VirtualBox 2.0.4 - 模擬器

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-10-24T22:32

Table of Contents

VirtualBox 2.0.4 (released 2008-10-24)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

VMM: better error reporting for VT-x failures
VMM: don’t overflow the release log with PATM messages (bug #1775)
VMM: fixed save state restore in real mode (software virtualization only)
GUI: work around a Qt bug on Mac OS X (bug #2321)
GUI: properly install the Qt4 accessible plugin (bug #629)
SATA: error message when starting a VM with a VMDK connected to a SATA port
(bug #2182)
SATA: fixed Guru mediation when booting OpenSolaris/64; most likely applies
to other guests as well (bug #2292)
Network: don’t crash when changing the adapter link state if no host driver
is attached (bug #2333)
VHD: fixed bug which prevents booting from VHD images bigger than 4GB (bug
VRDP: fixed a repaint problem when the guest resolution was not equal to the
client resolution
Clipboard: don’t crash when host service initialization takes longer than
expected (Linux hosts only; bug #2001)
Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe crash (bug #2212)
Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe memory leak due to a Windows WMI memory leak
(Vista only) (bug #2242)
Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe delays GUI startup
Linux hosts: handle jiffies counter overflow (VM stuck after 300 seconds of
host uptime; bug #2247)
Solaris hosts: fixed host or guest side networking going stale while using
host interface networking (bug #2474)
Solaris hosts: added support for using unplumbed network interfaces and
Crossbow Virtual Network Interfaces (VNICs) with host interface networking
Solaris hosts: reworked threading model improves performance for host
interface networking
Windows additions: fixed crash when accessing deep directory structures in a
shared folder
Windows additions: improved shared folder name resolving (bug #1728)
Windows additions: fixed Windows 2000 shutdown crash (bug #2254)
Windows additions: fixed error code for MoveFile() if the target exists (bug
Linux additions: fixed seek() for files bigger than 2GB (bug #2379)
Linux additions: support Ubuntu 8.10
Linux additions: clipboard fixes (bug #2015)
Web services: improved documentation and fixed example (bug #1642)


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SEGA 音速小子3卡關

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-10-24T22:06 如圖 應該是要往右衝把牆打掉 可是就是衝不掉...不知道為什麼! 第幾關我忘記了... 大概是有個地方繞圈圈會往下衝 下面接的是一個柱子,sonic會左右繞(都有路走) 第一次衝到右邊一樣卡在那,所以我之後往左走 走點路打完boss鑽土機(沒人控)後,一樣 ...

DC 鬥魂列傳4

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-10-24T19:16
※ 引述《BillyJr (Billy Jr.)》之銘言: : 我剛看了一下 Yahoo 跟露天拍賣,都還有四代的新品(初回限定版)的 : 如果你堅持要用模擬器跑,我可以幫忙 dump 成原版 GDI 格式,比較不 : 會有奇怪的問題,dump 大概一小時左右.. 蠻快的就是了 : : ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-10-24T16:16
: 遊戲名稱:三國志英傑傳(Sangokushi Eiketsu Den) : 遊戲類型:R.SLG : 對應平台:Sega Saturn : 遊戲預覽: : h ...

MAME/UI/UIFX32/SDL v0.128u1

David avatar
By David
at 2008-10-24T11:49
SDLMAME v0.128u1 MameUI v128.1 MAMEUIFX32 v0.128u1 http://mame3 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-10-23T21:22
◎.求檔前請先參閱板規,並請依照格式撰寫(本文可用 Ctrl+y 消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:PS 內容陳述:光榮當年的一款SLG加RPG的遊戲 ...