Wine v1.3.20 - 模擬器

By Vanessa
at 2011-05-14T17:23
at 2011-05-14T17:23
Table of Contents
Wine Ankündigung
The Wine development release 1.3.20 is now available.
What′s new in this release (see below for details):
Option to clip the mouse inside fullscreen windows.
Support for persistent HTTP connections.
Initial implementation of the XML writer.
Support for drawing rectangles in the DIB engine.
Volume control in MMDevAPI.
More MSVC runtime functions.
Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on
You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in
the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.3.20:
4571 Ripp-It_AM app crashes after clicking "Re-encoder un film" button
(protect user32.SetSysColors against bad behaving apps)
8505 antenna crashes
10220 Windows Media Player 7.1 crashes
10633 Per Pixel Lightning is drawn wrong
10635 Tivo Desktop 2.5.1 installer crashes (unimplemented
11709 Titan Quest game crashes
12724 3DS MAX 7.0: Cannot render viewport windows and geometry properly in
Directx 9 mode
12926 Installation of Microsoft Zune Software fails (Unimplemented function
ADVAPI32.dll.QueryTraceW called)
13978 Shogun: Total War crashes at startup
16135 msvcrt.dll._wtmpnam not implemented
16915 Sven Coop 4 beta install fails due to: Unhandled page fault on write
17525 make test fails on wininet:http
18644 Microsoft reader crashes due to unimplemented
18899 Notepad++ right click menu doesn′t work
20275 Quicken 2008 Deluxe help won′t display help topics
20276 Quicken 2008 help crash (uncaught exception)
20398 Eclipse (Europa) splash screen doesn′t look as it should
20639 Rail Simulator and Rail Works games crash
20831 Psychonauts: Flickering textures
20832 Psychonauts: Crackling sound
20854 wine lacks ping.exe replacement
20946 Chromium base_unittests call unimplemented function
21111 Creative Centrale fails to install
21523 iexplore doesn′t follow redirects
22501 Bioshock won′t run without native msvcp80.dll
22597 Game crashes at startup when resolution is set higher than 640x480
22857 Starcraft 2 Editor crashes when the "Data Editor" gets opened.
23167 Hitman: Blood Money crashes when performing resolution setting change
in options
23246 mono randomly aborts with "GetThreadContext failed" dialog
23257 TAGAP: mouse input doesn′t work
23492 Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 7.1.0 install fails (check for superclassed
case in AtlModuleRegisterWndClassInfoA/W before returning new wndproc)
23643 America′s Army 3.0 goes black after about ten minutes of play
24138 OpenGL Layered Windows Demo crashes on unimplemented function
24452 FurMark doesn′t exit
24567 Multiple apps need msvcp71.dll (purist) (3dmark06, Titan Quest)
24585 Senstools, fails to install with an error about tempfiles on startup
24650 Mass Effect 2 (demo/full version): hangs if you alt+tab away and back
24792 nmake output text no longer visible (dogfood)
24854 visual c++ 2010′s nmake.exe needs native msvcr100.dll
24898 Kong does not run requires unimplemented function
25051 pcsx2-0.9.7-r3878 crashes with unimplemented
25157 Black Prophecy crashes on unimplemented function
25361 Shatter crashes while loading a level
25365 Sacred 2 Fallen Angel requires msvcr80.dll
25525 Unimplented function:
25530 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Demo fails without native
25541 Family Historian displays the message a serious error has occurred (due
to missing msvcrt.dll._strnicoll)
25640 Rush hangs after starting
25652 ratGPU standalone renderer hits unimplemented function
_W@2@@std@@QEAAAEA_W_K@Z on x86_64
25908 Crash in winmerge when unfocusing edit field
25935 Maple Story and Padora Saga installers crash with builtin msvcp90
26526 R.U.S.E. (steam) demo won′t run with builtin msvcp90
26615 Need for Speed Shift 2 installer assertion failure in
26633 Nimbus: invisible text in the menus
26671 Sims Medieval wants msvcp100:?max@?$numeric_limits@I@std@@SAIXZ
26789 AutoCAD 2008: Crash at starting installation
26825 Anomaly: Warzone Earth Demo wants msvcr90.dll._strupr_s (purist)
26876 special file CON not handled correctly
26903 Atlantis III crashes before reaching the menu
26904 Atlantis III: mouse pointer doesn′t show up in the menus
26919 ZipGenius: Crash at start-up
26935 .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 installation leads to msiexec.exe crash
26937 Boinc 6.10.60 installer fails
26975 configure can′t find OSSv4 (both Wine and OSSv4 is current from git
and mercurial respectively)
26980 FFXI: Depth Sorting Broken
26987 Civilization crashes on exit
26992 Windows Live FolderShare 14.x needs advapi32.RegisterTraceGuidsW() impl
(or at least semi-stub)
26999 Two Worlds: mouse stopped working in the menus
27006 closing iexplore after opening an invalid url causes a crash
27038 Cannot install Shark Tale the game.
27043 Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos - Cannot type text in full screen mode
27047 need for speed world launcher complains of corrupt executable
27058 Protection ID: Text from 3rd column in protection report not displayed
27075 Battlefield Heroes: Punkbuster doesn′t work as it should
(ntoskrnl.exe.PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub needed)
27111 Age of Empires III demo install fails
27130 CR LF characters in RTF files are turned into ^Q ^Y characters
27132 Crash in MSI_RecordSetStringW when embedding RTF with NUL character
into an MSI with Wix
27137 Mass Effect 2 demo: can no longer enter game (menu items are
Wine Ankündigung
The Wine development release 1.3.20 is now available.
