(WIP) Luca's MAME Drivers (13/08/23) - 模擬器

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-08-24T20:24

Table of Contents


Poka Poka Satan

It's a game for kids, despite the name, and comes in the nice 3-monitor
cab below.

It's another variation of the wack-a-mole gameplay, where you have to
squash the various enemies (mostly evil winged animals) and keep them
away from the princess. This is done by banging a plastic hammer on the
two table-top monitors, which are actually touch screens.

Neither year nor manufacturer is shown on screen but, based on a sticker
on the PCB, the game must have come out around 1996.



Below is how MAME actually displays the 3 screens when using a single


Each touch screen reports in some multiplexed bits which row and column
is being hit. In two players mode each player uses one monitor and
hammer. While in single player both monitors must be used, either
exploting one or both hammers. Game's rather short though, consisting
of just three different stages.

Hardware-wise, it runs on 1st-gen Cave hardware, with one tilemap chip
and one sprite chip for each screen (it's the first game in the driver
to use more than one sprite chip). Note that currently the background
scrolling of the right monitor is a bit off (2nd stage, single player

Thanks to bodger319, Yohji, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union:





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