(WIP) PCSX2 source code development switches to Git - 模擬器

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2014-03-31T13:22

Table of Contents


Hey everyone,

We just moved the PCSX2 version control system from SVN over to GIT.
The new official source code repository is hosted on GitHub.

You can find the source code here:

And the new issue tracker here.

Git is more contributor friendly than SVN. The process of sending
patches to a team member for eventual review has been streamlined.
Now people can just fork the master repository, add their changes
and open a pull request if they think it's good. The devs can then
merge the request and the code is live.

This change is a pretty big operation, so please excuse (and report)
any issues you find while we're transferring :)

Keep in mind the build bot will take some time to update to the new
source code repository, whenever Orphis can get around to it so until
then, be patient!





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dolphin 3.5以上玩某些遊戲易lag

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-03-31T10:56
請教版上的大家,小弟的電腦是i7-3770k 顯卡是7730 大部份遊戲都運行順暢ok, 但在3.5版本以上的dolphin跑wii sport, wii fit等遊戲 都會在某些畫面有聲音lag與fps不足的問題 但如果用舊一點的svn版就是順暢無比 請問有解決的辦法嗎,或是有推荐哪一個早期的版 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2014-03-29T15:48
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