SSNES v0.4.1 - 模擬器

By Lucy
at 2011-04-28T12:01
at 2011-04-28T12:01
Table of Contents
SSNES v0.4.1 is released. SSNES is a simple frontend for the libsnes library.
libsnes is the emulator core of bSNES, the most accurate SNES emulator to
date, in library form. The libsnes API has been implemented by SNES9x as
well, allowing multiple different cores to be used for an emulator that
supports libsnes. This enables the possibility of custom front-ends for the
SSNES v0.4.1 Changelog:
- XML cheat support. Supports cheats with same format as bSNES uses.
(Mightymo's database). Badly needs on-screen fonts to scroll through cheats
and stuff
This means that SSNES supports everything libsnes does, as far as I know
(except for RAM monitoring, which is pretty much useless for SSNES' purpose I
- SDL video driver. Not recommended for modern OSes, but is reported to work
quite well on legacy systems (Win9x).
- Forced 16-bit colors support. Can force 16-bit colors for OpenGL and SDL
drivers (see legacy systems).
- Input handling in GUI is slightly improved for multiple controllers. The
GUI is now more verbose on which joypad is used for which player.
- Added a new -D/--detach flag for Win32 users. Using this flag will disable
the ugly DOS console window when launching SSNES from a launcher.
(SSNES-Phoenix does this automatically.)
- Windowed scaling factor now respects the aspect ratio setting, rather than
assuming a hardcoded 4:3 factor. (Width = aspect_ratio * scale_x * 224,
Height = scale_y * 224).
SSNES v0.4.1 is released. SSNES is a simple frontend for the libsnes library.
libsnes is the emulator core of bSNES, the most accurate SNES emulator to
date, in library form. The libsnes API has been implemented by SNES9x as
well, allowing multiple different cores to be used for an emulator that
supports libsnes. This enables the possibility of custom front-ends for the
SSNES v0.4.1 Changelog:
- XML cheat support. Supports cheats with same format as bSNES uses.
(Mightymo's database). Badly needs on-screen fonts to scroll through cheats
and stuff
This means that SSNES supports everything libsnes does, as far as I know
(except for RAM monitoring, which is pretty much useless for SSNES' purpose I
- SDL video driver. Not recommended for modern OSes, but is reported to work
quite well on legacy systems (Win9x).
- Forced 16-bit colors support. Can force 16-bit colors for OpenGL and SDL
drivers (see legacy systems).
- Input handling in GUI is slightly improved for multiple controllers. The
GUI is now more verbose on which joypad is used for which player.
- Added a new -D/--detach flag for Win32 users. Using this flag will disable
the ugly DOS console window when launching SSNES from a launcher.
(SSNES-Phoenix does this automatically.)
- Windowed scaling factor now respects the aspect ratio setting, rather than
assuming a hardcoded 4:3 factor. (Width = aspect_ratio * scale_x * 224,
Height = scale_y * 224).
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