(WIP) Luca Elia: Trivia R Us - 模擬器

By Poppy
at 2015-11-23T22:36
at 2015-11-23T22:36
Table of Contents
"Trivia R Us"
The Dumping Union acquired this PCB years ago but I'm studying it just now.
Trivia R Us was produced in 2009 by AGT (Apollon Global Technologies), a
company based in California.
The "game" consists in a collection of (mostly salacious) gags you can scroll
through, a few per coin. Or, at your option, a trivia game with yes/no
answers. It's operated via buttons or a touch screen (unemulated ATM):
It's actually based around the VRenderZERO chip emulated by ELSemi. The SoC
contains a CPU core (SE3208, with an annoying instruction encoding) and
produces graphics (rot-zoom sprites) and sound. Unlike the Crystal System
boards though, this one is not protected by a PIC, and thus runs without code
I had to tweak the driver to support higher resolutions (640x480). Plus all
the graphics were shifted in-game, which turned out to be a CPU core bug.
Being a recent game the code is compiled, and thus makes heavy use of the
stack to manipulate its data. The routine that uncompresses the graphics from
the flash was receiving an odd address in the stack pointer, which on
hardware is adjusted to the an even address, but in MAME was used unchanged.
Took a bit to figure out as I was trying to debug the video part.
來源 http://www.lucaelia.com/mame.php
羅嘉仁(49) 右投右打(スリークォーター) 球威C 制球E スタミナE 球速157
火の玉ボール 荒れ球 ← →
責任感 速球中心 ↙ ↓ ↘
カープ チェンジアップ
"Trivia R Us"
The Dumping Union acquired this PCB years ago but I'm studying it just now.
Trivia R Us was produced in 2009 by AGT (Apollon Global Technologies), a
company based in California.
The "game" consists in a collection of (mostly salacious) gags you can scroll
through, a few per coin. Or, at your option, a trivia game with yes/no
answers. It's operated via buttons or a touch screen (unemulated ATM):

It's actually based around the VRenderZERO chip emulated by ELSemi. The SoC
contains a CPU core (SE3208, with an annoying instruction encoding) and
produces graphics (rot-zoom sprites) and sound. Unlike the Crystal System
boards though, this one is not protected by a PIC, and thus runs without code
I had to tweak the driver to support higher resolutions (640x480). Plus all
the graphics were shifted in-game, which turned out to be a CPU core bug.
Being a recent game the code is compiled, and thus makes heavy use of the
stack to manipulate its data. The routine that uncompresses the graphics from
the flash was receiving an odd address in the stack pointer, which on
hardware is adjusted to the an even address, but in MAME was used unchanged.
Took a bit to figure out as I was trying to debug the video part.
來源 http://www.lucaelia.com/mame.php
羅嘉仁(49) 右投右打(スリークォーター) 球威C 制球E スタミナE 球速157
火の玉ボール 荒れ球 ← →
責任感 速球中心 ↙ ↓ ↘
カープ チェンジアップ
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