(Arcade) FB Alpha v0.2.97.33 - 模擬器

By Una
at 2014-10-23T15:14
at 2014-10-23T15:14
Table of Contents
FB Alpha v0.2.97.33 changelog:
- Added driver for Sand Scorpion (this was actually in last release but
missed the what's new) [iq_132]
- Added hack of Samurai Shodown V to the Neo Geo driver [iq_132, JacKc]
- Fixed collisions in Zero Team, game is now working and enabled in release
builds [gamez fan, dink]
- Note: Zero Team, Raiden II and Raiden DX need the insert-coin button to be
held down a little longer than usual
- Fixed sound in Shaolins Road driver [dink]
- Fixed tilemap scrolling in Shaolins Road driver [barry]
- Fixed service mode in Violent Storm [iq_132]
- Fixed some Megadrive games where PAL auto-detection fails, if you already
have settings saved for these games, then set dips to default in the dialog
(Comix Zone, Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, and Robocop v Termininator)
- Fixed bug with incomplete translation templates [barry]
FB Alpha or FBA as it is commonly known is an emulator of arcade games, that
is, it takes the program code, graphics data, etc., from an original arcade
game and emulates the hardware to make the game run in it's original form. As
far as the game is concerned it is running in it's original cabinet.
FB Alpha is an open-source project and it is programmed by a group of people
known as the FBA Team. Over the years this has comprised of myself,
Jan_Klaassen, KEV, LoopMaster, Mike Haggar, Hyper Yagami and Ayeye. FB Alpha
is based on the original FinalBurn by Dave.
FB Alpha v0.2.97.32 changelog:
- Added proper saving of cpu registers/variables to M6800/6801/6803/HD63701
core [dink]
- Added support for NMK004. Special thanks to Trap15! [Trap15, Haze, iq_132]
- Standardized CPU related functions [iq_132]
- Fixed delta calculation and proper sample size checking in the MSM6295 core,
- fixes missing samples in some NMK004 games (and possibly others) [dink]
- Fixed mixing distortion/crackles in K054539 sound core [dink]
- Improved the quality of the voice samples in the K053260 sound core (The
- Simpsons and possibly other Konami games) [AWJ]
- Added driver for DJ Boy [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Asterix [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Bishi Bashi and Super Bishi Bashi Championship
- Added driver for Konami's Dragonball Z and Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle
hardware [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's G.I. Joe [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Lethal Enforcers [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Mystic Warriors (and other games on the hardware)
- Added driver for Konami's Shaolins Road [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa and Bucky O'Hare
- Added driver for Konami's Yie-Ar Kung Fu [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Xexex [iq_132]
- Added driver for Raiden II, Raiden DX, X Se Dae Quiz and Zero Team [iq_132]
- Added driver for Colecovision games [iq_132, dink]
- Added driver for Sega SG-1000 games [iq_132, dink]
- Added Shogun Warriors and B.Rap Boys to Kaneko16 driver [iq_132]
- Added Candory (James Greenhalgh) to the Pacman driver [iq_132]
- Added bootleg of Street Fighter II - The World Warrior to the Capcom CPS-1
driver [barry, any, JacKc]
- Added bootleg of Varth to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, Caius]
- Added clone of 19XX: The War Against Destiny to the Capcom CPS-2 driver
[system11, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Added clone of Mega Man: The Power Battle to the Capcom CPS-2 driver [Asure,
- Added clone of Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers to the Capcom
CPS-2 driver [palindrome, JacKc]
- Added clone of Secret Agent to the DataEast driver [ShouTime, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
- Added hack of Donkey Kong to the Donkey Kong driver [Clay Cowgill, JacKc]
- Added clone of Fantasia to the Gals Panic [system11, JacKc]
- Added clone of The Simpsons to the Konami Simpsons driver [Ben76, JacKc]
- Added clone of Vendetta to the Konami Vendetta driver [caius, JacKc]
- Added hack of The King Of Fighters '98 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added hack of The King of Fighters '99 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added hack of The King Of Fighters 2000 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Robo Army to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Search Eye to the NMG5 driver [system11, The Dumping Union,
- Added clone of Ms. Pac-Man to the Pacman driver [elnaib (AUMAP), JacKc]
- Added clone of Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan to the PGM driver
[bytestorm, JacKc]
- Added clone of Bonze Adventure (World, Prototype) to the Taito Asuka driver
[Silvio Grazini, iq_132]
- Added clone of Growl to the Taito F2 driver [barry]
- Added clone of Jumping to the Taito Misc driver [barry]
- Added clone of F-1 Dream to the Tiger Road driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Dr. Toppel's Adventure to the TNZS driver [caius, f205v, JacKc]
- Added The Mojon Twins': UWOL Quest for Money to the Megadrive driver [dink]
- Added SMB4MD 1.4.2 aka Super Mario Bros. port to the Megadrive driver [dink]
