VBA 1.7.2 rerecording 21 - 模擬器

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-04-12T12:04

Table of Contents


Previous version resolution:

- V21 fixes the emulation bug that v20 did (Echo RAM bug fix).
However, it does so without breaking compatibility with 19.x
- V20 bugs/regressions are not present in v21 (basically v21
takes 19.3 and re-fixed it in a much better way)

New Features:

- Lua scripting implemented! For a listing of lua functions:



- Lag counter implemented

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed 'xn' window size would not reset when clicking on the
option that is already checked.
- Fix for not recording the lag Reduction flag in GBA movies
caused by using Ctrl-key-combos right before opening the
- Fix crash caused by trying to open a file that doesn't exist
and ends with .gba
- Fix crash caused by the sequence "Load movie, use cheat search,
close movie, open new movie, open cheat search"
- Fixed a fatal bug that VBA doesn't clear out SRAM before movie
- Fixed RTC snapshot length problem

Feature enhancements:

- Drag and Drop for movie files
- Merged the movie play and movie record menu items



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All Comments

R.SaGa2-白蟻的恐怖 (サバンナ)

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-04-12T10:10
從下一篇開始就會進入重點與故事核心,所以本篇算是作個喘息。 ………其實是這個地區真的沒什麼可以寫的,連蛋殼和梳子都被人魚戀事件搶走了XD ═════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 感謝幫忙清除禍害 感謝救命之恩 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-04-12T09:40
這幾天看到WII的EMU有長足進步 不禁手癢想來摸一下 想玩玩Final.Fantasy.Crystal.Defenders.R2.WiiWare.JPN.Wiidao 看讀檔那邊那邊是OK(有可以讀WAD的選項) 可是要按PLAY都會說couldand#39;t not recognize ISO ...

(Multi Arcade) MAME 0.130u1

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-04-11T21:01
借個標題問一下,1.30u1之後改變了CHD的格式, 所以必須要用新的CHDMAN把舊的CHD轉換一下, 但是官方網站的binary似乎只到1.30, 所以想問一下哪邊可以拿到1.30u1之後的 chdman.exe -- 該不會一定要自己編吧... - ...

Dolphin SVN R2915

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-04-11T16:51
※ 引述《OPWaug (哼哼)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《OPWaug (哼哼)》之銘言: 2915 http://www.nyleveia.com/daco/down.php?os=32andamp;ver=2915 http://www.nyleveia.com/daco/down.php?os=64a ...

MAME Player v1.10.1

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-04-11T15:50
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/sjr_seh/ 1.10.1 * Fixed: bug if you selected and#39;noand#39; for fastscan. 1.10.0 * Optimised: XML parser. * Added a small ...