Wine v1.2 RC 7 - 模擬器

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-07-10T11:55

Table of Contents

The seventh and maybe last release candidate of Wine 1.2, the Open Source
implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been released.

The Wine development release 1.2-rc7 is now available. Barring any
last minute problems, this should be the last release candidate before the
final 1.2. Please give it a good testing.

What′s new in this release (see below for details):
- Translation updates.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
in the distribution for the complete list.

Bugs fixed in 1.2-rc7:

1567 Capella 2002 - welcome-screen doesn′t disappear
9216 Gothic 2 won′t start - complains about hook process
12287 CommFort: cannot use sound capture
12298 Notation Composer: crashes when opening menus when using ALSA
13743 Checkboxes are drawn as buttons in Voyage Century
14869 Error closing internal windows in Hy-Tek Team Manager 4.0
15471 Adobe Contribute 4 locks up X
15548 Voyage Century Online crashes to desktop after logging in
16087 wine spews innumerable "Unable to check compatibility for Format..."
errors in some games
16162 Settlers 3 crashes with "wine client error: partial write"
16863 Control drwaing over each other in very simple dotnet application
17239 Fiesta does not work - D3D issue?
18210 Fallout 3: game hangs after childbirth
18475 Fallout 3: No sound device detected. Fallout 3 cannot run.
18924 OutputDebugString does not do what it′s supposed to do
19659 EverQuest 2: EQ2 Crashed shortly after entering game.
20650 Wargames crashes instantly if choosing hardware mode (rather than
Software Rasterizer)
21422 winedbg cannot find local symbols in EXE.
22213 The Witcher, Enhanced edition crashes
22215 Goldwave - Window Close event freezes application
22944 Goldwave dialog windows drawn behind parent window
23265 The Neverhood: movies do not play
23417 EverQuest II: Crashes immediately after hitting "Play" at character
select screen
23469 Spectrum Lab crashes on loud sounds
23479 notepad++: can no longer select file tabs when multiple files are open


All Comments

NDS模擬器的存檔被我弄不見了 (超急!)

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-07-10T00:19
我是用NO$GBA 玩口袋怪獸的 今天出現紀錄都會失敗 出現MESS UP的字樣 我就去把BATTERT的檔案複製到桌面 剛剛就出現不見我就把它貼回去覆蓋了 然後讀檔發覺紀錄更往前一點 我就用滑鼠右鍵把檔案復原 弄到資料夾的SAV檔不見 之前備份的也沒了 囧 現在遊戲開著 不敢 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-07-09T20:09
最近用電腦來玩紅白機的遊戲,許多小時候的回憶都回來了.. 剛剛在玩遊戲的時候正想著以前曾經玩過的一款FC空戰類型遊戲, 最初進入遊戲後,會要你替戰機選擇安裝的飛彈, 遊戲依照威力不同提供三種飛彈讓你選擇, 而遊戲採用的視角並不是像1942一樣是直向卷軸式, 印象有點模糊,似乎是以在戰機駕駛艙內向外看出去的方 ...

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Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-07-09T11:45
龍村光 寺林翔太郎 柳清範 宮本拓也 飛鳥井岡志 對以上這幾個名字有印象嗎 如果你認識這幾個名字 那代表你已經不年輕了XD 足球王~英文名 Goal FH 94年在中視撥出的卡通 因為日本在92年成立J聯盟(日本職業足球聯賽) 93年開踢 為了推廣J聯盟而企劃的一部勵志卡 ...