Soywiz's Psp Emulator (2013/07/28) - 模擬器

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-07-28T22:50

Table of Contents
Soywiz's Psp Emulator (2013/07/28) (r525) is compiled. Soywiz's Psp
Emulator is a PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator, emulator for windows. This
emulator born as a proof of concept of an emulator made in D. Now it's
getting more and more compatible with homebrew, and gaining in features and
speed. The emulator was based in it's first version on great Noxa's C#
pspplayer emulator.

Soywiz's Psp Emulator Changelog:

Updated to .NET 4.5 / Mono 3.x.x
Reimplemented how the CPU dynarec works:
Now generates an AST
Perform some generic optimizations and others related to lwl/lwr that
weren't possible before without the AST.
Adds a new window that allows you to see generated functions as C#, IL, XML
or MIPS/disassembler.
Branch as local optimization
Native calling/jumping/tail calling with dynamic static fields
Optimized jalr in fors, caching repeated calls
syscalls rewritting to normal calls
direct memory access
VFPU completely reimplemented (now most of the instructions are implemented
Faster CSO decoding using the native DeflateStream from .NET 4.5
Huge Speedup related to GPU rendering:
Avoid to write video memory into RAM and then read to the display (now it
copies the framebuffer into the display window without transferring data)
Support for scaling the render target (better quality of 3d games and games
with bigger 2d textures)
Removed the requirement of wavoutput.dll and all that stuff, now it uses
Added initial support for pmf/h264 videos. It is buggy and doesn't play
sound yet. But it is a beggining.
Much more accurate vsync
Lots and lots and zillions of major and minor improvements
Linux notes:

In order to run it in linux, you will need mono >= 3.0 with libgdiplus:

First you have to install a previous version of mono. For example in ubuntu:

apt-get install mono-complete

Then you have to build mono 3.0 and libgdiplus from source:

# libgdiplus 3
apt-get install libcairo-dev libpng12-dev libtiff-dev libgif-dev libjpeg-dev
mv master.tar.gz libgdiplus-3.0.tar.gz
tar xzf libgdiplus-3.0.tar.gz
cd libgdiplus-master
./ && ./configure && make && sudo make install

# mono 3.2
tar -xjf mono-3.2.0.tar.bz2
cd mono-3.2.0
./configure && make && sudo make install

田口 213球 19奪三振 13被安打 5四死球
山岡 163球 15奪三振 1被安打 3四死球


All Comments

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-07-29T08:43

DOSBox SVN Daum builds Jul. 25. 2013

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-07-27T22:24 Last updated Jul. 25. 2013 1. UPDATE: Based on SVN r3833 2. UPDATE: Direct3D (gulikoza) - add inputDims to shader - support forc ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2013-07-27T17:11
其實第一次到模擬器板來 不知道發在這邊有沒有問題 若有不當請告知 -----分隔線----- 我個人以前在電腦上玩gba的時候使用 VBA(VisualBoyAdvance) v.1.7.2 在android上則是使用 GameBoid 最近開始重新玩神奇寶貝紅寶石 為了連線跟加速練等(電腦用起來比較順 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-07-27T14:13
●ファイナルファンタジーIV 主人公たちを救うため、まだ子供のパロムとポロムが犠牲になって自らを 石化したシーン。(29歳/男性) このイベントは複数の人から回答がありました。「自分を犠牲にして主人 公を助けるというのは心にキますよね。 ●幻想水滸伝2 三度目の正直で見たベストエン ...

SFC 海格力斯的榮光3 諸神的沉默

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-07-27T06:18
絕對不要看維基百科的日文版(完全捏光,我玩完之後看到有點傻...) 我是從名作・良作Wiki上看到這部SFC時代的隱藏之名作 聽說除了劇情跟音樂以外其他幾乎都是中等以下, 要說的話遇敵率算是蠻高的,加上主角走得慢, 最後期才能拿到天馬,用沒幾次就進結局了 加上裡面的裝 ...

用PCSX2 V1.0.0 模擬FF12,字體模糊

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-07-26T22:20
i5 2400 獨立顯示卡 基本跑遊戲很順,惟就是選單和2D圖樣的字體模糊 請問要怎麼設定才能改善呢? - ...