USB Famicom Controller - 任天堂

By Olga
at 2007-06-25T19:47
at 2007-06-25T19:47
Table of Contents
There are 4 extra buttons not found on the original Famicom controller but
other than that it is almost identical. It was only about $13 US and if I had
had the money on me at the time I would have bought one. The company that
makes it (Buffalo) is very large so I am guessing Nintendo is aware of this
products existence. The fact that it is still on the shelves tells me that
either Nintendo doesn’t mind or that they are too busy with other things to
bother with a lawsuit. Now if only it would work with the USB port on the Wii
it would be perfect.
All Comments

By Queena
at 2007-06-28T22:22
at 2007-06-28T22:22

By Emma
at 2007-07-02T22:31
at 2007-07-02T22:31
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