(WIP) Robbie Dox: Star 100... - 模擬器

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2014-05-27T21:22

Table of Contents


Star 100...

Here is another dark hardware manufactured by Sang Ho (bankrupt approx
in 2010), silkscreened 'SANGHO PM-003 (VER-B2)'. It's a Z80 based system,
with 1x KC89C72 (AY-3-8910 compatible), a couple of Altera CPLD's (one
identified as EPM7032LC44-15), 1x unknown custom IC marked 0453LK003,
and 1x (unused) OKI 6295 for ADPCM samples system.


I spent some hours on it, and got some preliminary response


Seems that the system has at least two video RAMs that should render to
different tilemaps, and finally merge for the final output. For the next
step, I will try to find and hook the second one...

**** EDIT #1 ****

Well... Just identify the whole second video RAM, hooked it to a new
tilemap, and cooked all together... ;-). Also adjusted the 1st graphics
bank and tile codes accordingly.

Still preliminary, but at least now we know for sure the game involved
*IS* 'Star 100'. Here some snaps:


The garbage added to the first two snapshots is suppossed to be girls
posing, and respect the last one, obviously must be the reels symbols.
I'll try to do an attempt to fix some things...

**** EDIT #2 ****

The girls appeared (also the reel symbols), but obviously with 8 pixel
lines instead of 32. The second tilemap is not accurate, since is
supporting 8x8 pixels tiles, when the second graphics bank (that contains
the girls and reels symbols) has tiles with a size of 8x32 pixels. This
is why you can see the tiles lines 'clipped'.


Even when this is an improvement, I'm forced to break the second tilemap
in different pieces, giving 8x32 pixels support. I'm strongly think that
this video circuitry starts to looks close to the Golden Star video

**** EDIT #3 ****

Tried setting an accurate second tilemap for these 8x32 tiles. Still
misaligned, but it's a start. Palette seems to be RAM based, placed at
0xF300, but I couldn't find an accurate way to decode it, yet.


Also the program sets a sort of initialization through commands using
ports 0x1C-0x1D, writting the index or address through port 0x1C, and
then writting 3 consecutive values to 0x1D. The range starts with index
0x00 and ends with 0xFF, what made me think that maybe the program is
writting a 256 colors palette based on RGB values... Need more





All Comments

[FC]-小金剛算數 (Sansuu Asobi)

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-05-27T19:49
這次想跟各位聊一款比較特別的Donkey Kong系列遊戲。 最初Donkey Kong遊戲出現的時候, 故事是把瑪利歐設定為要從大金剛手中把女主角救回的英雄, 而在之後發行的Donkey Kong Jr.遊戲裡,瑪利歐成為困住大金剛的角色, 大金剛的兒子-小金剛要從瑪利歐的手中救回爸爸。 以小金剛遊戲為 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-05-27T19:40
謝謝各位回應 也謝謝remina網友提供的連結 最後還是下載famtasia來玩解決問題 沒有閃光真的對眼睛好些 不過注意到玩遊戲時螢幕左端都會有一條垂直黑線 印象中以前用模擬器玩遊戲時也有這個現象 當時用的模擬器有一個功能──螢幕左端修飾 可以解決這個問題 但現在famtasia好像找不到這功能 不知道有 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-05-26T21:41
不知道各位對於兩年前那部粉絲自製的《真人快打》(Street Fighter: Legacy)短片還有印象嗎?當時短片一出不僅引起轟動,連《快打旋風》製作公司apcom迌]受到啟發,決定放手製作《快打旋風:暗殺拳》,而這套迷你影集也終於在日前公佈到 YouTube 上讓所有粉絲欣賞。 還沒看過的朋友,可以 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2014-05-25T17:16
已徵求原po同意轉載 作者 beskur (海大的司機) 看板 Old-Games 標題 [分享] 46億年物語-全對話翻譯 時間 Fri May 23 17:41:33 2014 ──────────────────── ...

FC(NES)&GB 少年德古拉

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-05-25T12:59
這款少年德古拉 相信大家小時候應該都看過 這兩天連GB版得都一起破了,順便寫個心得推廣一下 遊戲類型是橫向動作捲軸遊戲 雖然說這遊戲難起來也是可以卡好一陣子 不過基本上這款是Q版動作遊戲風格,音樂也十分輕快 應該很適合小朋友玩(?) 遊戲進行中,如果遇到怪物都以集氣的方式打倒,就可以獲得金幣 ...