(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3 - 模擬器

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-02-18T02:14

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AlexSRMD is our cart provider today, thanks a lot to him! I tried to find
this cart for a long time without any success. Today I have at least
possibility to dump it somehow, however I'd like to desolder it and read in
eprom reader to be sure dump is completely identical. But maybe next time,
now we have CopyFamiClone logical dump with some RE assumptions. Anyway, this
is "Exciting Basket" by Kaiser, the conversion of the FDS version of the game
known as "Double Dribble" outside of Japan. As usual for Kaiser boards, this
is based onthe same mapper chip, but with uniqie addressing again. ID label
is KS-7016. Of course, you can play it only on latest version of FCEUmm or
SVN build of FCEUX.

Exciting Basket (FDS Conversion)[U][!]

Just for fun, here is another, seems early version of "Adventure Island II"
Mario hack. As agains the later version, this one has simple title "Super
Bros. 9" and only 3 lives at start instead of 9 in other hacks.

Super Mario Bros. 9 (Unl)[!]

Here is one more interesting multigame cart 8-in-1 with nice menu. It's
probably was made by the same company who made famous 7-in-1 cart with Snake
Rattle' n Roll on it, but this one is based on MMC3 and all games are hacked
differently. Parts of menu graphics for this multigame can be found in 7-in-1
cartridge, as well as Snake seems have the same bug in later leves due to bad
hack. Didn't tested it, but it seems it should crash in the same place, but
maybe different way.

And finally redumped and rechecked previously dumped by our Chinese friends
dump of "Almana no Kiseki" by Whirlwind Manu. Dumps are identical, but it
seems I have some problem with my previous Kaiser dump now, which need verify
again (maybe later)... The dump itself is exactly the same as by Kaiser, but
with rehacked copyrights and year. It seems they decided just to copy Kaisers
hardware on different components base, rather than hack convert this game by
self and making its own board.

Super 8-in-1 (with Rockin' Kats)(Unl)[U][!]

Almana no Kiseki (FDS Conversion)(Whirlwind Manu, Kaiser's KISS hack)[U]

來源 http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru/dumping_2016.php




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(PS) ePSXe / ePSXe for Android 2.0.0

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-02-18T00:13
2016.02.17 - First of all, ePSXe 2.0 now requires Windows Vista or superior. While it could work on Windows XP SP2, it has not been tested. - Multi-lan ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-02-17T18:02
看了心有所感阿...... 我覺得這不能適用全部人 我小時候曾經存錢偷買超任被我爸發現 被扁一頓後外加機器卡帶全部被沒收 結果反而心裡全部都在想(想打電動、 想打電動、想打電動) 結果那時成績反而大幅滑落 反而成績維持最好的時候是我考上大學搬出去住打電動沒人能管我的時候後 天天打照樣歐趴(汗....) 所以 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-02-16T20:08
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5oTwI7W9g8 可以直接快轉到1:05開始,超好笑又覺得他好強XDDDDD - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-02-16T19:18
此我也把弟弟的遊戲機也破壞掉。 「你們懂得自己(媽媽)親手破壞用自己工作賺的錢買的東西的心情嗎?你們與其擔心這 輩子再也沒辦法玩遊戲,還不如擔心媽媽再也不相信你們這件事!」 根據當事人的敘述,這個故事似乎是以兩個孩子先是驚恐進而低落悔恨,但是下個星期因 為兒子的數學考了滿分而重拾笑容與「媽媽的信任」,而有 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-02-16T01:20
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