Wayder XML Cheat Collection 0.155 - 模擬器

By Joseph
at 2014-10-25T13:09
at 2014-10-25T13:09
Table of Contents
Wayder XML Cheat Collection for MAME 0.155 Changelog:
Arkanoid Returns / Arkanoid Returns
(arkretrn, arkretrnj)
[(Command) Start Another Round]
I want to state entered the back command
In [Before Start], I want to have already entered the command of the game
before the start.
In [After Ending], I want to have already entered the command of ending
[Select Starting Round (fix)]
I can select a starting round
[Invincibility (Round 100)]
It becomes invincible to enemy attacks round 100
[Select Ball Type]
I can change the type of ball
In [Megaball], it will be in the state of Megaboru always
In [Gigantic], it will be in the state of Gigantic always
If the ball was split by taking the "Disruption" is
It is disabled until the ball becomes one.
[Get Megaball Now!]
I want to state of the ball Megaboru
[Get Gigantic Now!]
I want to state of the ball Gigantic
[8Way Move Mode]
Vertical movement of the Bow will be possible
(Rise in the 3 button, down button 4)
[Infinite Catch Time]
You will not leave until you press the button when you catch the ball
[Always have Thunder]
Effect of Thunder always occurs
[Select Vaus Type]
I can change the state of the Bow
[EXPAND (1.5)] in, it will be in the state that are taken on a single
expanded always
[EXPAND (2.0)] in, it will be in the state that are taken on two expanded
In [Catch], it will be in the state that took the catch always
In [Laser], it will be in the state that took the laser always
[Get EXPAND (1.5) Now!]
You state that are taken on a single expanded
[Get EXPAND (2.0) Now!]
You state that are taken on two expanded
[Get Catch Now!]
You to a state in which it took the catch
[Get Laser Now!]
You to a state in which it took the laser
[Get Thunder Now!]
You to a state in which it took the Thunder
Arkanoid / Arkanoid
(arkanoid, arkanoidjb, arkanoidjbl, arkanoidjbl2, arkanoidu, arkanoiduo,
arkangc, arkangc2, arkbloc2, arkbloc3, arkblock, arkgcbl, arkgcbla, block2,
arkanoidj, arkanoidja, arkatayt, arktayt2, arkatour)
[Select DOH Level]
I can change the amount of bullets DOH spit
In [Easiest], I will not induce vomiting any bullet
In [Easy], bullets spit will be one-off
In [Hard], I will continue to vomit without bullet breaks
In [Hardest], firing interval of the bullet will also be shorter
Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH / Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH
(arknoid2, arknoid2b, arknoid2j, arknoid2u)
[Invincibility (Round 34)]
The invincible bullet DOH, for the tentacles
[Always Keep One Ball in Play]
Ball will not fall below the Bow
Continental Circus / Continental Circus
(contcirc, contcircj, contcircu, contcircua)
Gals Panic 4 Yu / Gals Panic S
/ Gals Panic 4 / Gals Panic S
(galpani4, galpani4k, galpanis, galpanisj, galpanisk)
(Except if you lose the position) invincible
Gals Panic S2 / Gals Panic S3 / panic Street
/ Gals Panic S2 / Gals Panic S3 / Panic Street
(galpans2, galpans2a, galpansu, galpans3, panicstr)
Invincible (incomplete)
When you have lost the position of the starting point in the attack to
destroy the position, if the red line is not in contact with the anywhere in
Freeze Turning to the position of the other from there.
[Always have TELEPHONE Item] (I except galpans3)
In [Disable], and then to state that he did not have telephone always
In [Enable], and then in a state where it took the telephone always
Thunder & Lightning / Thunder & Lightning
(thunderl, thunderlbl)
[Alway have 9 Ball (Invincibility)]
Ball will be nine always
[Always have Big Ball]
Ball will always big
Primitive man Joe & Mac / Caveman Ninja Fight
(cninja, cninja1, cninjabl, cninjabl2, cninjau, joemac, stoneage)
[Quick Charge Shot]
Time will be shorter reservoir of fire reservoir.
