WinDS PRO 2010.07 - 模擬器

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-07-10T22:05

Table of Contents

WinDS PRO 2010.07 is released. WinDS PRO is a Nintendo DS & GameBoy Advance
emulator package. This have NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom,
NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DeSmuME, VBA Link & VBA-M.

WinDS PRO 2010.07 Changelog:
- Updated SVN DeSmuME 3694 (x86 and x64)
- Updated USRCHEAT.DAT (Temp) 06/20/2010
- Updated VBA-M SVN 947
- Updated iDeaS
- Updated 15/09 to Open 7zip compressed ROMs
- New options in the default emulator nds
- Improved the default configuration of VBA Link
- Improved the default configuration of VBA-M

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project64k_plus_1.5 網路連線的問題

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-07-10T20:26
大家好 我跟我的同學大概數個禮拜前曾經用這個模擬器進行n64的大亂鬥 但是這幾天突然我的連線沒辦法使用 每當我按HOST 或是 CONNECT的時候 我的那個 CONNECTION WINDOW 就沒辦法顯示 底下的開始列會有CONNECTION WINDOW的視窗 可是沒辦法跳出來 請問有大大可 ...

m1.xml 20100709

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-07-10T12:21 7/9/2010 - 1908 Sets Added: Chance Kun (chkun) to the Time Pilot driver. - ...

Wine v1.2 RC 7

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-07-10T11:55 The seventh and maybe last release candidate of Wine 1.2, the Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, h ...

Tools: uBeeDisk 1.5.0 released

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-07-10T11:53 command line tool for copying floppy disks and images from one to another. The program is intended for Microbee ...

NDS模擬器的存檔被我弄不見了 (超急!)

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-07-10T00:19
我是用NO$GBA 玩口袋怪獸的 今天出現紀錄都會失敗 出現MESS UP的字樣 我就去把BATTERT的檔案複製到桌面 剛剛就出現不見我就把它貼回去覆蓋了 然後讀檔發覺紀錄更往前一點 我就用滑鼠右鍵把檔案復原 弄到資料夾的SAV檔不見 之前備份的也沒了 囧 現在遊戲開著 不敢 ...