Taito Type X Frontend v0.8.1 Beta - 模擬器

By Candice
at 2011-08-15T23:47
at 2011-08-15T23:47
Table of Contents
Taito Type X Frontend v0.8.1 Beta is released. Taito Type X Frontend is a
small Taito Type X frontend, simple and convenient to use.
The project started as a joke only to reduce the number of icons on my
desktop, and with a bit of work I present to you a small frontend, simple and
convenient to use. Do not expect anything as magnificent, remembering that it
is a BETA version and there is still much work to be done. Test and let your
opinions, over time I will release new versions with improvements.
1 - Extract the program into a new folder. (If it's an update I recommend
that you delete the folder "LoL_Data" or "LoLData" first.)
2 - Open the Frontend, click "Configure" and choose the directories for the
3 - The folder "Roms" is now unnecessary, but for those who want to continue
using old-style frontend It comes preconfigured with them selected.
Just replace the images in the folder "Images", avoid changing the names.
Format: JPG, preferred resolution: 395x222.
Taito Type X Frontend v0.8.1 Beta Changelog:
Beta 0.8.1
- Fixados jogos em modo janela, devido a um bug o DXWND n鉶 aceitava altera珲
es no arquivo INI.
Taito Type X Frontend v0.8.1 Beta is released. Taito Type X Frontend is a
small Taito Type X frontend, simple and convenient to use.
The project started as a joke only to reduce the number of icons on my
desktop, and with a bit of work I present to you a small frontend, simple and
convenient to use. Do not expect anything as magnificent, remembering that it
is a BETA version and there is still much work to be done. Test and let your
opinions, over time I will release new versions with improvements.
1 - Extract the program into a new folder. (If it's an update I recommend
that you delete the folder "LoL_Data" or "LoLData" first.)
2 - Open the Frontend, click "Configure" and choose the directories for the
3 - The folder "Roms" is now unnecessary, but for those who want to continue
using old-style frontend It comes preconfigured with them selected.
Just replace the images in the folder "Images", avoid changing the names.
Format: JPG, preferred resolution: 395x222.
Taito Type X Frontend v0.8.1 Beta Changelog:
Beta 0.8.1
- Fixados jogos em modo janela, devido a um bug o DXWND n鉶 aceitava altera珲
es no arquivo INI.
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