Hyper Duel / Hyper Duel
(hyprduel, hyprduel2)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible
[Unlimited Fire]
Cancellation of the limited number of bullets
Puyang / Pooyan
(pooyan, pooyans, pootan)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible
[Hyper Meat]
Meat will be next moves at high speed
[Rapid Fire (fix)]
Modified version of the fire
[Hyper Shot]
Bullet speed up
Flash gal / Flash Gal
(flashgal, flashgala)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible (incomplete)
You may be subject to damage and hits the red bird of small size.
(As opposed to the red bird of all, red birds. Part of the specific)
One shot death also occur in it if you are riding in a vehicle. (Red bird,
etc.. Come out at the beginning of the 8 sided)
At the same, you can not take a gun item.
[Infinite Power (fix)]
(Energy) does not decrease power
[Rapid Fire]
Fire attack button
Labyrinth runner / Trick Trap
(labyrunr, labyrunrk, tricktrp)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible
[Infinite Time (fix)]
Modified version of the unlimited time
Robocop 2 / Robocop 2
(robocop2, robocop2j, robocop2u)
[Infinite Time (fix)]
Modified version of the unlimited time
Wonder Boy Monster Land / Wonder Boy in Monster Land
(wbml, wbmlb, wbmlbg, wbmljo, wbmlbge, wbmljb, wbmlvc)
[Always High Rate Money]
Hidden gold will be always expensive rate
- Modify / delete other
chelnovj, chelnovjbl
[Weapon Select Mode]
Weapon selection mode, delete Ver.144 later, the display of the sprite
because no longer be reflected.
(The data itself has left a comment.)
[Select Weapon Speed]
Without temp via the On / Off, and change to return to the initial value
directly Off time.
lgtnfght, lgtnfghta, lgtnfghtu, trigon
[Invincibility (fix)]
Fixed launch of bomb, the mounting of Toraigon to allow.
pc_grdus, pc_grdue
[Enable Continue]
Add the process of returning to the initial value the value of the ROM
address at Off.
sonson, sonsonj
[Select Player]
Add the process of returning to the initial value the value of the ROM
address at Off.
In the order of the character of 2P side, replacing the order of the Tonton
and Sonson.
[Invincibility (fix)]
Because it was full of problems, and change into a form that was merged with
the invincible Bonga.
In some situations, you may lose the weapon items of those that do not die.
· Bonga Additions Delete
1941, 1941j, 1941r1, 1941u
[Always have Side fighter]
[Select Weapon (New)]
volfied, volfiedj, volfiedjo, volfiedo, volfiedu, volfieduo
gground, ggroundj
[Infinite Time (fix)]
ladykill, moegonta
[Infinite Dive Table (fix)]
shiryu2, strider2, strider2a
[Infinite Time (fix)]
[Invincibility (fix)]
xmcota, xmcotaa, xmcotaar1, xmcotah, xmcotahr1, xmcotaj, xmcotaj1,
xmcotaj2, xmcotaj3, xmcotajr, xmcotar1, xmcotar1d, xmcotau
[Infinite Time (fix)]
1942, 1942a, 1942abl, 1942b, 1942h, 1942p, 1942w
[Select Player Speed]
[Select Shot Speed]
3wonders, 3wondersb, 3wondersh, 3wondersr1, 3wondersu, wonder3
[Select Player]
[Rapid Fire]
[Unlimited Fire]
[Infinite Super Shot]
solarwar, xsleena, xsleenab, xsleenaj
[Select Weapon]
‧ Adding a clone
19xxar1, armwarar1, chelnovjbl, chelnovjbla, froggeram, mariobl, phoenixdal,
sf2ebbl2, sf2ebbl3, sf2m9, sf2mdta, sf2mdtc, shdancbla, skysharka, ssf2r1,
※ raiden2dx has not added cheat because was not working properly
Wayder XML Cheat Collection for MAME 0.155 Changelog:
Arkanoid Returns / Arkanoid Returns
(arkretrn, arkretrnj)
[(Command) Start Another Round]
I want to state entered the back command
In [Before Start], I want to have already entered the command of the game
before the start.
