(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-10-19T15:41

Table of Contents

※ 引述《conpo (楽園にお連れ給う)》之銘言:
: We got a Puzzli 2 PGM cart (1999). The Puzzli 2 game in mame currently
: is a "super" version that came out a couple of years later (2001).
: http://smitdogg.mameworld.info/pics/puzzli2.jpg
:    video
: http://www.sendspace.com/file/b7wmzd
: http://smitdogg.mameworld.info/pics/puzzli2a.jpg
: http://smitdogg.mameworld.info/pics/puzzli2b.jpg

I know a lot of people want to see the later PGM games working in MAME, but I
still deem them to be basically impossible to emulate properly, however,
Smitdogg & Tormod did just pick up a more interesting / viable emulation
target, a Puzzli 2 board.

What’s interesting about the board he picked up is that it’s the original
release, simply titled Puzzli 2, rather than the Puzzli 2 Super set we have
in MAME. This version is from 1999, whereas the existing version was a 2001

At a glance the protection appears the same, with the Super version in MAME
just being a program ROM upgrade.

I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get the actual internal ROM out of this
one, because while it is one of the earlier IGS027A chips without the
execute-only protection it lacks an external ROM, which means there is no
real way to run your own code on it, you have to rely on finding weak table
functions in the protection routines, and if a game doesn’t use table
functions, or doesn’t have any with insufficient bounds checking & the
ability to read a negative position from the intended table then you can’t
really extract the ROM.

However, when the functions are simple enough (unlike the later games, where
most of the game runs on the ARM) you can attempt to simulate the device,
which is a logical first step anyway. At first glance it would appear that
the first protection commands are used to get Z80 pointers for the attract
music because even with Demo Sounds ON it lacks any music in MAME. It
probably also fetches data pointers for the level data.

One other interesting thing about the new set is that it has an actual
Japanese title screen, so it’s likely that this non-super version was
distributed in Japan whereas the super version might not have been. The cart
we have is a Hong Kong region tho, so who knows. Also of note is that when
set to Taiwan it doesn’t show ‘Super’ for either version which might
suggest either the Super version was the only actual release there, so didn’
t need the Super subtitle, or it was never updated for release there. Knights
of Valor Plus is similar in that the Korean region (which we know exists
because we have the cart) also doesn’t show the PLUS subtitle. Naturally it’
s quite hard to know which regions were actually released because the actual
region code is supplied by the protection device, not the game code.

Here is the Japanese title screen (only present in this version) for


and the English title screens side by side, so that you can see the different
(c) year


I can’t give a time estimate for getting this done (and currently this set
crashes exactly like the existing set in MAME) but having a working cart does
bump it up the priority list.

The original post on Mameworld with hardware pics and an original hardware
video is here:



Puzzli 2 Super (ver. 100) (update-rom):





All Comments


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-10-19T00:02
看標題也知道,從這一篇開始終於正式進入DDS該有的劇情發展了。 被關在危險之中整整三天後,人類到底會做出什麼舉止呢…… ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 ┌───→ 神谷詠司 ┌ ...

整理EMU及ROM (六) ClrMamePro (Part 2)

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-10-18T23:08
Previously on Phoenix - 上一篇介紹 ClrMamePro 的 Profile 和 Settings ,以及三 種收藏 ROM 的方法: Non-Merged Sets 、 Split Sets 、 Merge Sets 。 !!! 記得還沒整理過的 ROM 要先備份 (這是所有教學網站 ...

PS パレット(Forget Me Not :Pallete)

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2012-10-18T20:52
網誌圖文好讀版: http://0rz.tw/q3qLm 人的年紀一旦慢慢增長起來,就會開始對很多事情力不從心,無論是心理或生理方面都是 這樣,就連電玩這個單純的美好事物也不例外,真覺得自己有初老的現象了,唉唉(苦笑 )。前陣子從PTT上一個同好的手中拿到一個滿冷門的作品,他說這是他去某個快倒的 店舖裡偷 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-10-18T05:14
柚子變堅強了呢……還是說女人都會這樣?(汗) 詳情請看15:30的公園事件。 ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 邪神パズス ←┐ 閒逛男 ─────────→ 不死者ベル‧デル ...

整理EMU及ROM (五) ClrMamePro (ROM Manager)

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-10-17T23:55
Previously on Phoenix - 上一篇對 ROM Manager 做大略的介紹,以及比較常用的幾個 ROM Manager 。而這篇則是對功能最強的 ClrMamePro 詳細介紹。 !!! 記得還沒整理過的 ROM 要先備份 (這是所有教學網站以及作者都特別強調的) =========== ...