(Multi Arcade) FB Alpha Megadrive Test - 模擬器

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-03-28T12:50

Table of Contents


A test version of FB Alpha with just the Megadrive games enabled.
There have been significant improvements to the current released
version. The following is a list of the major changes:

- Greatly improved timing

* Changed the YM2612 to use the 68K for timing
since the Z80 can be disabled
* Properly Supported PAL
* Updated the reset routine to support switching
between PAL and NTSC timings

- Changed to MAME's Z80 core - works much better
- Basic SRAM support
- Added support for most games that require special banking, etc.
- General Tidy-up and fix of many small things
- Tested many games and the vast majority work well

I have reopened the database on my web-page to allow users to
update the driver with working status, etc. You need to be
registered on the site and logged in. Click here to enter the
database. Enter the name of the driver you tested (eg, g_soni)
and click Amend. You can see the name of the driver in the
game selection dialog. If you can't see it then enable the Use
Zipnames option.

Once you have clicked the Amend button, you are presented with
a form with the following fields:

- Driver Name (read-only)
- Clone of: this should in most cases be left alone)
- Title: (this should in most cases be left alone)
- Year:
- Manufacturer:
- Number of Players:
- Genre:
- ROM Name: (this should in most cases be left alone)
- ROM Size: (this should in most cases be left alone)
- ROM CRC32: (this should in most cases be left alone)
- Status: (working, not working, gfx/sound problems)
- Init Function: (this should in most cases be left alone)
- Dip Switch Type: (this should in most cases be left alone)
- Notes: (any notes based upon your testing that may help
identify problems) When you have made your changes click

The Megadrive driver that is used in FBA releases is generated
from this database so if you want to see more games added please
use this test release and post your findings in the database.



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莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 求 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投


All Comments


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-03-27T21:24
※ 引述《saend (SAEND)》之銘言: : 我把它找出來了 : 使用GiriGiri 104漢化版配合SSF_009_alpha_R4。 : 解決GiriGiri所有過不去的問題。 : GiriGiri對光3的模擬效果在一般電腦上流暢度上好很多, : 但在模擬第2部和第3部時會在特定地方死當。 : 所 ...

PCSX2 的 iso read block

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-03-27T20:17
因為我的美版 PS2 主機終於壽終正寢了, 爲了想要再度回味 FFX DMC3 等經典遊戲, 開始使用 PS2 模擬器. 我用的是最新版, bios 也都有使用, 但是當我把正版美版 DMC3 的光碟放進去, bios 切換成 USA 的 開始執行都顯示 iso read block也就是無法讀取此光碟. 請 ...

epsxe玩rockman x3出問題

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-03-27T18:18
epsxe1.7.0和1.52都過不去開頭Loading的畫面 底下是我的設定 Vedio plugins: P.E.Op.S. 軟體驅動程式 1.1.18 解析度/色彩: - 640x480 視窗模式 拉伸模式: 0 遞色模式: 0 畫格速度: - FPS 限制: on - 畫格略過: off - F ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2009-03-27T16:10
我想請問一下 我知道這裡是模擬器版 但是我不知道這幾個問題該去哪問 問題一: 我手上有兩片幾乎沒玩過的SFC遊戲 小時後壩壩從日本買給我的 1.and#34;天外魔境ZEROand#34;(盒 書 遊戲) 2.and#34;大貝獸物語一代and#34;(盒 書 遊戲) 這兩款遊戲都不是我喜愛的類型 而 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-03-27T15:37
※ 引述《cLOUDDEAD (喝醉酒的靜雲...)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《caro1ter (卡洛特)》之銘言: : : 最近開始玩 : : 投球還可以 : : 打擊完全不行 : : 長打一支都沒有 都是用偷點失誤 : : 請問要怎麼打擊阿? : : 方向鍵到底要怎麼用呢? : : 另外因為是用模擬器 : ...