USB Famicom Controller - 任天堂

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-06-25T19:47

Table of Contents

There are 4 extra buttons not found on the original Famicom controller but
other than that it is almost identical. It was only about $13 US and if I had
had the money on me at the time I would have bought one. The company that
makes it (Buffalo) is very large so I am guessing Nintendo is aware of this
products existence. The fact that it is still on the shelves tells me that
either Nintendo doesn’t mind or that they are too busy with other things to
bother with a lawsuit. Now if only it would work with the USB port on the Wii
it would be perfect.


All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-06-28T22:22
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2007-07-02T22:31


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2007-06-25T19:07
※ [本文轉錄自 Wii 看板] 作者: pokeseason (脆酥豬拔) 看板: Wii 標題: [心得] 米儂!向前走!不走? 時間: Mon Jun 25 19:06:05 2007 都沒人討論這片遊戲 也大概證明了這遊戲的雷片比率是多高了 這片遊戲 連官網都沒說要怎麼玩 實在讓人摸不著頭緒 還 ...

大玉 NGC彈珠遊戲

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-06-25T18:03
這遊戲本來是買給別人玩...結果Wii的光芒太亮眼,大玉就這樣被塵封起來 昨天看不下去把它借來玩玩;玩了一小時卡在第三關過不去 (太難了) 遊戲的玩法是這樣... 彈珠台 = 戰場 開場在地圖下方有一組人開始抬著吊鐘前進,目標是畫面最上方去攻破敵方城門 地圖中間有許多障礙物和機關,要命令士兵去操控裝置以突 ...

What we know Nintendo is bringing to the table in E3

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-06-25T17:54 算是現有情報的彙整, 也有些是小道消息 連結有詳情, 有興趣請自己前往看此討論串 -- ▃▅▄▂ │ Wii ▋\ = _ ̄◣ ╲ ...

Wii助威 任天堂市值打敗新力

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2007-06-25T16:43
【聯合晚報╱編譯范振光╱路透東京電】 日本電玩主機製造廠商任天堂股票市值今天已達到530億美元,不但超越領導電玩市場長 達十年的新力公司,還首度晉身日本市值前十大企業。 東京股市任天堂股價上漲1.5%,成為4萬6150日圓,公司市值達到6.54兆日元 (約530億美 元);新力股價則下跌1.1%至6480 ...

大亂鬥X官網 6/25更新

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-06-25T16:26
6/25更新 角色介紹-Zelda 採用的是TP的設定 只是......沒有拿西洋劍啊XD 看來招式應該都跟前作一樣了 只是差在判定之類的東西可能有變化 - ...