VirtualBox 4.0.8 - 模擬器

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-05-17T18:35

Table of Contents

Ubuntu ppa 更新中~ 不過看 Changelog 沒什麼特別的改動

另外問一下有沒有人在 Ubuntu host 裝 Guest addition 的 DirectX driver
會發生當機的? 我是連投影片點全螢幕播放都會把 host 弄掛

VirtualBox 4.0.8 (released 2011-05-16)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

Mac OS X hosts: fixed incompatibility with recent Mac OS X versions in
64-bit mode (bug #8474)
Mac OS X hosts: fixed incompatibility with hosts with more than 16 cores
(bug #8389)
Mac OS X hosts: fixed painting corruptions on a second monitor in 64-bit
mode (bug #7606)
GUI: restored functionality to set an empty host key to disallow any host
key combination (4.0.6 regression; bug #8793)
VBoxManage: added controlvm screenshotpng subcommand for saving the
screenshot of a running VM in PNG format
VBoxHeadless: fixed potential crash during shutdown (Windows hosts only)
NAT: built-in services use the correct Ethernet addresses in Ethernet
header and in ARP requests
Host-only networking: fixed adapter reference counting
E1000: fixed rare guest crashes with Linux SMP guests (bug #8755)
SATA: fixed guest disk corruption under rare circumstances (only relevant
for guests with more than 2GB RAM; bug #8826)
Storage: fixed data corruption after a snapshot was taken with
asynchronous I/O enabled (bug #8498)
Floppy: several improvement
HPET: another fix for time jumps (bug #8707)
USB: removed assumption that string descriptors are null-terminated
(Windows hosts only)
3D support: fixed a potential crash when resizing the guest window
3D support: fixed GNOME 3 rendering under Ubuntu 11.04 and Fedora 15
Snapshots: fixed another bug which could lose entries in the media
registry when restoring a snapshot (bug #8363)
Shared Folders: don't stop mounting the other valid folders if one host
folder is inaccessible (4.0.6 regression)
Linux Additions: check whether gcc and make are installed before building
kernel modules (bug #8795)
Solaris Additions: added support for X.Org Server 1.10
Guest Additions: fixed inappropriate Guest Additions update notification
when using vendor-specific version suffixes (bug #8844)


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Chankast Alpha 0.25玩cdi檔案

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-05-17T12:28
請問各位一下 為什麼我使用Chankast Alpha 0.25 讀取酒精掛載cdi後 都會直接跳到音樂播放那邊 而且每個遊戲都是一樣 到遊戲的選項一直讀不到(一直顯示叫我放入光碟的字樣) 光碟都有正確的讀取到 但被模擬器判定成音樂光碟 請問要怎麼正確的使用Chankast Alpha 0.25玩 ...

(WIP) Roberto Fresca MAME WIP (2011/05/16)

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-05-17T10:49
2011.05.16 Champion Poker (v100)... This time, a new version of Champion Poker (IGS) has arrived thanks to Team Europe. The set is in plai ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-05-17T04:25
最近開始玩神奇寶貝綠寶石版 為了我可愛的胡地........於是開始努力的嚐試連線方法 在下目前只能提供單一電腦的測試及說明..... 連線方式設定: Option → Link → Setting 選single computer 然後Option → Emulator → Pause when ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-05-17T04:23
昨天破了第一次,可是跑出來的模式只有賞金模式(bounty mode) 苦行andamp;致命模式好像要破關兩/三次才會跑出來的樣子.. 所以要玩到致命模式..好像要破三次才可以! = = 請問有沒有直接修改出來的方法? 我在google搜尋了 and#34;異魔2 日版存檔and#34; 下載到 ...

《餓狼傳說(Fatal Fury)》系列歷史回顧 (上篇)

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-05-17T01:19
之前寫的東西,純粹是基於對《餓狼傳說》這個系列作的愛而已。因為我不算是格鬥遊 戲愛好者(我也只是比較擅長《月華劍士》而已),所以著墨這方面的東西時可能不是 很精確或過於鬆散,希望大家別介意,看看就好。 進入主題嘍!如果問我對經典格鬥遊戲的看法,我會相當推崇《餓狼傳說》這個系列作 ;理由有二:其一,《 ...