MAME Player v1.10.1 - 模擬器

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-04-11T15:50

Table of Contents

* Fixed: bug if you selected 'no' for fastscan.

* Optimised: XML parser.
* Added a small amount of sleep time to shell loop code so verifying roms no
longer uses 100% of your CPU.
* Added a 'Grouped' gamelist view.
* Removed 'Icons' gamelist view (pointless as no icon support).
* Added a Toolbar button to verify selected set.
* Added a 'fast scan' option to skip verifying sets and check for filenames
only. Sets must be split.
This is prompted only for the first run of mame player and after the
detection of a new mame binary CRC.
It saves time as MAME doesn't have to verify sets, but results are not as
accurate as some clone sets don't
have their own file. You can always verify individual sets that you know
are like that (candance). Not recommended for
fast PCs and/or if you want accurate rusults.
* Removed 'Hide Preliminary' menu item.
* Changed: search field text becomes selected on focus.
* Removed BIOS column from the game list.
* Changed: BIOS sets are now hidden from the game list, and won't show in a
* Added menu item 'Show BIOS List'.
* Added coin lockout to options.
* Changed: Picture/History divider now springs to the width of the picture
when the main window is sized horizontally.
Resizing the main window wider at a faster speed will unlock the divider.
* Added: double clicking the area to the left of the snap scrollbar, toggles
the scrollbar's visibilty.
* Added: 'Open History in notepad' menu item (for selected game). Handy if
you play in a window.
* Fixed: game, driver and vector ini files so that they do not include
directory/path options. Having those options
included caused MAME to not see your changed mame.ini paths.
* Removed tick and check icons.
* Added a toolbar button 'Add To Favourites'.
* Changed the behaviour of the toolbar buttons to be more practical.
* Simplified some menu items.
* Added a checkbox to toggle all artwork.
* Fixed: bug in menu items for View...Fullscreen (gamelist) and View...Menu
Bar, where the user had to click twice to
* Changed: Startup video window now has no title bar or menu bar, and doesn't
show in the taskbar. This way it looks
more like a splash screen. Pressing Esc cancels the playback and closes the
* Other stuff I forgot about.


All Comments

Ootake 2.10

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-04-11T15:43 ◇速度とタイミングを、実機の動作に丹念に近づけました。and#34;サイバードッジand#34;で、試合 開始時に画面が化けてしまうことがあった問題(最近のバージョンで発生)が解消しまし た。and#34;プリンスオブペルシャand#34;で、Level ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-04-11T12:05
各位正在為期中考拼命的鄉民們大家好 我想要問的是一個約15年前的大台賽車遊戲 它的操作方式除了方向盤之外 還可以發射飛彈(還是炸彈我忘了) 它跟一般賽車遊戲不同的是 它是在一個2D平面的地圖(像炸彈超人的那種)上繞來繞去 我之前都是在嘉義的舊三商百貨頂樓玩的 線索很少 不知道有沒有人有印象 這 ...

ps 龍魂騎士救世傳說

David avatar
By David
at 2009-04-11T10:30
記得那時候是國中的時候跟同學一起接觸到PS 透過同學介紹開始玩這款遊戲~ 當時就被這款遊戲的畫面以及系統深深吸引~ 除了按了很多次就為了完整發動一次的普通攻擊~ (常常會按不成功然後爆走) 還有帥氣的變身畫面~ (但是到後來為了練功就關掉了~XD) 當時因為是跟同學一起再比進度~ 所以兩個人都 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-04-11T07:06
基於一個惡靈老玩家喜愛惡靈古堡的想法 所以我一直希望能夠蒐集惡靈古堡全系列的遊戲! 目前尚缺少2代的DC版遊戲,偏偏這也是2代所有版本中最完美的一代...(殘念) 我本身已經有DC版惡靈古堡2代的美版、日版、歐版... 我之所以會蒐集那麼多版本,是因為這些版本『通通』都不能再nullDC 103上執行 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-04-11T02:33
之前有上版問一些問題,也很謝謝大家的回答! 小弟我大約一年多以前有玩過SFC的模擬器. 由於我跟家姐是電腦類的白痴,但是又想玩一些兒時的遊戲 我跟姐姐都很要求and#34;實機and#34;接電視玩的感覺 (他愛玩瑪莉歐賽車,我喜歡聖劍傳說類) 所以之前有上網買一兩片超任遊戲來玩,但是卻遇到了 an ...