ColEm v3.5 - 模擬器

By Una
at 2015-11-20T21:05
at 2015-11-20T21:05
Table of Contents
What is ColEm?
While developing fMSX, I got a request to take a look at the ColecoVision
videogame console. The request contained a short document on the ColecoVisioni
nternals, from which I found that ColecoVision was not much different from
MSX. Thus, I got to work and in a short while made a ColecoVision emulator,
later known as ColEm.
- Added special effects simulating individual pixel components.
- Added EPX and EAGLE scaling algorithms.
- Added keypad recording to the instant replay recorder.
- Fixed memory corruption bug in the instant replay recorder.
- Fixed instant replay not restoring successive states.
- Fixed instant replay not recording the first state.
- Merged scanline options into "Simulate Scanlines" in ColEm-Windows.
- Merged scaling options into "Interpolate Video" in ColEm-Windows.
- Added "Apply Color Raster" submenu to ColEm-Windows.
- Added "RGB Raster" and "CMY Raster" options to ColEm-Windows.
- Added "Clear File Associations" option to ColEm-Windows.
- Added -rgb and -cmy command line options.
- Added -epx and -eagle command line options.
What is ColEm?
While developing fMSX, I got a request to take a look at the ColecoVision
videogame console. The request contained a short document on the ColecoVisioni
nternals, from which I found that ColecoVision was not much different from
MSX. Thus, I got to work and in a short while made a ColecoVision emulator,
later known as ColEm.
- Added special effects simulating individual pixel components.
- Added EPX and EAGLE scaling algorithms.
- Added keypad recording to the instant replay recorder.
- Fixed memory corruption bug in the instant replay recorder.
- Fixed instant replay not restoring successive states.
- Fixed instant replay not recording the first state.
- Merged scanline options into "Simulate Scanlines" in ColEm-Windows.
- Merged scaling options into "Interpolate Video" in ColEm-Windows.
- Added "Apply Color Raster" submenu to ColEm-Windows.
- Added "RGB Raster" and "CMY Raster" options to ColEm-Windows.
- Added "Clear File Associations" option to ColEm-Windows.
- Added -rgb and -cmy command line options.
- Added -epx and -eagle command line options.
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