RomVault v1.6.4 - 模擬器

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-04-28T11:55

Table of Contents

RomVault v1.6.4 is released. RomVault is a new rom management tool. RomVault
should be seen as an alternative to clrmame pro with some nice and new
features that could make it perfect for managing large numbers of dats /
collections using less time (one scan vs N dats a time instead of one scan
for each dat) and giving you a nice easy to use GUI.

RomVault v1.6.4 Changelog:

Turns out there where still some problems with the file copy/move code across
drives. So 1.6.4 should now fixed this.
(What does this mean.?)
It means you can now right click on the ToSort directory (in the Dat tree)
and set it to a location on a different drive, and things should all keep


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Common Source Code Project (2011/04/27)

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-04-28T11:52 Common Source Code Project (2011/04/27) is released. This is the common source code archive of my works: * Emu ...

History.dat v1.42

George avatar
By George
at 2011-04-28T11:49 History.dat v1.42 is released. History.dat is a searchable andamp; comprehensive database which provides a WIP list of know ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-04-28T10:38
話說小弟接觸模擬器也好幾年了 最先是念國中的時候 居然看到同學在電腦上打紅白機遊戲 沒有搖桿 就只是用鍵盤也可以打得很爽 讓我看的好驚豔 原來這東西叫作模擬器啊 後來隨著模擬器陸續研發與改良 各式主機幾乎都有了模擬器 於是電腦可以帶給我的娛樂就更多了 只需要準備一個搖桿!! 後來慢慢的收了 ...

PC Twin 超任手把轉接器

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2011-04-28T09:38
蠻古早的東東, 給大家懷舊一下... PC Twin 超任手把轉接器 大宇多功能搖桿卡 JoyMouse - ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-04-28T03:05
好久沒來EMU版發文,之前攻略錄影帶的進度因故耽誤了,先預告一下近日內會有 新東西上線;此外,個人昨晚又挖到一樣東西: 「台灣土製任天堂磁碟片(FDS)對拷機」 圖片請看: 過去任 ...