In [After Ending], I want to have already entered the command of ending
[Select Starting Round (fix)]
I can select a starting round
[Invincibility (Round 100)]
It becomes invincible to enemy attacks round 100
[Select Ball Type]
I can change the type of ball
In [Megaball], it will be in the state of Megaboru always
In [Gigantic], it will be in the state of Gigantic always
If the ball was split by taking the "Disruption" is
It is disabled until the ball becomes one.
[Get Megaball Now!]
I want to state of the ball Megaboru
[Get Gigantic Now!]
I want to state of the ball Gigantic
[8Way Move Mode]
Vertical movement of the Bow will be possible
(Rise in the 3 button, down button 4)
[Infinite Catch Time]
You will not leave until you press the button when you catch the ball
[Always have Thunder]
Effect of Thunder always occurs
[Select Vaus Type]
I can change the state of the Bow
[EXPAND (1.5)] in, it will be in the state that are taken on a single
expanded always
[EXPAND (2.0)] in, it will be in the state that are taken on two expanded
In [Catch], it will be in the state that took the catch always
In [Laser], it will be in the state that took the laser always
[Get EXPAND (1.5) Now!]
You state that are taken on a single expanded
[Get EXPAND (2.0) Now!]
You state that are taken on two expanded
[Get Catch Now!]
You to a state in which it took the catch
[Get Laser Now!]
You to a state in which it took the laser
[Get Thunder Now!]
You to a state in which it took the Thunder
Arkanoid / Arkanoid
(arkanoid, arkanoidjb, arkanoidjbl, arkanoidjbl2, arkanoidu, arkanoiduo,
arkangc, arkangc2, arkbloc2, arkbloc3, arkblock, arkgcbl, arkgcbla, block2,
arkanoidj, arkanoidja, arkatayt, arktayt2, arkatour)
[Select DOH Level]
I can change the amount of bullets DOH spit
In [Easiest], I will not induce vomiting any bullet
In [Easy], bullets spit will be one-off
In [Hard], I will continue to vomit without bullet breaks
In [Hardest], firing interval of the bullet will also be shorter
Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH / Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH
(arknoid2, arknoid2b, arknoid2j, arknoid2u)
[Invincibility (Round 34)]
The invincible bullet DOH, for the tentacles
[Always Keep One Ball in Play]
Ball will not fall below the Bow
Continental Circus / Continental Circus
(contcirc, contcircj, contcircu, contcircua)
Gals Panic 4 Yu / Gals Panic S
/ Gals Panic 4 / Gals Panic S
(galpani4, galpani4k, galpanis, galpanisj, galpanisk)
(Except if you lose the position) invincible
Gals Panic S2 / Gals Panic S3 / panic Street
/ Gals Panic S2 / Gals Panic S3 / Panic Street
(galpans2, galpans2a, galpansu, galpans3, panicstr)
Invincible (incomplete)
When you have lost the position of the starting point in the attack to
destroy the position, if the red line is not in contact with the anywhere in
Freeze Turning to the position of the other from there.
[Always have TELEPHONE Item] (I except galpans3)
In [Disable], and then to state that he did not have telephone always
In [Enable], and then in a state where it took the telephone always
Thunder & Lightning / Thunder & Lightning
(thunderl, thunderlbl)
[Alway have 9 Ball (Invincibility)]
Ball will be nine always
[Always have Big Ball]
Ball will always big
Primitive man Joe & Mac / Caveman Ninja Fight
(cninja, cninja1, cninjabl, cninjabl2, cninjau, joemac, stoneage)
[Quick Charge Shot]
Time will be shorter reservoir of fire reservoir.
