Remakes_VMs: VirtualBox v4.3.10 - 模擬器

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-03-28T20:34

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VirtualBoxꀴ.3.10ꀨreleased 2014-03-25)ꀊ
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:ꀊVMM: more work on improving the emulation of certain MSR registers on certain host CPUs (e.g. bugs #12734, #12736, #12744, #12748, #12686, #12770)ꀊVMM: fixed single-stepping for real-mode guests (VT-x without unrestricted guest execution) and some I/O instructions (bug #12636)ꀊVMM: fixed a potential problem with COW pages if nested paging is not availableꀊGUI: Mac OS X: experimental native full screen support for Mountain Lion and Mavericks (bug #12292)ꀊGUI: Mac OS X: removed the mini-toolbar minimize button which doesn愒 work under Mac OS X full screen mode anywayꀊGUI: experimental HID LEDs synchronization for Windows and Mac OS X hosts: fixed keyboard re-synchronization if the feature is disabled (as done by default; bug #12758)ꀊGUI: fixed a potential crash when opening the preferences menu (bug #12862)ꀊOVF: fixed a crash of the吓irtualBox嗰anager when re-starting guest export (bug #12586)ꀊ3D support: several fixesꀊHGCM: fixed a problem with saved states which could cause several guest misbehavior after a VM was started from a saved stateꀊStorage: fixed a bug preventing to compact differential snapshots under certain conditionsꀊVBoxSVC: fixed a segmentation fault on Linux hosts if a very long path exists under /dev (bug #12760)ꀊAPI: fixed guest misbehavior under certain conditions if a storage medium was attached or removed at VM runtimeꀊWindows installer: make the --silent parameter work again (bug #12764)ꀊMac OS X Networking: prevent local traffic (VM-to/from-host) from leaking to wire (bug #12750)ꀊWindows Additions: fixed the environment for guest processes (4.3.8 regression; bug #12782)ꀊWindows Additions/WDDM: fixed divide by zero exception with multiple guest screens under certain conditionsꀊLinux Additions: install correctly on Ubuntu guest systems with a /usr/lib64 directory (bug #12513)ꀊX11 Additions: fix for the VBoxClient process not exiting correctly (bug #12348) and consuming too much processor time
VirtualBoxꀴ.3.8 (released 2014-02-25)ꀊ
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:ꀊVMM: more work on improving the emulation of certain MSR registers (e.g. bugs #12224, #12544)ꀊVMM: fixed a VERR_INVALID_RPL Guru Meditation when booting certain guests (bug #11350)ꀊVMM: experimental support for SSE 4.1 / SSE 4.2 passthrough, see the manual for more information how to enable it (bug #8651)ꀊVMM: fix for recent Linux kernels with software virtualizationꀊGUI: experimental HID LEDs synchronization for Windows hosts, see the manual for more informationꀊGUI: warn the user if the Oracle Extension Pack is not installed and the user tries to activate the remote display feature (bug #9104)ꀊGUI: make sure that a minimized guest (using mini toolbar in fullscreen/seamless mode) keeps the minimized state (bug #12199)ꀊGUI: popup banner愀 "do not show this message again" check-box replaced with corresponding buttonꀊGUI: network adapter cables can now be connected/disconnected directly through the running virtual machine Devices / Network menu a Network status-bar indicatorꀊGUI: the new VM wizard now proposes 64-bit guests on 64-bit hosts by default; better distinction between 32-bit OS types 64-bit OS types (bug #12533)ꀊGUI: better error message if appliance import fails (bug #12657)ꀊGUI: allow to set host-combination to 就one될using the Global settings / Input page (bug #12730)ꀊGUI: don愒 switch the guest to a black screen during online snapshot merge (4.3 regression)ꀊVBoxManage: when exporting an appliance, support the suppression of MAC addresses, which means they will be always recreated on import, avoiding duplicate MAC addresses for VMs which are imported several timesꀊAHCI: fixed a VM hang during suspend under certain circumstancesꀊAHCI: fixed a VM hang during online snapshot merge under certain circumstancesꀊAHCI: fixed a bug which resulted in Windows XP guest hangs if a SATA CDROM is attached (bug #12417)ꀊAHCI: fixed a Guru Meditation under certain conditionsꀊAHCI: ejecting a CD/DVD medium failed under certain conditionsꀊAHCI: disk hotplugging fixesꀊNAT: transparent handling of host sleep/resume and network configuration changes if the dnsproxy is enabled or if the hostresolver is used (bug #12441)ꀊNAT: fixed crash and misbehaviour under some circumstances with ICMP packets having TTL=1ꀊNAT Network: fixed IPv6 reassemblyꀊNAT Network: ping proxy implementedꀊOVF: fixed reading of the OVF 0.9 section element (4.3 regression; bug #12345)ꀊOVF: several fixesꀊ3D support: several fixes, multiscreen fixes (e.g. bug #9124)ꀊ3D support: include 3D content in captured videos (bug #12666)ꀊ3D support: include 3D content in captured screenshot (bug #11758)ꀊVGA: proper handling of legacy graphics modes if the Guest Additions are active (bug #6649)ꀊUSB: fixed crash during isochronous transfer under rare circumstancesꀊBIOS: better disk geometry handling of SCSI drivesꀊAPI: fix crashes in喺ava孭PI clients using the XPCOM binding, happened with output parameters only (bug #11232)ꀊVBoxSVC: documented the handling of host power management events (see the manual for more information) and added an extradata item for configuring the handling of the battery-low event (bug #9925)ꀊVBoxSVC: fixed a bug which could trigger a crash if a VM snapshot was restored the second time and the VM has associated bandwidth groups (bug #12569)ꀊVBoxSVC: properly detect ifconfig if located in /bin (bug #12713)ꀊShared Folders: fixed a failure to restore transient shared folders when starting a VM from a saved state (bug #12578)ꀊMac OS X hosts: fixed issue when the application icon was frozen in the dock if the bridging interface was not connected to a network (bug #12241)ꀊLinux hosts: also consider the physical package ID when determining the number of physical CPU coresꀊLinux hosts / guests: don愒 warn in kernel log if memory allocation fails (bug #11171)ꀊSolaris hosts: fixed the autostart SMF script (bug #11720)ꀊWindows hosts: fixes for non-ANSI code page user names and similar environment contents (bug #12596)ꀊWindows hosts / guests: fixed setting and using a guest user愀 process environment variables (relevant for Guest Control)ꀊWindows Additions: fixed handle leaks in VBoxTray (bug #12563)ꀊWindows Additions: fixed a crash while detecting active guest usersꀊWindows Additions: fixed restoring backed up D3D files on XPDM -> WDDM upgradeꀊGuest Control: fixed setting and using a guest user愀 process environment variablesꀊLinux Additions: support Enterprise Linux 6.5 kernels (bug #12505)ꀊLinux Additions: fixed CPU hot-remove on newer Linux kernelsꀊLinux / Solaris Additions: don愒 automount a shared folder which is already mountedꀊX11 Additions: support X.Org Server 1.15 (bug #12623)