- Added Atherbyte's Reflectron to the PCEngine driver [dink]
- Added proper protection simulation to 1943 [iq_132]
- Fixed The Irritating Maze [iq_132, JacKc]
- Fixed boblbobl2 [Darq, iq_132]
- Fixed Tail2Nose [iq_132]
- Fixed and tweaked IREM M92 driver to get Ninja Baseball Batman running
perfectly [iq_132, dink]
- Fixed IRQ timing in Mustache Boy, now he runs at the right speed [dink]
- Fixed skewed backgrounds in In the Hunt on IREM M92 [dink]
- Fixed Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA) [csmart, iq_132]
- Fixed Robocop 2 Driving level and sprite offset [iq_132, dink]
- Improvements to Data East's BackFire in single-screen mode [iq_132]
- Konami driver-update - fixed sprite-priority problems and clipping. Added
shadows. Affects Vendetta, Escape Kids, TMNT2 and more [iq_132]
- Fix sprite flipping in the Konami K053247 core [iq_132]
- Fixed text layer in Kotetsu Yousai Strahl [iq_132]
- Fixed flickering score and player status in Sunset Riders [dink]
- Fix statusbar and power-up message clipping in Bioship Paladin [dink]
- NMK16 driver fixups: missing score line in tdragon, hachamfb and VanDyke,
clipped text in Strahl [dink]
- Tweaked the IRQ timing in the NMK16 driver to fix the Life-bar in VanDyke
- Fixed missing top line in the game statusbar for Acrobat Mission, Air Attack,
S.S. Mission (NMK16) [dink]
- Fix and hook-up the seibusound device to the NMK16 bootlegs Thunder Dragon
(tdragonb) and US AAF Mustang (mustangb) [iq_132]
- Fixed missing sound in Galaga and Rally-X [barry]
- Fixed music tempo in Raiden [iq_132, dink]
- Fixed music in Air Duel on IREM M72 Hardware [dink]
- Fixed sound in Dragon Master [iq_132]
- Fixed clicks when firing and slow music tempo in S.S. Mission [dink]
- Fixed Dolmen and Twin Action: sound banking issues (music disappears on
level2+) [dink]
- Fixed occasional hung sound in Green Beret [dink]
- Added proper Seibu Sound device to Toki [iq_132]
- Fixed sound panning in Cyber Tank [dink]
- Updated kof99ae driver to 20140801 version [JacKc]
- Megadrive timing and other improvements [barry, dink]
- Megadrive window drawning fix (missing line in Streets of Rage) [barry]
- Fixed Psy-O-Blade on Megadrive [iq_132]
- Added protection patch for Puggsy on Megadrive [dink]
- Fixed Megadrive Ghouls`n Ghosts (Euro, USA, Kor, Rev. A) (md_ghouls) and
Ghouls`n Ghosts (Euro, USA) (md_ghouls1) [dink]
- Fixed X-Men 2 and Moonwalker on Megadrive [dink, Freddy]
- Fixed Alien Soldier (PAL) on Megadrive won't boot, is wrongly detected as
NTSC [dink]
- Fixed broken reset with some Megadrive games, get rid of the garbage line at
the bottom of the screen [dink]
- PCEngine sound-core and timing improvements [dink, barry]
- Increased screen size by 2 pixels for PCEngine Side-Arms Hyperdyne [dink]
- Fixed savestates for IREM M62 Hardware - Kung-Fu Master, The Battle Road,
- Lode Runner I - IV, LotLot, Kid Niki, Spelunker, Youjyuden and Horizon [dink]
- Fixed savestates for Pac-Land, Sky Kid, Dragon Buster [dink]
- Fixed savestates and Music for Baraduke, Alien Sector and Metro-Cross [dink]
- Added more powerful BurnLoad function for loading roms [iq_132]
- Added Alpha Blending/Transparency support to Neo Geo, CPS-1 and CPS-2 -
- supports Nebula/Kawaks-style blend (.bld) files [iq_132]
- Added user configurable path for blend files and global enable/disable option
- Added a shiny new Auto-Fire feature! [dink]
- Input editor feature: clear input and clear-lock checkbox [dink]
- Added option to disable support folder creation on creation [barry]
- Added default rom paths for consoles to the folder creation startup routine
[JacKc, barry]
- Savestate Undo improvement: display an error message if there is nothing to
be undone, don't undo the last savestate [dink]
- Added ability to input-map Pause, FFWD, Save/Load/Undo States [dink]
- Game selection dialog search box can now search hardware/system text (eg,
NMK) [dink]
- Tidy-up source code fixing compile warnings and portability issues [barry]
- Updated the libpng library to v1.6.13 [Barry]
- Synced sets with MAME 0.155 [barry, JacKc]
FB Alpha v0.2.97.33 changelog:
- Added driver for Sand Scorpion (this was actually in last release but
missed the what's new) [iq_132]
- Added hack of Samurai Shodown V to the Neo Geo driver [iq_132, JacKc]
- Fixed collisions in Zero Team, game is now working and enabled in release
builds [gamez fan, dink]
- Note: Zero Team, Raiden II and Raiden DX need the insert-coin button to be
held down a little longer than usual
- Fixed sound in Shaolins Road driver [dink]
- Fixed tilemap scrolling in Shaolins Road driver [barry]
- Fixed service mode in Violent Storm [iq_132]
- Fixed some Megadrive games where PAL auto-detection fails, if you already
have settings saved for these games, then set dips to default in the dialog
(Comix Zone, Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, and Robocop v Termininator)
- Fixed bug with incomplete translation templates [barry]
FB Alpha or FBA as it is commonly known is an emulator of arcade games, that
is, it takes the program code, graphics data, etc., from an original arcade
game and emulates the hardware to make the game run in it's original form. As
far as the game is concerned it is running in it's original cabinet.
