(WIP) Porting MAME to Native Client - 模擬器

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-01-03T14:45

Table of Contents


This article describes our experience porting Multiple Arcade Machine
Emulator (MAME), an emulator for a large number of classic arcade games,
to Native Client. We discuss a number of topics in detail, such as our
overall porting strategy, how we dealt with newlib incompatibilities,
and how we handled binaries that are built and run as part of the build
process. We do not discuss topics such as how to load resources in
Native Client or how to port SDL games to Native Client (the articles
listed in the Links section cover those topics). Our port is based on
MAME version 0.143.


簡單說就是MAME成功被Native Client支援,使用者往後就可以利用各系統平台上


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    之 之 大 艷 上 亂 逸 奇
    詞 言 事 史 帝 神 聞 觀 http://perryt0517.wordpress.com/


All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2012-01-04T01:56
GOOGLE 瞬間多了好多遊戲XD


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-01-02T22:18
: 推 conpo:DownTown ? 12/24 00:20 : → conpo:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcL05s_x2iA 12/24 0 ...

bsnes v085

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2012-01-02T21:00
http://byuu.org/bsnes/ Changelog: fixed auto joypad polling edge case; fixes Ys 5 controls fixed Justifier polling code; Lethal Enforcers should be fully ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2012-01-02T20:43
網誌圖文版 http://roger6.blogspot.com/2011/12/blog-post_27.html TECHNOS 在時代劇發行後的隔年、也就是 1992 年 2 月 7 日 發售了熱血高校躲避球部系列的續作-熱血曲棍球 它的日文全名「 いけいけ! 熱血ホッケー部 すべってころんで大乱闘 ...

MAME Plus!0.144u4 遊戲目錄中文語系檔

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2012-01-02T20:28
由台中神話所編輯的正體中文語系檔終於發佈了新版本, 下載暨解壓縮後直接丟入lang資料夾底下即可。   作者的話:     搞了好幾個月     第2次搞全中文 (還是很累 當先發者的痛苦 呵呵)     MAMEP 0.144U4 18555個遊戲命名     感謝所有對模擬器付出的程序員     ...

(WIP) FBA Gamelist Localisation

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-01-02T12:44
2012.01.02 A while back I removed the gamelist localisation feature from FB Alpha, the old version was nasty and didnand#39;t work very well at ...