Hyper Duel / Hyper Duel
(hyprduel, hyprduel2)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible
[Unlimited Fire]
Cancellation of the limited number of bullets
Puyang / Pooyan
(pooyan, pooyans, pootan)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible
[Hyper Meat]
Meat will be next moves at high speed
[Rapid Fire (fix)]
Modified version of the fire
[Hyper Shot]
Bullet speed up
Flash gal / Flash Gal
(flashgal, flashgala)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible (incomplete)
You may be subject to damage and hits the red bird of small size.
(As opposed to the red bird of all, red birds. Part of the specific)
One shot death also occur in it if you are riding in a vehicle. (Red bird,
etc.. Come out at the beginning of the 8 sided)
At the same, you can not take a gun item.
[Infinite Power (fix)]
(Energy) does not decrease power
[Rapid Fire]
Fire attack button
Labyrinth runner / Trick Trap
(labyrunr, labyrunrk, tricktrp)
[Invincibility (fix)]
Modified version of the invincible
[Infinite Time (fix)]
Modified version of the unlimited time
Robocop 2 / Robocop 2
(robocop2, robocop2j, robocop2u)
[Infinite Time (fix)]
Modified version of the unlimited time
Wonder Boy Monster Land / Wonder Boy in Monster Land
(wbml, wbmlb, wbmlbg, wbmljo, wbmlbge, wbmljb, wbmlvc)
[Always High Rate Money]
Hidden gold will be always expensive rate
- Modify / delete other
chelnovj, chelnovjbl
[Weapon Select Mode]
Weapon selection mode, delete Ver.144 later, the display of the sprite
because no longer be reflected.
(The data itself has left a comment.)
[Select Weapon Speed]
Without temp via the On / Off, and change to return to the initial value
directly Off time.
lgtnfght, lgtnfghta, lgtnfghtu, trigon
[Invincibility (fix)]
Fixed launch of bomb, the mounting of Toraigon to allow.
pc_grdus, pc_grdue
[Enable Continue]
Add the process of returning to the initial value the value of the ROM
address at Off.
sonson, sonsonj
[Select Player]
Add the process of returning to the initial value the value of the ROM
address at Off.
In the order of the character of 2P side, replacing the order of the Tonton
and Sonson.
[Invincibility (fix)]
Because it was full of problems, and change into a form that was merged with
the invincible Bonga.
In some situations, you may lose the weapon items of those that do not die.
· Bonga Additions Delete
1941, 1941j, 1941r1, 1941u
[Always have Side fighter]
[Select Weapon (New)]
volfied, volfiedj, volfiedjo, volfiedo, volfiedu, volfieduo
gground, ggroundj
[Infinite Time (fix)]
ladykill, moegonta
[Infinite Dive Table (fix)]
shiryu2, strider2, strider2a
[Infinite Time (fix)]
[Invincibility (fix)]
xmcota, xmcotaa, xmcotaar1, xmcotah, xmcotahr1, xmcotaj, xmcotaj1,
xmcotaj2, xmcotaj3, xmcotajr, xmcotar1, xmcotar1d, xmcotau
[Infinite Time (fix)]
1942, 1942a, 1942abl, 1942b, 1942h, 1942p, 1942w
[Select Player Speed]
[Select Shot Speed]
3wonders, 3wondersb, 3wondersh, 3wondersr1, 3wondersu, wonder3
[Select Player]
[Rapid Fire]
[Unlimited Fire]
[Infinite Super Shot]
solarwar, xsleena, xsleenab, xsleenaj
[Select Weapon]
‧ Adding a clone
19xxar1, armwarar1, chelnovjbl, chelnovjbla, froggeram, mariobl, phoenixdal,
sf2ebbl2, sf2ebbl3, sf2m9, sf2mdta, sf2mdtc, shdancbla, skysharka, ssf2r1,
※ raiden2dx has not added cheat because was not working properly
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