FB Alpha is an open-source project and it is programmed by a group of people
known as the FBA Team. Over the years this has comprised of myself,
Jan_Klaassen, KEV, LoopMaster, Mike Haggar, Hyper Yagami and Ayeye. FB Alpha
is based on the original FinalBurn by Dave.
FB Alpha v0.2.97.32 changelog:
- Added proper saving of cpu registers/variables to M6800/6801/6803/HD63701
core [dink]
- Added support for NMK004. Special thanks to Trap15! [Trap15, Haze, iq_132]
- Standardized CPU related functions [iq_132]
- Fixed delta calculation and proper sample size checking in the MSM6295 core,
- fixes missing samples in some NMK004 games (and possibly others) [dink]
- Fixed mixing distortion/crackles in K054539 sound core [dink]
- Improved the quality of the voice samples in the K053260 sound core (The
- Simpsons and possibly other Konami games) [AWJ]
- Added driver for DJ Boy [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Asterix [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Bishi Bashi and Super Bishi Bashi Championship
- Added driver for Konami's Dragonball Z and Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle
hardware [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's G.I. Joe [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Lethal Enforcers [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Mystic Warriors (and other games on the hardware)
- Added driver for Konami's Shaolins Road [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa and Bucky O'Hare
- Added driver for Konami's Yie-Ar Kung Fu [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami's Xexex [iq_132]
- Added driver for Raiden II, Raiden DX, X Se Dae Quiz and Zero Team [iq_132]
- Added driver for Colecovision games [iq_132, dink]
- Added driver for Sega SG-1000 games [iq_132, dink]
- Added Shogun Warriors and B.Rap Boys to Kaneko16 driver [iq_132]
- Added Candory (James Greenhalgh) to the Pacman driver [iq_132]
- Added bootleg of Street Fighter II - The World Warrior to the Capcom CPS-1
driver [barry, any, JacKc]
- Added bootleg of Varth to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, Caius]
- Added clone of 19XX: The War Against Destiny to the Capcom CPS-2 driver
[system11, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Added clone of Mega Man: The Power Battle to the Capcom CPS-2 driver [Asure,
- Added clone of Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers to the Capcom
CPS-2 driver [palindrome, JacKc]
- Added clone of Secret Agent to the DataEast driver [ShouTime, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
- Added hack of Donkey Kong to the Donkey Kong driver [Clay Cowgill, JacKc]
- Added clone of Fantasia to the Gals Panic [system11, JacKc]
- Added clone of The Simpsons to the Konami Simpsons driver [Ben76, JacKc]
- Added clone of Vendetta to the Konami Vendetta driver [caius, JacKc]
- Added hack of The King Of Fighters '98 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added hack of The King of Fighters '99 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added hack of The King Of Fighters 2000 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Robo Army to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Search Eye to the NMG5 driver [system11, The Dumping Union,
- Added clone of Ms. Pac-Man to the Pacman driver [elnaib (AUMAP), JacKc]
- Added clone of Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan to the PGM driver
[bytestorm, JacKc]
- Added clone of Bonze Adventure (World, Prototype) to the Taito Asuka driver
[Silvio Grazini, iq_132]
- Added clone of Growl to the Taito F2 driver [barry]
- Added clone of Jumping to the Taito Misc driver [barry]
- Added clone of F-1 Dream to the Tiger Road driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Dr. Toppel's Adventure to the TNZS driver [caius, f205v, JacKc]
- Added The Mojon Twins': UWOL Quest for Money to the Megadrive driver [dink]
- Added SMB4MD 1.4.2 aka Super Mario Bros. port to the Megadrive driver [dink]
- Added Atherbyte's Reflectron to the PCEngine driver [dink]
- Added proper protection simulation to 1943 [iq_132]
