WCA Announcement - 魔術方塊

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-02-27T07:43

Table of Contents


Fellow members of our community,

WCA board has come to the conclusion that there is proof beyond any doubt
that the 2007 world record holder for blindfolded solving has cheated in the
blindfolded events of several WCA competitions. The conclusion of WCA board
has come after extensive investigations and a number of conversations with
the competitor. The competitor has not confessed.

Proof shows that the competitor cheated by peeking underneath the blindfold.
The proof consists of the analysis of videos of several blindfolded solves in
WCA competitions. Many videos gave a strong indication of cheating, because
of the applied complex method combined with a flawless accuracy (77 correct
solves out of 77 solves). The method had the effect that many edge and corner
pieces changed positions and/or orientation while solving the corners of the
One video of the multiple blindfolded event in World Championship 2007
brought proof beyond any doubt. The video shows that the competitor made an
error (incorrect undo of set-up moves) during the execution of a step, and
that instead of correcting the error, the competitor started solving the cube
again. This is only possible if the competitor would have seen that he had
made a mistake. Otherwise he would either have undone his incorrect moves, or
he would not have been able to solve the cube anymore.

WCA has come to the following verdict.

- WCA has banned the competitor for three years for all WCA
competitions, starting today. The competitor may appeal for reinstatement
after two years, if he fully cooperates with WCA.
- WCA has changed all blindfolded solves of the competitor to the
result DNF (did not finish).
- WCA has requested the competitor to return his prize money in
blindfolded events to the competition organisers. The organisers can then
redistribute the prize money.

Other measurements
WCA has come to the following measurement to prevent future cheating in the
blindfolded event:

A temporary regulation must be applied for all competitions under WCA
Regulations 2007. For WCA Regulations 2008 (expected March 2008) the
additional regulation will be fully integrated, including some other
preventive measurements.
The regulation consists of placing a sheet of paper (or a similar
object) between the face of a competitor and the cube during the solving
phase. WCA is looking for a widely available multi-purpose (solving while
sitting and while standing) device that would not require the judge to
constantly hold the paper.

WCA wants to honour:

- the new world record holders: Danyang Chen, Chris Hardwick (twice)
and Dennis Strehlau.
- the new world champions of World Championship 2007: Rafal Guzewicz
(twice) and Chris Hardwick.
- the new silver medal winners of World Championship 2007: Shotaro
Makisumi, Dror Vomberg, Bernett Orlando
- the new bronze medal winners of World Championship 2007: Tyson Mao,
Yumu Tabuchi, Sinpei Araki
- all others who were damaged by the cheating of the competitor.

WCA will not use the competitor's name in communication because the
competitor is still under 18 years of age. For the same reason WCA
distributed a detailed report on this matter only to a small number of
involved parties. We kindly request our community to support the privacy of
the competitor.

WCA encourages members of our community who have suspicions of cheating by
other members to contact the WCA board, instead of making public
announcements and/or feeding unfriendly public discussions.
The verdict is a very difficult decision by the WCA, but an organised sport
is meaningless if its rules are not enforced. WCA would like to extend
gratitude to everyone who assisted in this investigation.

All members of our community are welcome to respond to this announcement on
the WCA forum. All messages with personal references or hostile expressions
will be moderated.

Mission of WCA
The mission of WCA is: more competitions in more countries with more people
and more fun, under fair conditions.

Kind regards,

WCA Board

Gilles Roux (France)
Masayuki Akimoto (Japan)
Ron van Bruchem (Netherlands)
Tyson Mao (USA)


某人的作弊行為已經被 WCA 認為是罪證確鑿.因該名賽員為滿18所以並未提及姓名

懲罰為三年內不得參加 WCA 比賽.兩年後如果該名賽員全面配合 WCA 會撤銷處罰

至於配合包括認罪,以及歸還所有盲解比賽獎金.而他的盲解成績會全數改成 DNF


暫時的替代方案是拿紙或相似物品在整個 solve 檔在臉跟方塊之間.

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All Comments

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-02-28T19:27
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-02-28T23:27
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-03-01T22:11
事情終於結束了 哀 虧我以前還那麼喜歡他
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-03-02T15:49
不知道這樣 算不算詐欺的一種.....
情況發展 跟原PO版聚時說的一樣
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-03-06T20:53
把錢全部退回去.... 應該不少吧!!\
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-03-09T13:37
禁賽3年.... 我原先以為一年就差不多了...
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-03-13T01:29
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-03-14T12:54
sub60~~~ XD

My BLD method

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-02-27T01:07
※ 引述《dennis1990 (Dennis)》之銘言: 接下來就是M2 Method 記憶的部份先丟一邊,先來了解這個method丟edge的原理 http://www.stefan-pochmann.info/spocc/blindsolving/M2R2/ 他丟edge的原理,主要可以分成三個 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-02-26T21:39
剛剛收到一封 說是華視快樂星期天的製作單位atat 問我認不認識康同學 ...有人也有收到這封信嗎XD - ...

3x3x3 魔術方塊 盲解教學

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-02-26T20:37
更新盲解教學影片網址 http://6yo.org/cube/blindfold/ ----------------------------------------------- 時間過的真快 :D 貼這篇文章的時候正是我入伍當天,一轉眼我又變回了死老百姓 XD 這一年一來,台灣的方塊玩家有明顯增 ...

2x2x2 OH Huntermagic 9.805

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-02-26T19:59
Cube:2x2x2 Method:None Countdown:0sec. Remove the best and worst:1 attempts Date:2008-2-26 19:52:38 Index Total 1 10.055 2 ...

這篇不搞笑 真的

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-02-26T17:49
今天我收到了一封信 信封外面還貼了一張小剪報 是自由時報關於 我去治平中學 魔術方塊的事情 寫信來的是一個青年義工-徐阿姨 她本來就都會常寫信給別人 主要是她想要鼓勵 我這樣的行為 所以寫了一封信 跟一些話 來勉勵 激勵 鼓舞 這些年輕人 我跟各位分享: 一個人在世上的價值 不在擁有什麼 乃在於為旁人 ...