GameBoy Online (2011/05/14) - 模擬器

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-05-14T12:27

Table of Contents

A GameBoy Color emulator written in JavaScript that strives for performance
and near perfect compatibility. This is a GameBoy Color emulator written
purely in JavaScript by Grant Galitz.

The video is done either through HTML5 canvas or by a fallback of creating
BMP binary picture format data URI strings and appending the result to
regular HTML img tags.

Save states are implemented through the window.localStorage object, and are
serialized/deserialized through JSON. SRAM saving is also implemented through
the window.localStorage object, and are serialized/deserialized through JSON.
In order for save states to work properly on most browsers, you need set the
maximum size limit for DOM storage higher, to meet the needs of the
emulator's save data size.

recent changes:
Added an option to use the JIT form of the scaling algorithm.


All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-05-17T17:50
= =原來是線上版 以為可以連線


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-05-14T01:18
最近想研究一下模擬器 之前有玩格鬥遊戲雙人對戰的nfba 可是那個好像不能3-4人連線 例如 地獄神龍 三國志 求板上的大大能提供載點 PS:爬文爬1個多小時 都沒看到載點... - ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-05-13T17:18
最終版發佈!不過因為是人家傳給我的,所以我也不太確定更新的部分,目前只知道 某些關卡(路線)小幅更動跟敵人強度修正等,需要的人快點下載吧! ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載: ...

(Multi PC) VICE 2.3.6

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-05-13T17:09
2011.05.12 VICE v2.3.6 is released. VICE is a program that runs on a Unix, MS-DOS, Win32, OS/2, Acorn RISC OS, BeOS, QNX 4.x, QNX 6.x, Amiga, GP ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-05-13T15:02
哈哈哈哈哈 五告北七 但又覺得可能這樣沒錯 那個羅菈也太_惹 - ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-05-13T04:00
已經有兩個USB手把了~但是覺得太大不好攜帶 請問上哪可以買小一點的8-10鈕手把 希望能袖珍一點的 謝謝~~~ - ...