What′s new in this release (see below for details):
Option to clip the mouse inside fullscreen windows.
Support for persistent HTTP connections.
Initial implementation of the XML writer.
Support for drawing rectangles in the DIB engine.
Volume control in MMDevAPI.
More MSVC runtime functions.
Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on
You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in
the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.3.20:
4571 Ripp-It_AM app crashes after clicking "Re-encoder un film" button
(protect user32.SetSysColors against bad behaving apps)
8505 antenna crashes
10220 Windows Media Player 7.1 crashes
10633 Per Pixel Lightning is drawn wrong
10635 Tivo Desktop 2.5.1 installer crashes (unimplemented
11709 Titan Quest game crashes
12724 3DS MAX 7.0: Cannot render viewport windows and geometry properly in
Directx 9 mode
12926 Installation of Microsoft Zune Software fails (Unimplemented function
ADVAPI32.dll.QueryTraceW called)
13978 Shogun: Total War crashes at startup
16135 msvcrt.dll._wtmpnam not implemented
16915 Sven Coop 4 beta install fails due to: Unhandled page fault on write
17525 make test fails on wininet:http
18644 Microsoft reader crashes due to unimplemented
18899 Notepad++ right click menu doesn′t work
20275 Quicken 2008 Deluxe help won′t display help topics
20276 Quicken 2008 help crash (uncaught exception)
20398 Eclipse (Europa) splash screen doesn′t look as it should
20639 Rail Simulator and Rail Works games crash
20831 Psychonauts: Flickering textures
20832 Psychonauts: Crackling sound
20854 wine lacks ping.exe replacement
20946 Chromium base_unittests call unimplemented function
21111 Creative Centrale fails to install
21523 iexplore doesn′t follow redirects
22501 Bioshock won′t run without native msvcp80.dll
22597 Game crashes at startup when resolution is set higher than 640x480
22857 Starcraft 2 Editor crashes when the "Data Editor" gets opened.
23167 Hitman: Blood Money crashes when performing resolution setting change
in options
23246 mono randomly aborts with "GetThreadContext failed" dialog
23257 TAGAP: mouse input doesn′t work
23492 Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 7.1.0 install fails (check for superclassed
case in AtlModuleRegisterWndClassInfoA/W before returning new wndproc)
23643 America′s Army 3.0 goes black after about ten minutes of play
24138 OpenGL Layered Windows Demo crashes on unimplemented function
24452 FurMark doesn′t exit
24567 Multiple apps need msvcp71.dll (purist) (3dmark06, Titan Quest)
24585 Senstools, fails to install with an error about tempfiles on startup
24650 Mass Effect 2 (demo/full version): hangs if you alt+tab away and back
24792 nmake output text no longer visible (dogfood)
24854 visual c++ 2010′s nmake.exe needs native msvcr100.dll
24898 Kong does not run requires unimplemented function
25051 pcsx2-0.9.7-r3878 crashes with unimplemented
25157 Black Prophecy crashes on unimplemented function
25361 Shatter crashes while loading a level
25365 Sacred 2 Fallen Angel requires msvcr80.dll
25525 Unimplented function:
25530 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Demo fails without native
25541 Family Historian displays the message a serious error has occurred (due
to missing msvcrt.dll._strnicoll)
25640 Rush hangs after starting
25652 ratGPU standalone renderer hits unimplemented function
_W@2@@std@@QEAAAEA_W_K@Z on x86_64
25908 Crash in winmerge when unfocusing edit field
25935 Maple Story and Padora Saga installers crash with builtin msvcp90
26526 R.U.S.E. (steam) demo won′t run with builtin msvcp90
26615 Need for Speed Shift 2 installer assertion failure in
26633 Nimbus: invisible text in the menus
26671 Sims Medieval wants msvcp100:?max@?$numeric_limits@I@std@@SAIXZ
26789 AutoCAD 2008: Crash at starting installation
26825 Anomaly: Warzone Earth Demo wants msvcr90.dll._strupr_s (purist)
26876 special file CON not handled correctly
26903 Atlantis III crashes before reaching the menu
26904 Atlantis III: mouse pointer doesn′t show up in the menus
26919 ZipGenius: Crash at start-up
26935 .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 installation leads to msiexec.exe crash
26937 Boinc 6.10.60 installer fails
26975 configure can′t find OSSv4 (both Wine and OSSv4 is current from git
and mercurial respectively)
26980 FFXI: Depth Sorting Broken
26987 Civilization crashes on exit
26992 Windows Live FolderShare 14.x needs advapi32.RegisterTraceGuidsW() impl
(or at least semi-stub)
26999 Two Worlds: mouse stopped working in the menus
27006 closing iexplore after opening an invalid url causes a crash
27038 Cannot install Shark Tale the game.
27043 Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos - Cannot type text in full screen mode
27047 need for speed world launcher complains of corrupt executable
27058 Protection ID: Text from 3rd column in protection report not displayed
27075 Battlefield Heroes: Punkbuster doesn′t work as it should
(ntoskrnl.exe.PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub needed)
27111 Age of Empires III demo install fails
27130 CR LF characters in RTF files are turned into ^Q ^Y characters
27132 Crash in MSI_RecordSetStringW when embedding RTF with NUL character
into an MSI with Wix
27137 Mass Effect 2 demo: can no longer enter game (menu items are
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