tidied the rom and support path dialogs and made them less cumbersome
[Captain CPS-X]
* Changed the PNG load functions to use PNGlib [Captain CPS-X]
* Added support for loading support files from zips [Captain CPS-X]
* Added filter for Galaxian hardware to the selection dialog [Barry]
* Matched all set to MAME 0.129u3 [Barry]
* nb, the source is now doule-zipped similar to MAME for better


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