(WIP) Porting MAME to Native Client - 模擬器

By Andy
at 2012-01-03T14:45
at 2012-01-03T14:45
Table of Contents
This article describes our experience porting Multiple Arcade Machine
Emulator (MAME), an emulator for a large number of classic arcade games,
to Native Client. We discuss a number of topics in detail, such as our
overall porting strategy, how we dealt with newlib incompatibilities,
and how we handled binaries that are built and run as part of the build
process. We do not discuss topics such as how to load resources in
Native Client or how to port SDL games to Native Client (the articles
listed in the Links section cover those topics). Our port is based on
MAME version 0.143.
簡單說就是MAME成功被Native Client支援,使用者往後就可以利用各系統平台上
不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不
談 談 談 談 談 談 談 談 談 談
聖 大 黨 紅 儒 怪 洋 海 玄 機
賢 人 國 樓 佛 力 場 外
之 之 大 艷 上 亂 逸 奇
詞 言 事 史 帝 神 聞 觀 http://perryt0517.wordpress.com/
This article describes our experience porting Multiple Arcade Machine
Emulator (MAME), an emulator for a large number of classic arcade games,
to Native Client. We discuss a number of topics in detail, such as our
overall porting strategy, how we dealt with newlib incompatibilities,
and how we handled binaries that are built and run as part of the build
process. We do not discuss topics such as how to load resources in
Native Client or how to port SDL games to Native Client (the articles
listed in the Links section cover those topics). Our port is based on
MAME version 0.143.
簡單說就是MAME成功被Native Client支援,使用者往後就可以利用各系統平台上
不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不
談 談 談 談 談 談 談 談 談 談
聖 大 黨 紅 儒 怪 洋 海 玄 機
賢 人 國 樓 佛 力 場 外
之 之 大 艷 上 亂 逸 奇
詞 言 事 史 帝 神 聞 觀 http://perryt0517.wordpress.com/
All Comments

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