Updated: All Your Base - 模擬器
![Hedda avatar](/img/woman.jpg)
By Hedda
at 2014-02-09T14:54
at 2014-02-09T14:54
Table of Contents
January Sucks, hurrah for February!
‧I've been managing to keep mostly on top of stuff now and have started
to do some "nice to do's", like adding some more cabinet pictures
(specifically dedicated cabinets, not too bothered about kit cabinets
unless they're "special").
‧Added Gremlins and screenshots to Atari System 2 Hardware, thanks to
Stiletto and
‧Added screenshots to BMX Heat on Atari Hard Drivin' Hardware, thanks
‧Added screenshots to Accelerator on Atari System 2 Hardware.
‧Added better screenshots to Beavis and Butthead on 3D0 Prototype
Hardware and changed the description of the game, thanks to Bobby
‧Added Jammin, Hare Scare and Bar Room Baseball to Atari Unknown
1980's Prototypes, thanks to
‧Added better screenshots to Cyber Storm on Unknown 90's Prototype
Hardware, thanks to Bobby Tribble.
‧Added cabinet and screenshot to Missile Command Deluxe on Atari
Unknown 80's Prototype Hardware, thanks to Bobby Tribble.
‧Added cabinet pictures and screenshots to the prototype game
Firebeast/Dragon Master on 6502 Colour Raster Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Star Wars and The Empire Strike Back on
Star Wars Vector Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Gauntlet, Gauntlet 2 and Vindicators PtII
on Gauntlet Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to 720, Accelerator, APB, Championship Sprint,
Paperboy (including a prototype cabinet) and Super Sprint on Atari
System 2 Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, BattleZone,
Bradley Trainer and Lunar Lander on Atari 6502 Vector Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Cloak & Dagger, Cloud 9, Crystal Castles,
Liberator, Return Of The Jedi, Runaway and Sprint 4 on Atari 6502
Colour Raster Hardware.
‧Added cabinet picture to Missile Command on Missile Command Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Black Widow, Gravitar, Major Havoc, Quantum,
Red Baron, Space Duel and Tempest on Atari Vector Hardware.
Data East
‧Added screenshots to Flash Boy/DECO Kid and Geinohjin Sikaku Siken
on DECO Cassette Hardware, thanks to Stiletto
‧Added 18 Challenge Pro Golf as alternate name to Tournament Pro Golf,
combined Burger Time and Hamburger as clones and moved Cook Race to
this as it's a bootleg of Hamburger, all on DECO Cassette Hardware,
thanks to Stiletto.
Konami Bits
‧Moved Spelling Tree/Spelling Bee from Konami Unknown to "Fake, Wrong,
Made Up Games", it was a prototype MSX game, not an arcade game.
Thanks to Stiletto.
‧Added Let's Go Crazy Cross (alternate name to Susume! Taisen Puzzle
Dama) and screenshots to Konami GV Hardware, thanks to Stiletto.
Midway Bits
‧Added Ruins/Relix to Unknown Hardware, thanks to Stiletto.
Namco Bits
‧Added a Namco System 147 Hardware page and moved the new Pac-Man
games to it, thanks to kcerdesk and ecm iam.
‧Added lots of cabinet pictures to Pole Position 1&2 on Pole Position
Sega Bits
‧Added better screenshots to Cool Riders on Sega Unique Hardware.
Taito Bits
‧Added screenshots and cabinet pictures to Space Battleship Yamato and
added the alternate title "Star Blazers" to Taito LG System Hardware,
thanks to Stiletto.
‧Replaced the Sega Attack cabinet with a Taito Attack cabinet (duh) on
Taito Discrete Logic Hardware, thanks to Stiletto.
‧Moved Gunslinger Stratos from Type x3 to Type x2 Hardware, thanks to
‧Added Gunslinger Stratos 2 to Type x3 Hardware.
Other Bits
‧Added screenshots to Happy 6 in 1 and extra title screens to lots of
games on PGM Hardware, thanks to JacKc.
Other Stuff
‧I've just finished Assassins Creed Black Flag, what a great game! I
wasn't into the others but this one really grabbed me, been playing
it on the PS4 and it looks lovely as well (giving my PC a well earned
January Sucks, hurrah for February!
