Vba 1.7.2 ReRecording v20.2 & r392 - 模擬器

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-08-23T23:18

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Vba 1.7.2 ReRecording v20.2

GBA emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- this should work exactly like v20 except for having less desynches.

Vba-ReRecording v24 (392)

GBA emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
* fixed the old bug since v20 that GBC games might run more and more slowly
after loading/saving states multiple times, which might also cause desync in
recorded movies.
** this bug affects only v20.0, v20.1 and old v24's (up to and on the two v24 branches, respectively). It does not affect the
other releases.
** it is accordingly recommended for serious players to get rid of their old
savestates of GBC games made with the affected versions.


All Comments

(WIP) Demul WIP - Animal Basket

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-08-23T20:10
(2011/08/22) Demuland#39;a CaH4e3 from the team presented another draft of the screenshots of the emulator. This time itand#39;s a game from t ...

(WIP) DU Updates

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-08-23T20:07
2011.08.22 Penky has been added but it has some issues. Here is an exe that will play it (64-bit version) : http://smitdogg.mameworld.info ...

PCSX2 r4865支援4core以上的CPU

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2011-08-23T19:30
剛剛發現PCSX2 r4865的commit支援多核的CPU了 如果你的CPU是四核以上 大多數的遊戲有10%~100%左右的fps提升 AMD和Intel的CPU速度都有明顯的增長 有興趣的版友可以抓r4865之後的版本 然後在speedhacks上把 MTVU (Multi-Threaded microV ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-08-23T17:11
像mameplus會額外支援解密版 (通常檔名最後會加d) 可是玩起來跟原版沒兩樣 而這些解密版 一個遊戲就要幾十mb 不想下載它 但又想補完 我想請問 為什麼rom會多出解密版?? 一般clone是因應地區 分成美版日版 可是為什麼要多分解密版出來?? 有什麼差別嗎... - ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-08-23T15:05
FC的話,我看這兩個 http://www25.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/121.html 有過關時間,可以推出遊戲長短 不過評論比較少 他就是忠實的過關 http://vivi200x200.blog50.fc2.com/ 這個人的評論比較主觀 不過可以看出這個遊戲的好壞 ...