VirtualBox 2.2 Beta 2 - 模擬器

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-03-28T16:44

Table of Contents

Version 2.2.0 Beta 2 (2009-03-27)
This version is a major update. The following major new features were added:
‧ OVF (Open Virtualization Format) appliance import and export (see chapter
3.8, Importing and exporting virtual machines, page 55)
‧ Host-only networking mode (see chapter 6.7, Host-only networking, page 87)
‧ Hypervisor optimizations with significant performance gains for high
context switching rates
‧ Raised the memory limit for VMs on 64-bit hosts to 16GB
‧ VT-x/AMD-V are enabled by default for newly created virtual machines
‧ USB (OHCI & EHCI) is enabled by default for newly created virtual machines
(Qt GUI only)
‧ Experimental USB support for OpenSolaris hosts
‧ Shared folders for Solaris and OpenSolaris guests
‧ OpenGL 3d acceleration for Linux and Solaris guests (see chapter 4.8,
Hardware 3D acceleration (OpenGL), page 69)
‧ Experimental support for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) hosts running both
the 64-bit and the 32-bit kernel
‧ Added C API in addition to C++, Java, Python and Web Services
In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:
‧ VMM: FreeBSD guest related fix for V86 flags (bug #2342)
‧ VMM: Fixed guru meditation when booting an AsteriskNow Linux VM (bug #2342)
‧ VMM: Fixed PGMPOOLKIND_FREE guru meditation (bugs #3356, #3431)
‧ VMM: Fixed Windows XP boot hang (guest PAE + nested paging only)
‧ VMM: Allow mixing of VT-x/AMD-V and software virtualization
‧ VMM: fixed extremely slow safe mode booting in e.g. Windows 2008
(VTx/AMD-V only)
‧ VMM: significant speedup of certain Grub boot loaders (e.g. Solaris)
(VTx/AMD-V only)
‧ VMM: real-mode IOPL fix for DOS guests (VT-x only)
‧ VMM: fixed VT-x detection with certain BIOSes that enable VT-x, but don’t
set the lock bit in MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL
‧ VMM: fixed hibernation issues on Windows XP hosts (VT-x only; bug #1794)
‧ VMM: properly emulate RDMSR from the TSC MSR, should fix some NetBSD guests
‧ NAT: fixed truncated downloads (ftp) (bug #3257)
‧ NAT: blocked UDP packets caused a crash (bug #3426)
‧ IDE: fixed hard disk upgrade from XML-1.2 settings (bug #1518)
‧ Hard disks: refuse to start the VM if a disk image is not writable
‧ USB: further reduced host CPU utilization for OHCI and EHCI; the“
VBoxInternal/Devices/usbohci/0/Config/FrameRate” CFG key is no longer
necessary and no longer supported
‧ USB: Fixed BSOD on the host with certain USB devices (Windows hosts only;
bug #1654)
‧ E1000: properly handle cable disconnects (bug #3421)
‧ VRDP: fixed hangs when VRDP server is enabled or disabled in runtime
‧ X11 guests: prevented setting the locale in vboxmouse, as this caused
problems with Turkish locales (bug #3563)
‧ X11 guests: show the guest mouse pointer at the right position if the
virtual desktop is larger than the guest resolution (bug #2306)
‧ Linux additions: fixed typo when detecting Xorg 1.6 (bug #3555)
‧ Solaris guests: added xpg4/xcu4 dependency to the guest additions
installer (bug #3524)
‧ Windows guests: bind the VBoxMouse.sys filter driver to the correct guest
pointing device (bug #1324)
‧ Windows hosts: fixed BSOD when starting a VM with enabled host interface
(bug #3414)
‧ Linux hosts: do proper reference counting to prevent unloading the
vboxnetflt module as long as this code is in use (bug #3104)
‧ Linux hosts: do not leave zombies of (bug #3586)
‧ Linux installers: fixes for Slackware, Arch Linux and Linux from Scratch
‧ Windows installers: Combined installer executable which contains both (32-
and 64-bit) architectures.
‧ VBoxManage: less cryptic command-line error messages
‧ VBoxManage: ’list vms’ commands now default to compact format
‧ VBoxManage: ’controlvm dvdattach’ did not work if the image was
‧ VBoxManage showvminfo: don’t spam the release log if the additions don’t
support statistics information (bug #3457)
‧ Hard disks: improved immutable disk support to auto-reset diff file at VM
startup (related to bug #2772)
‧ GUI: enable the audio adapter by default for new VMs
‧ GUI: warn if VT-x/AMD-V is not operational when starting a 64 bits guest
‧ GUI: deactivate 64 bits guest support when the host CPU does not support
‧ GUI: removed floppy icon from the status bar
‧ GUI: show build revision in about dialog
‧ GUI: fixed sticky status bar text
‧ GUI: improved error dialogs
‧ GUI: fail with an appropriate error message when trying to boot a
read-only disk image (bug #1745)
‧ GUI/Mac OS X: fixed disabled close button
‧ 3D support: added opengl select/feedback support (bug #2920)
‧ 3D support: close opengl subsystem for terminated guest applications (bug
‧ 3D support: fixed VM hangs when starting guests with 3D acceleration
enabled (bug #3437)
‧ PXE: fixed boot hangs when hardware virtualization is used (bug #2536)
‧ LsiLogic: fixed problems with Solaris guests


All Comments


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-03-28T15:13
各位板大好 最近想玩PS2-DVD版實況野球15 那也找到了PS2模擬器 可是每次要and#34;執行CD/DVDand#34;都會自動跳進BIOS 然後程式就叫我把記憶卡and#34;初期化and#34; 那我也初期化了 但是第二次過後還是進入BIOS 也叫我初期化 但我已經初期化完畢了 ...

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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-03-28T12:38
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By Xanthe
at 2009-03-28T12:33
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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2009-03-28T06:22
SRW OGs現在可以完美運行了嗎?爬文的結論是戰鬥背景有點問題而已.. 但讓我需要求救的是在戰鬥結束後的畫面..改造機台與存檔那邊.. 左右鍵怎麼會失去作用了..除了改造武器可以用外.. 改造機台.選擇配件.看一些特殊能力的情況下..左右鍵都無法使用.. 這種情況是模擬器的問題還是設定的問題? 另 ...