‧I've been managing to keep mostly on top of stuff now and have started
to do some "nice to do's", like adding some more cabinet pictures
(specifically dedicated cabinets, not too bothered about kit cabinets
unless they're "special").
‧Added Gremlins and screenshots to Atari System 2 Hardware, thanks to
Stiletto and
‧Added screenshots to BMX Heat on Atari Hard Drivin' Hardware, thanks
‧Added screenshots to Accelerator on Atari System 2 Hardware.
‧Added better screenshots to Beavis and Butthead on 3D0 Prototype
Hardware and changed the description of the game, thanks to Bobby
‧Added Jammin, Hare Scare and Bar Room Baseball to Atari Unknown
1980's Prototypes, thanks to
‧Added better screenshots to Cyber Storm on Unknown 90's Prototype
Hardware, thanks to Bobby Tribble.
‧Added cabinet and screenshot to Missile Command Deluxe on Atari
Unknown 80's Prototype Hardware, thanks to Bobby Tribble.
‧Added cabinet pictures and screenshots to the prototype game
Firebeast/Dragon Master on 6502 Colour Raster Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Star Wars and The Empire Strike Back on
Star Wars Vector Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Gauntlet, Gauntlet 2 and Vindicators PtII
on Gauntlet Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to 720, Accelerator, APB, Championship Sprint,
Paperboy (including a prototype cabinet) and Super Sprint on Atari
System 2 Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, BattleZone,
Bradley Trainer and Lunar Lander on Atari 6502 Vector Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Cloak & Dagger, Cloud 9, Crystal Castles,
Liberator, Return Of The Jedi, Runaway and Sprint 4 on Atari 6502
Colour Raster Hardware.
‧Added cabinet picture to Missile Command on Missile Command Hardware.
‧Added cabinet pictures to Black Widow, Gravitar, Major Havoc, Quantum,
Red Baron, Space Duel and Tempest on Atari Vector Hardware.
Data East
‧Added screenshots to Flash Boy/DECO Kid and Geinohjin Sikaku Siken
on DECO Cassette Hardware, thanks to Stiletto
‧Added 18 Challenge Pro Golf as alternate name to Tournament Pro Golf,
combined Burger Time and Hamburger as clones and moved Cook Race to
this as it's a bootleg of Hamburger, all on DECO Cassette Hardware,
thanks to Stiletto.
Konami Bits
‧Moved Spelling Tree/Spelling Bee from Konami Unknown to "Fake, Wrong,
Made Up Games", it was a prototype MSX game, not an arcade game.
Thanks to Stiletto.
‧Added Let's Go Crazy Cross (alternate name to Susume! Taisen Puzzle
Dama) and screenshots to Konami GV Hardware, thanks to Stiletto.
Midway Bits
‧Added Ruins/Relix to Unknown Hardware, thanks to Stiletto.
Namco Bits
‧Added a Namco System 147 Hardware page and moved the new Pac-Man
games to it, thanks to kcerdesk and ecm iam.
‧Added lots of cabinet pictures to Pole Position 1&2 on Pole Position
Sega Bits
‧Added better screenshots to Cool Riders on Sega Unique Hardware.
Taito Bits
‧Added screenshots and cabinet pictures to Space Battleship Yamato and
added the alternate title "Star Blazers" to Taito LG System Hardware,
thanks to Stiletto.
‧Replaced the Sega Attack cabinet with a Taito Attack cabinet (duh) on
Taito Discrete Logic Hardware, thanks to Stiletto.
‧Moved Gunslinger Stratos from Type x3 to Type x2 Hardware, thanks to
‧Added Gunslinger Stratos 2 to Type x3 Hardware.
Other Bits
‧Added screenshots to Happy 6 in 1 and extra title screens to lots of
games on PGM Hardware, thanks to JacKc.
Other Stuff
‧I've just finished Assassins Creed Black Flag, what a great game! I
wasn't into the others but this one really grabbed me, been playing
it on the PS4 and it looks lovely as well (giving my PC a well earned
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