- Fixed The Irritating Maze [iq_132, JacKc]
- Fixed boblbobl2 [Darq, iq_132]
- Fixed Tail2Nose [iq_132]
- Fixed and tweaked IREM M92 driver to get Ninja Baseball Batman running
perfectly [iq_132, dink]
- Fixed IRQ timing in Mustache Boy, now he runs at the right speed [dink]
- Fixed skewed backgrounds in In the Hunt on IREM M92 [dink]
- Fixed Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA) [csmart, iq_132]
- Fixed Robocop 2 Driving level and sprite offset [iq_132, dink]
- Improvements to Data East's BackFire in single-screen mode [iq_132]
- Konami driver-update - fixed sprite-priority problems and clipping. Added
shadows. Affects Vendetta, Escape Kids, TMNT2 and more [iq_132]
- Fix sprite flipping in the Konami K053247 core [iq_132]
- Fixed text layer in Kotetsu Yousai Strahl [iq_132]
- Fixed flickering score and player status in Sunset Riders [dink]
- Fix statusbar and power-up message clipping in Bioship Paladin [dink]
- NMK16 driver fixups: missing score line in tdragon, hachamfb and VanDyke,
clipped text in Strahl [dink]
- Tweaked the IRQ timing in the NMK16 driver to fix the Life-bar in VanDyke
- Fixed missing top line in the game statusbar for Acrobat Mission, Air Attack,
S.S. Mission (NMK16) [dink]
- Fix and hook-up the seibusound device to the NMK16 bootlegs Thunder Dragon
(tdragonb) and US AAF Mustang (mustangb) [iq_132]
- Fixed missing sound in Galaga and Rally-X [barry]
- Fixed music tempo in Raiden [iq_132, dink]
- Fixed music in Air Duel on IREM M72 Hardware [dink]
- Fixed sound in Dragon Master [iq_132]
- Fixed clicks when firing and slow music tempo in S.S. Mission [dink]
- Fixed Dolmen and Twin Action: sound banking issues (music disappears on
level2+) [dink]
- Fixed occasional hung sound in Green Beret [dink]
- Added proper Seibu Sound device to Toki [iq_132]
- Fixed sound panning in Cyber Tank [dink]
- Updated kof99ae driver to 20140801 version [JacKc]
- Megadrive timing and other improvements [barry, dink]
- Megadrive window drawning fix (missing line in Streets of Rage) [barry]
- Fixed Psy-O-Blade on Megadrive [iq_132]
- Added protection patch for Puggsy on Megadrive [dink]
- Fixed Megadrive Ghouls`n Ghosts (Euro, USA, Kor, Rev. A) (md_ghouls) and
Ghouls`n Ghosts (Euro, USA) (md_ghouls1) [dink]
- Fixed X-Men 2 and Moonwalker on Megadrive [dink, Freddy]
- Fixed Alien Soldier (PAL) on Megadrive won't boot, is wrongly detected as
NTSC [dink]
- Fixed broken reset with some Megadrive games, get rid of the garbage line at
the bottom of the screen [dink]
- PCEngine sound-core and timing improvements [dink, barry]
- Increased screen size by 2 pixels for PCEngine Side-Arms Hyperdyne [dink]
- Fixed savestates for IREM M62 Hardware - Kung-Fu Master, The Battle Road,
- Lode Runner I - IV, LotLot, Kid Niki, Spelunker, Youjyuden and Horizon [dink]
- Fixed savestates for Pac-Land, Sky Kid, Dragon Buster [dink]
- Fixed savestates and Music for Baraduke, Alien Sector and Metro-Cross [dink]
- Added more powerful BurnLoad function for loading roms [iq_132]
- Added Alpha Blending/Transparency support to Neo Geo, CPS-1 and CPS-2 -
- supports Nebula/Kawaks-style blend (.bld) files [iq_132]
- Added user configurable path for blend files and global enable/disable option
- Added a shiny new Auto-Fire feature! [dink]
- Input editor feature: clear input and clear-lock checkbox [dink]
- Added option to disable support folder creation on creation [barry]
- Added default rom paths for consoles to the folder creation startup routine
[JacKc, barry]
- Savestate Undo improvement: display an error message if there is nothing to
be undone, don't undo the last savestate [dink]
- Added ability to input-map Pause, FFWD, Save/Load/Undo States [dink]
- Game selection dialog search box can now search hardware/system text (eg,
NMK) [dink]
- Tidy-up source code fixing compile warnings and portability issues [barry]
- Updated the libpng library to v1.6.13 [Barry]
- Synced sets with MAME 0.155 [barry, JacKc]
All Comments

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at 2014-10-26T14:16
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