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All Comments


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-03-26T12:57
最近又拿出機戰f重玩,前篇使用模擬器跑是沒問題,但是昨天玩到 地上路線第61話(決戰!!第二新東京市)的第2張地圖時,第3回合發 生零幫真嗣擋住第5使徒的攻擊的劇情後,美里說完話螢幕就一片 黑色,劇情就當在那邊,後來我拿出f完結篇的遊戲片做成iso檔再 跑一次,在擊破第5使徒說完話之後一樣會螢幕全黑當 ...

JSPspEmu Git (Soywiz Psp Emu)

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-03-26T12:21
改名了= = JSPspEmu Git Changelog: * - Added Memory.reset to clear screen display at least - Added clut-related GPU commands (not decoding yet) * - Fix alpha ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2014-03-26T01:43
原本正常會是60FPS,但是進入戰鬥之後經常會亂跳,從45~60之間浮動 最容易察覺到的影響是BGM,忽快忽慢感覺蠻不舒服的, 另外除了戰鬥之外的部分幾乎沒什麼問題 我用的版本是1.1.0.5628,可以建議一下我應該如何設定嗎? 我玩的是日版 - ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2014-03-25T17:25
(抱歉刪掉部份推文) → RuinAngel:250玩模擬器稍微犧牲一下畫面基本上夠了啦,二手也只要 03/25 10:02 → RuinAngel:幾百XD 真的要全部順跑就像三推的那樣,實際上不如回去 03/25 10:02 → RuinAngel:玩實機XD 03/25 10:02 → RuinAng ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2014-03-25T12:23
因為原本的Motionjoy程式似乎壞掉了,所以重新安裝一個 但是不知道為甚麼按鈕就是調不好,有參考網路上面的配置 目前遇到的狀況是L2按鈕不知道為什麼變成右類比搖桿往右邊偏才能用.. R2因為那款遊戲沒有用不知道有沒有問題, 可以請問一下要怎麼設定嗎?或是有其他的程式可以推薦 ...