(PS) ePSXe / ePSXe for Android 2.0.0 - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-02-18T00:13

Table of Contents


- First of all, ePSXe 2.0 now requires Windows Vista or superior. While it
could work on Windows XP SP2, it has not been tested.

- Multi-language support. Currently there is support for English, Spanish,
Japanese (thanks to Nekokabu) and Italian (thanks to Domus). If you want to
help us translate the emulator to other language let us know at
[email protected].

- Added a gamelist window. Now you can open a gamelist window by selecting
File->Open Gamelist or clicking on the letters "PSX" from the ePSXe logo.

- Improved CPU/overall timing accuracy.

- Improved GTE accuracy. and added support for widescreen and subpixel
precision (GTE Accuracy hack thank to Edbla).

- Ported the Soft GPU from the Android version. The new GPU Core requires a
videocard supporting OpenGL2 + GLSL shader. Supporting increased internal
resolution at x2/x4, brightness profiles, stretching modes, 2D filters
(Thanks to Zenju), Shaders (Thanks to Lottes & Hyllian), Scanlines and
Sub-pixel precision. (Special thanks to Pete Bernert :)

- Included the Pete Opengl2 GPU core with support for sub-pixel precission
(gte accuracy hack) and memory detection. Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert,
Tapcio and Edbla.

- Teamviewer incompatibility is resolved with the internal GPU plugins.

- Added a configuration window to select options for the internal SPU Plugin.

- Fixed support for CDDA music in external SPU plugins.

- Improved the internal input plugin. Improved multitap andd added autofire

- Added support for Konami Justifier gun using the mouse.

- External Input plugins support.

- Added game profile by game.

- Improved auto-PPF support. (PPv3 and several files by game)

- Improved cheat support. Fixed cheatcodes gameshark conditional, added
increment/decrement types (0x10-11, 0x20-21) and copy type (0xc2).

- Improved HLE bios emulation. Starting with version 1.9.25, the HLE bios has
been improved to support more games: Wild Arms, Jet Moto, Toca World Touring
, Simcity 2000. Memcards support was improved for a lot of games such as
Dinocrisis 2, Metal Gear Solid, V-Rally2, Diablo, Ridge Racer Type 4, Driver
, Echo Night and Azure Dreamns.

- Fixes to the CD-ROM decoder and the core which made around to 40 more games
playable or better working: Agile Warrior F-111X, Arcade's Greatest Hits -
The Atari Collection 2, Blasto (PAL), C-12 - Final Resistance, Captain
Commando, Cinema Eikaiwa - Ai No Hate Ni, Cinema Eikaiwa - ArasshigaokaA,
Cinema Eikaiwa - Interceptor, Cinema Eikaiwa - Tengoru Ni Ikenai Papa,,
Cinema Eikaiwa - This boys life, Cinema Eikaiwa - Zombiew, Duke Nukem - Land
of Babes (PAL), Fantastic Night Dreams - Cotton Original, Formula One 2000,
Glocal Hexcite, Jumping Flash 2, Legend of Legaia, London Racer 2, Mary-Kate
and Ashley - Crush Course (PAL), Mary Kate & Ashley - Magical Mystery Mall
(PAL), Medievil, Medievil 2, Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001, Maboroshi
Tsukiyo, Millennium Soldier Expendable, Nightmare Creatures II, Nishijin
Packinko Tengoku Vol 2, Perfect Weapon, Psybadek, Rock'n Roll Racing 2 - Red
Asphalt (PAL), Rugrats Studio Tour (PAL), SD Gundam G Generation Zero,
Sidewinder II, Slots, Soul Blade, Star Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden
Empire, Super Pang Collection, The Hive, USA Racer - A2 Racer goes USA,
Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special (New logo thanks to Robert Typek)

for Android 2.0.0

- Added shaders support (simple custom shader can be added). Thanks to
Hyllian & Lottes.

- Added 2D-Filters: 2xSAI and xBRZx2/4. Thanks to Zenju.

- Added support for Sub-pixel precision to hw renderer (at x2/x4).

- Fixed garbage on borders in some games in hw renderer.

- Fixed vibration on player 1.

- Fixed the game The Hive.

- Fixed PBP support on Nexus Player in android 6.0.

- Added support for PPFv3 and support to autoload several PPFs by game.

官方 http://www.epsxe.com/



All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-02-21T08:52
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-02-22T15:09
https://www.sendspace.com/file/amqz3p 正體&去ad
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2016-02-26T04:38
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-02-27T02:08
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-02-27T10:30
David avatar
By David
at 2016-03-02T22:12
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2016-03-03T20:31
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-03-04T11:46
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2016-03-07T07:15
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2016-03-12T00:34
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-03-12T06:51
CEP base address
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-03-15T22:43
| EPSXE.EXE | Use Base Address Search | $00200000
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-03-16T13:44
外加ePSXe 2.0.0 | $10E1C11F | $FFFFFFFF |
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-03-18T19:41
| $7E93C4 | $0030000 | $0030000


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-02-16T01:20
系統是WIN7 64 CPU I5 3470 顯卡是ATI4670 試過三個版本(都是VER 0.12 只要曾經運行過再關掉 再打開SSF就會變成最小化 但是看不到視窗(聽得到聲音 除非按ALT+ENTER最大化不然看不到螢幕 可是再按一次ALT+ENTER視窗化一樣會最小化看不到視窗 這樣我沒辦法途 ...

DQSML Café遊記

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2016-02-16T00:55
這次是手遊天尊的手遊咖啡店,似乎和本版的調性又遠一重, 這邊補一下蠟燭怪好了。 蠟燭怪雖然歷代多有出現, 但我印象最深的還是DQ5童年時代跟比安卡一起走鬧鬼皇宮時出現那段。 沒有攻略的時代怎麼打怎麼死,看超多次蠟燭怪....... 想不到有一天我會吃到蠟燭怪蛋糕啊。 *** http://fre ...

PPSSPP 1.2 is out

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2016-02-15T17:30
http://www.ppsspp.org/ February 14, 2016: PPSSPP 1.2.1 is coming soon As usual one bug got through :) Stay tuned for fixes to the shutdown/app switching ...

ss 機戰f完結篇-道具 修改

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-02-15T01:02
如標題,最近在重溫ss版的機戰f完結篇 使用了 ssf 模擬器,gamemaster 8 修改 金錢的部份已經用金額轉16進制的方式找到了 可是在道具的部份一直都不知道怎麼找 google了一下網路上的許多文章 有人說在編輯器找到 00D12545 到00D12555 都改成9就可以了 我試了是不 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-02-14T13:36
在版上潛水這麼久,想不到也有我發文的一天啊。 說起ルイーダの酒場,我想版友應該都知道是DQ系列的重要場所吧。 之前因緣際會下去了位於東京的ルイーダの酒場(實體店面,是這樣說嗎?) 後寫了一篇文,想說問版主是否適合刊登,而在高雄救災的版主表示沒問題, 因此就來貼文了。 這讓我想到之前看到尤里西斯林的女 ...